Summer 2 Week 5

Week beginning 3rd July 2017

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”10″ border_color=”#e3f50f” ]Dear Parents/Carers of Grosvenor class

We wish to thank you for your understanding during Mrs Keer leave of absence due to ill health. Miss Kowalczyk, who is an experienced Early Years practitioner, has been covering Grosvenor class during this time. The children have responded well to Miss Kowalczyk and together with Miss Dale they have ensured that your children continue to have high quality learning experiences in their Reception year. Miss Pillay, our Early Years Lead, has also worked to ensure consistency between the two Reception classes so that both classes can enjoy the same experiences.

I am sure you will join us in wishing Mrs Keer well during her recovery.

Kind Regards,

Mr J. Robinson

Headteacher [/dropshadowbox]

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#56f3e6″ border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]IMPORTANT DATES

Tuesday 4th July – visit to Croydon Central Library

Friday 14th July – Reception Sports Day (at school)

Monday 17th July- trip to Lloyd Park [/dropshadowbox]

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”15″ border_color=”#5f3bf4″ ]HOMEWORK (sent out on Fridays and due back on Mondays)

30th June 2017

People who help us

Can you find or draw pictures of people who help us?

  • example: police, fire fighters, nurses, etc.

Can you write a few sentences to say how they help us?


[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”15″ border_color=”#80f652″ ]THIS WEEK’S LEARNING

TOPIC: Summer’s here!

This week’s theme: The weather

Book Focus: A range of fiction and non-fiction books related to our theme


This week we will be exploring several opportunities for cross curricular learning using our book focus as stimulus for discussion.

• We will review the children’s understanding of number, focusing on the concept of subtraction.

• We will talk about different types of weather, exploring related vocabulary and developing their understanding of the four seasons.

• The children will continue to monitor the growth of their plants, taking responsibility for caring for them and making observations of any changes. We will also explore the different parts of plants that we eat.

• The children have really enjoyed discussing the changes in themselves as they have grown up. Thank you for sending in their baby photos.


The children continue to work in groups for Phonics securing their recognition of Phase 3 sounds and skills for blending decodable words accurately. Phonics lessons also focus on teaching children the skills for reading and writing simple sentences. Some of the groups have started learning the Phase 4 skills for reading words containing 4 or more sounds.


During guided group reading sessions the children are working on key skills for reading such as finger pointing under each word to keep track of words; using picture clues and sound blending to decode unfamiliar words. We are also assessing children’s understanding of what they have read. We will also encourage children to use their ‘storyteller voice’ when they read, using expression and taking notice of basic punctuation such as full stops, question marks and exclamation marks.


Please continue to write a comment in your child’s yellow reading diary and let us know how they are getting on with their reading at home. Please ensure that books are in book bags everyday. [/dropshadowbox]

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”raised” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#b1fca6″ border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]PHONICS FOCUS:

Now that the children can read, we are teaching them strategies for reading longer words. One of these strategies is known as chunking. Please use the following video to practise at home:[/dropshadowbox]