
We have come to the end of our work on Leon and the Place Between and are really impressed with the standard of writing the children have produced.

Next, we will be moving onto a ‘beating the monster’ story. This unit will be based on Hansel and Gretel and we will be using the video below as a stimulus for our writing.

Please check back here tomorrow to see some exciting photos of our first related activity…!



SPaG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar)

We are focusing on contraction spellings this week.

We will also be focusing on using adjectives to create expanded noun phrases as part of our work on character descriptions.


We are still enjoying reading Fantastic Mr Fox as a class.


This week we are starting a new unit on addition & subtraction. There will be a big focus on number bonds:

  • number bonds for 10
  • number bonds for numbers up to 20
  • number bonds of 20

We will be learning about fact families e.g. how numbers are related. If I know that 3+17=20 then I also know 17+3=20, 20-17=3 and 20-3=17. We will be using bar models to understand this concept.

There is also a big focus on using inverse relationships to check calculations.


We will be doing some work on ‘The Circus’ to fit in with our key text.


We are going to learn about Amy Johnson, a local historical figure.


We will be looking at materials and their properties this half term.


Monday afternoon- ball skills.

(Slot to be confirmed) – Real PE.