4th December 2017

Thank you once again for supporting our bake sale last Friday, for your contributions, manning the sale and buying the cakes. We raised £108.10 on Friday bringing our total to £273.50. Just £126.50 to go to reach our £400 goal!

Our topic for this half term is Light and Dark and our learning will be linked to this theme where possible.

Book of the week Non fiction space themed books


Homework on Friday:

The solar system

Early morning work. We will continue with early morning work, practising writing their names using a capital letter followed by lower case letters and writing cvc words learnt in phonics using correct letter formation.

Learning for this week

Maths. We will be matching numeral to quantity using concrete and pictorial examples. Congratulations to those children who have achieved their number stars 1 and 2.

Phonics. The children have now learnt all the sounds in Phase 2 of their Phonics learning. Over the next few weeks we will teach assisted blending to support their ability to read short decodable cvc words. The children have also learnt the first 5 high frequency/tricky words (I, the, to, go, no). We will continue with teaching the Phase 3 sounds later this term.

We will now send home daily decoding homework to support your child with learning to blend sounds to read short cvc words. Please help your child by listening to them as they practise reading the sounds and words using their phonic knowledge. Help them to point under each sound as they say each sound, then sweep their finger across the word as they blend to decode the word. Please keep these sheets at home

Role Play/UW. For the last 2 weeks of term we will turn our role play area into a doctors surgery as the children have requested this.

EAD. We will continue practicing our Christmas songs for our Christmas performance. Please use the link below to help your child practice our songs.

Our class post box will be available from Monday 4th December for children to post their Christmas cards.


We are planning on using natural resources in our learning in the Spring term. If anyone has any shells, corks, pine cones, buttons etc they don’t need we would be grateful of them. We are also collecting pairs of socks!

Also if you are having a clear out before Christmas and have any Duplo no longer being used we would love to top up our limited supply.

Important dates

1st, 4th, 5th, 6th December Book fair. 3.30 to 3.50 in the school hall.

9th December FOH Christmas Fair 11am to 3pm.

12th December Reception Christmas Performance 9.30 am.

15th December Christmas lunch and Christmas jumper day

20th December 2017 End of Term

3rd January 2018 School open