Week Beginning 5th March 2018

Thank you for your understanding about last week’s parent meetings being cancelled due to the weather. We will keep you updated about how to rearrange your appointments. 
CONGRATULATIONS to Hungerford Class who won the KS1 award for highest participation in the NSPCC fundraiser. We had the most sponsorship forms handed back in and appreciate your support.

This week we will be covering the following learning objectives in:


The children will be writing their own independent non-fiction book based on Dr Xargle’s. We will be focusing on editing and up-levelling our work to make corrections and improvements.


We are still really enjoying Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White

We will also be doing some focused work using Key Stage 1 SAT style questions as a whole class in preparation for May.

Phonics/ SPaG

This week we will be focusing on adding suffixes to verbs.


We will be finishing our work on division this week.


Due to the snowy weather we did not have a Zippy’s Friends session last week. The children had been inside for most of the week and we felt that they wouldn’t have been as focused as we would have liked. Please speak to your child about these sessions (which always take place on a Thursday afternoon).


We are going to be doing athletics on a Monday and doing circuit training on Thursdays.


We are looking at food chains and are hoping to make our own food chain collages. Please see the examples below.



We will be doing some work on Florence Nightingale and how she implemented changes in healthcare.