2nd October 2017
The children have completed their first full week in Reception…….well done to them, and to you as parents. They have settled incredibly well and we have had many comments from Miss De Saules on how impressed she is with how happy and engaged the children are!
We are continuing to use the school “Good to be Green” policy to promote good behaviour and are encouraging the children to work towards achieving their reward badges. We completed our class charter last week and all agreed on how we want to be treated and how we should treat others. We all drew round our hands and have made a display showing us all holding hands together.
Lunch time is going very well, the children have adapted to the routine really well….congratulations to them as this is a huge achievement for them.
Can we ask that you collect Reception children before siblings at the school as they get anxious waiting to be collected if they are last.
Our topic for this half term is “All About Me” to coincide with starting school, and work will centre around this. This week we are looking at “My Family”
Book of the week Owl Babies by Martin Waddell.
Look for shapes in the environment and draw or take photos of them. Write a label for each shape.
Learning for this week
Maths. We will be introducing/revising counting to 10 and number recognition to 10.
Literacy. We will be story mapping Owl babies and making characters and masks from the story.
PE. Dressing/undressing independently. Listening to instruction.
Getting changed for PE on Friday there are still many children who do not have their uniform or kit named. Please ensure that all uniform, including P.E. Kits, coats and bookbags are named, as this helps prevent loss of belongings. Also children should have a water bottle in school every day (plain water only please).
The doors from the outdoor area and from the school are to remain closed until Reception staff open them at 8.50 am and 3.30 pm. This is to ensure the safety of your children.
Thank you to those who attended our 2 Parent Information meetings on Wednesday, it was good to see so many parents there. We hope you found the meetings valuable. We will also be holding phonic, maths and writing workshops, dates to be confirmed.
Important dates
Date TBC Parent’s Phonic Workshops
11th and 19th October 2017 Parent’s Evenings
23rd to 27th October 2017 Half Term
20th December 2017 End of Term