Week beginning 18th September 2017

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Our first week in Grosvenor Class went really well, the children have all settled and seem very happy at “big school”. They are learning the rules and routines, and although it is a lot for them to take in they are coping well.

We introduced the school “Good to be Green” policy on Friday and will be using this as a positive incentive for following the rules. You will get more information on this at our “Introduction for Reception Parents” meeting next week.

The children are very excited about staying for lunch next week for 3 days, we have done a run through with them to introduce the ladies who serve lunch and familiarise them with the routine for lunch times. We will all be on hand for the next few weeks at lunch to help during the settling in period. Please see below for all timings next week.

Thank you again for bearing with us over this 2 week period, as a Reception Team we feel the staggered intake is extremely beneficial to your children and gives us a chance to settle them and get to know them really well.

Our topic for this half term is “All About Me” to coincide with starting school, and work will centre around this.

Book of the week Harry and the Dinosaurs go to School by Ian Whybrow.

The children all have their own peg now for coats, P.E. bags etc. Please ensure that all uniform, including P.E. Kits, coats and bookbags are named, as this helps prevent loss of belongings. Also children should have a water bottle in school every day (plain water only please).

Once the children are settled we will begin P.E. lessons and will advise you of days nearer the time.

If you haven’t yet returned the paperwork from your Reception pack can we ask that you do so by Friday 22nd September. (Information for my Reception Teacher booklet, pink technology questionaire, yellow Reception fund contribution).

Finally we want the transition into Reception to go as smoothly as possible so don’t hesitate to ask myself or Miss Dale if you have any questions.



DAYS Monday

18th September


19th September


20th September


21st September


22nd September

START 10.00am 10.00am 09.00am 09.00am 09.00am
  Lunch provided Lunch provided NO lunch provided NO lunch provided Lunch provided
FINISH 12.45pm 12.45pm 11.00am 11.00am 1.30pm



DAYS Monday

18th September


19th September


20th September


21st September


22nd September

START 1.45pm 1.45pm 12.30pm 12.30pm 09.00am
  NO lunch provided NO lunch provided Lunch provided Lunch provided Lunch provided
FINISH 3.30pm 3.30pm 3.00pm 3.00pm 1.30pm


Important dates

25th September 2017 Reception children full time

27th September 2017 Introduction to Reception Meeting for Parents

4th October 2017 Parent’s Phonic Workshops

11th and 19th October 2017 Parent’s Evenings

23rd to 27th October 2017 Half Term

20th December 2017 End of Term