This short guide provides tips on how to support children preparing for, or going through, the transition to secondary school.  

It includes guidance which explains why the transition can be difficult for some children, and practical advice such as talking and connecting with the new school, as well as suggested resources that children and parents and carers may find useful.

Please click on the link below to access the guide.

How can we talk to children about ADHD?

   Supporting a child to understand his/her ADHD diagnosis can be very daunting.

The UK ADHD Foundation has put together a fantastic resource aimed at helping children understanding what ADHD is all about. It is a booklet with many activities designed like a detective story.

You can access the booklet from the link below :

Week Beginning 5.12.22

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Literacy Core Text: The Jolly Christmas Postman

Phonics: Reading Books for all groups will be changed on Monday this week. Please return reading books and yellow diaries so your child may receive their next book from their Phonics group teacher.

Maths: We are going to be learning to compare quantities of objects.

Programming: We are very excited to announce that this week we are exploring programming in the classroom. The children are going to be creating algorithms to programme their teachers and friends.

RHE: The children’s RHE unit has come to a successful end this week. We are going to be recapping the learning done over the half-term and celebrating our growth. The children have done fantastically well in grasping concepts such as bullying, differences and respect.

PE: PE lesson focus as follows:

  • Thursday – Dynamic and Static balance
  • Friday – Gymnastics – Creating shapes using equipment.[/dropshadowbox]

Week beginning 21.11.2022 – Lambeth & Vauxhall

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Literacy Core Text: How to be a Viking

Phonics: Reading Books for all groups will be changed on Monday this week. Please return reading books and yellow diaries so your child may receive their next book from their Phonics group teacher.

Maths: We are going to be comparing numbers this week. Children will be exploring different ways in which they can represent numbers.

History: We will be looking at the history of Howard Primary School and how it has changed over the years.

RHE: The children will continue to look at ‘bullying’. This week there will be a specific focus on how to ‘deal with’ and or ‘handle’ bullying taking place in a school setting.

PE: PE lesson focus as follows:

  • Thursday – Dynamic and Static balance
  • Friday – Gymnastics – Creating shapes using equipment


A Xmas break social story

A Christmas social story by AgentSENCO to support neurodiverse children and help them learn to self regulate at a time when new routines might be a challenge.

Week beginning 6th December 2021

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#faeaa6″ border_width=”20″ border_color=”#db114e” ]


TOPIC: Christmas/light and dark


Focus Book: Stickman by Julia Donaldson

Group Phonics: Check Google Classroom for Group Phonics homework

MATHS – Mastering Number: 

  • investigate ways to compose and de-compose sets of 3/4/5
  • use spatial language to describe the shapes
  • explain that different parts can make the same whole.


PSED:  I know which words to use to stand up for myself when someone says or does something unkind

EAD:  Make Christmas related crafts and practise Christmas songs

UW:  To discuss the Christmas story and why Christians celebrate Christmas.


Week beginning 29th November 2021

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#fceecd” border_width=”20″ border_color=”#f2a960″ ]


TOPIC: Christmas/light and dark


Focus Book: Stickman by Julia Donaldson

Group Phonics: Check Google Classroom for Group Phonics homework

MATHS – Mastering Number: 

  • Composition of number
  • identify the ‘whole’ when shown 1 part of a familiar object
  • hear the language of ‘whole’ and ‘parts’
  • investigate ways to compose and de-compose sets of 2 and 3
  • know that 1 and 2 are parts of 3.

PSED:  To identify what makes a good friend and how to be one

EAD:  Make Christmas related crafts and practise Christmas songs

UW:  To discuss the Christmas story and why Christians celebrate Christmas. To begin our advent calendar



Week Beginning 15th November

This week our learning will be as follows;

  • In mathematics we will be learning to group 1000 into 500, 250 or 200 that are commonly used in graphs and measures.
  • In English we will start a new unit of work around the Ice Palace by Robert Swindells.
  • In science we will continue to learn about digestion.
  • Our blocked foundation subject this week will be Music. We will work on composition, based on the environment, and explore sounds.

This week both year 4 classes will do PE on Tuesday.  Southwark Class will also swim on Tuesday and Millenium Class will do PE on Friday.

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#f4f530″ border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]On Wednesday morning we will go to the cinema to see Boss Baby 2. We will be leaving after registration, so it is important that all children are at school on time. We will be back in time for lunch.[/dropshadowbox]


Week beginning 1st November 2021

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#fcf5d0″ border_width=”20″ border_color=”#f490b1″ ]



  • Focus Book: Whatever Next by Jill Murphy
  • Group Phonics: The children have been grouped and will be taught in groups that match they pace at which they are learning. Each group will be taught by a member of the Reception Team to focus on the following:

Mrs Edgeler: speedy recognition of all Set 1 single letter sounds and developing oral blending

Mrs Keer & Mrs Rajani: speedy recognition of all Set 1 single letter sounds and developing oral blending

Miss Pillay: speedy recognition of all Set 1 sounds and learning to blend with fluency

Mrs Begum: speedy recognition of all Set 1 sounds, reading and spelling words

 MATHS – Mastering Number: 

Children will:

  • Subitise arrangements of 2 and 3
  • Practice making 2 and 3 with their fingers
  • Subitise auditory patterns up to 3
  • Identify when a small quantity is rearranged or the quantity changed
  • Show small quantities with their fingers
  • Use positional language to describe patterns of 4
  • Make patterns showing 4

PSED: To develop strategies to solve everyday problems independently.

EAD: creating and making representations of their learning about the different celebrations this week.


Week Beginning 18th October

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#e2ed1e” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]This week is the last week of the half term. The children have worked really hard this term and we hope everyone enjoys the half term break.[/dropshadowbox]

This week our learning will be as follows;

  • In mathematics we will round numbers to the nearest 100 and the nearest 10.
  • In English we will write a diary entry in role as Ahmet from The Boy at the Back of the Class.
  • In science we will complete our investigation of sound by making musical instruments.
  • In RE we will continue with our Challenge Unit “Why do you judge me.” This week we will be thinking about Black History Month and learning about Doreen and Neville Lawrence and their fight for justice for their son Stephen.

Southwark Class will do PE on Wednesday and Thursday and Millenium Class on Wednesday and Friday. Children should wear PE kit on those days.  There will be no swimming this week due to the closure of Whitgift School for half term.

Please could the children bring in small boxes for making musical instruments in science.

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#e8f622″ border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]We are looking forward to seeing parents on School Cloud this week. Please make your appointment if you have not already done so.[/dropshadowbox]