Week Beginning 7th October
The children really enjoyed their cross country run in Duppas Hill Park on Thursday. Thank you to all the parents who came to help.
This week our learning will be as follows;
- In Mathematics we will learn to carry out addition calculations using formal written methods.
- In English we will learn about the features of instruction writing.
- In science we will compare the strength of different magnets.
- In history we will learn about the origins of farming.
- In RE we will learn about Hindu sacred books.
[dropshadowbox align=”center” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#16c721″ border_width=”10″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]We are looking forward to our visits to Get Fired this week. Waterloo will visit on 10th October and Blackfriars on 11th October. We are also looking forward to our Stone Age dress up day on 18th October.[/dropshadowbox]
week beginning 15th July 2019
[dropshadowbox align="none" effect="lifted-both" width="auto" height="" background_color="#ffffff" border_width="20" border_color="#29d137" ]Dear Parents, Carers
We would like to invite you to join us at our Reception Sports Day on Tuesday 16th July. Please send your child dressed in their PE kit on Tuesday. They will not need their bookbags or uniforms on Tuesday. School lunch will be provided for the children at 12.00.
The school gate on Dering Road will open at 10.15am for parent entry. Reception Sports Day is organised and led by trained Year 6 pupils who will lead the children around a circuit of activities arranged around the Key Stage 1 and 2 playgrounds. So when you arrive, please ask a member of staff or Year 6 sports leader to locate the activity station where your child will be. Please follow your child’s colour group around the circuit of activities and help cheer them on. Reception Sports Day will end at approximately 11.45 and we will gather together to congratulate the children.
At Reception Sports Day all children are winners because they all take part. We encourage all parents to support this ethos as the children develop their understanding of good sportsmanship. You may say a quick goodbye and congratulations to your child before we lead them off to lunch at 12.00. We hope you enjoy the morning with us.
Thank you for returning reading books and yellow diaries. We will continue to check word lists until the end of the week. If your child has not completed all 24 lists, they will continue with these into Year 1.
You can expect to receive your child’s end of year school report by Wednesday, 17th July. You will also be informed about your child's Year 1 class teacher via the school report. If you have any questions about your child's report please attend our drop-in session on Thursday 18th July from 3.40pm – 5.40pm
Kind Regards
Miss Pillay
[dropshadowbox align="none" effect="lifted-both" width="auto" height="" background_color="#ffffff" border_width="20" border_color="#f65af6" ]CLASS MESSAGES
Chelsea Class: Thursday 18th July will be Mrs Crooks final day with the class so please join me in thanking her for all her wonderful work with Chelsea Class this year.
Grosvenor Class: Miss Kowalczyk is currently on maternity leave and the class is being covered by Mrs Keer and Miss Dale. Miss Kowalczyk will be available for the parent drop-in session on Thursday and will also be in school on last day 23rd July to bid farewell to Grosvenor Class. Please join me in wishing her well during her leave and thanking her for all her work with Grosvenor Class this year.
[dropshadowbox align="none" effect="lifted-both" width="auto" height="" background_color="#ffffff" border_width="20" border_color="#5af3f6" ]HOMEWORK:
Favourite sea creature sea
Draw a picture of your favourite sea creature and write a few facts about it
WORD LISTS: last day for checking word lists will be Friday 19th July 2019. Word lists will continue to be checked in Year 1 for those who have not completed up to List 24.
[dropshadowbox align="none" effect="lifted-both" width="auto" height="" background_color="#ffffff" border_width="20" border_color="#615af6" ]IMPORTANT DATES:
Tuesday, 16th July 2019: Reception Sports Day
Thursday, 18th July: Parent drop-in session from 3.40 – 5.40pm
Reception children to meet their Year 1 class teacher
Tuesday 23rd July: Last day of school for children
Thursday 5th September 2019: Children return to school to start in Year 1 at 8.50am.
Week beginning 15th July, 2019
Last day of the term is 23rd July 2019.
Congratulations to our Mathletics Champions!
Super Mathlete
Lambeth Class : Nicole – 3806 points and Faris- 3806 points
Vauxhall Class : Aalliyah- 4471 Points and – Michelle- 4340 Points.
Silver Award
Lambeth Class : Brooke and Japdeep
Vauxhall Class: Mila and Micah
Bronze Award
Lambeth Class : Nicole, Nathan, Yacoob, Isaiah, Sackena, Zayna, Adoma, Faris, Deyan, Comella, Ryan and Jayden
Vauxhall Class : Oliver, Reluwane, Leon, Shun Ming, Isabella, Elizabeth, Aalliyah, Michelle and Amelia-Rose.
Children will use their own story plan to write a familiar story. Then they will edit their work.
Children will revisit Time.
Children will use what they have learnt from the interactive workshop of toys and household objects from the past – e.g. mangle, chamber pot, carpet beater, teddy bears, wooden toys… to make comparisons to modern life.
Children will observe seasonal changes ‘Summer’ and describe weather patterns, plants, animals and understand how day length varies as well as leisure activities.
Children will name, locate and identify characteristics of the 4 countries and capital cities of the United Kingdom and its surrounding seas on Maps-Atlas work.
Children will use their understanding of the work of Andy Goldsworthy to make their own nature sculptures. Please send in twigs, shells, leaves, flowers and anything natural.
Children will design and make their own puppet as well as evaluate their work. They will learn to use a range of media and develop skills.
Children will continue to develop their skipping skills. The will develop an understanding of safe landing while jumping and skipping. They will also master core strength with a range of balances.
Children will learn to talk about their feelings. Discussion about relationships and changes.
Children will develop their understanding about the basic principles of Islam.
Home work:
Please create a poster about what you have enjoyed learning in Year l.
Please hand it in by Wednesday 17th July, 2019
Please continue …
*Reading daily to develop fluency and comprehension skills.
*Play phonic games on Phonics Play / Starfall Phonics
https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/freeIndex.htm http://more.starfall.com/?t=253552593&y=1
Reading : https://www.starfall.com/h/im-reading/
Week beginning 8th July 2019
[dropshadowbox align="none" effect="lifted-both" width="auto" height="" background_color="#ffffff" border_width="20" border_color="#3847fa" ]Dear Parents, Carers
As we approach the end of term, there will be transition events for you and your children over the next few days to prepare for their transition to Year 1 in September. Please note that your child's Year 1 class teachers have not been assigned yet. However the children and you will have an opportunity to meet both current Year 1 teachers in due course to find out what to expect in Year 1. You will be contacted in due course about dates for these.
Also, please note that with only two and a half weeks to go until the end of your child’s year in Reception, we will not be issuing any further reading books this week. Instead, reading books and yellow diaries will be collected on group reading days. Please also check if you have any other outstanding reading books at home.
We will continue to check word lists until the end of next week (last day Fri 19th July). If your child has not completed all 24 lists, they will continue with these into Year 1. Thank you for your overwhelming support with practising with your children to achieve their animal word certificates this year. It has been wonderful to see the positive impact it has had on their progress with reading.
Kind Regards,
Miss Pillay [/dropshadowbox]
[dropshadowbox align="none" effect="lifted-both" width="auto" height="" background_color="#ffffff" border_width="20" border_color="#72f8a6" ]THIS WEEK’S LEARNING:
SUMMER TERM 2 TOPIC: Summer’s Here
THEME: Under the sea
Book Focus: A selection of non-fiction books about sea creatures
This week the children will continue learning about the wide range of creatures that can be found under the sea.
Phonics: Whole class phonics sessions and assessments
PSED- Personal, Social, Emotional Development: We will be talking about changes and what to expect when the children are in Year 1. The children will have a tour of the Year 1 classes and an assembly with both current Year 1 teachers this week. [/dropshadowbox]
[dropshadowbox align="none" effect="lifted-both" width="auto" height="" background_color="#ffffff" border_width="20" border_color="#f872d5" ]HOMEWORK: Please accept our apologies for not sending out homework on Friday. Homework will be sent out on Monday and due back by Thursday. The final homework for Reception will be sent out on Friday 19th July.
READING BOOKS: Will be collected on group days. No new books will be issued
WORD LISTS: We will continue checking word lists on group days until the end of next week (last day for word lists: Friday 19th July)[/dropshadowbox]
[dropshadowbox align="none" effect="lifted-both" width="auto" height="" background_color="#ffffff" border_width="20" border_color="#fdfe68" ]IMPORTANT DATES:
Tuesday, 16th July 2019: Reception Sports Day Starts at 10.30am - 12.00pm.
Thursday, 18th July 2019: Optional parent drop in sessions. Please note that there are no fixed appointments. Your child’s end of year school report should provide a full description of their year with us. However, if you would like to discuss anything further, please attend the drop-in session. [/dropshadowbox]
Year Four Weekly Blog 10th June 2019
Thank you for all your support cheering your children on at Sports Day. What a fantastic day!
This week year four will be learning:
Literacy-This week we will be learning about successful opening to narrative stories and using inverted commas in writing.
Maths-We will be learning about types of angles including obtuse, acute and right-angles. as well as identifying angles in shapes
Topic-After learning about religion and deities, we will be learning why Ancient Egyptians built pyramids.
P.E-We will be continuing net and wall sports, focusing on volleyball
I.C.T-We will be using scratch to design toy prototypes
Science-We will be starting a unit on electricity finding out what we already know and building on this learning.
Dates for the diary
Non-uniform day-Thursday 13th June-bring a bottle for the school fair.
Week Beginning 13th May 2019
In Waterloo Class this week our learning will be as follows;
- In mathematics we will continue our work on time. We will learn to tell the time using 24 hour clock and to find the duration of events.
- In English we will write diary entries based on Boudica’s Army by Helen Mckay.
- In science we create a presentation based on the findings of our investigation.
- In topic time we will continue learning about the Romans and will visit the Museum of London and London Amphitheatre.
- In PE we will work on our skills in rounders and gymnastics each Tuesday and Friday. Unfortunately the extra basketball sessions mentioned last week will not now take place.
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]We are looking forward to our visit to the Museum of London on Friday. Our Roman Banquet and dress up day is on Wednesday of the following week.[/dropshadowbox]
Year four Blog Week Beginning 13th May 2019
Thank you so much your generous donations of cakes and biscuits for our Wear It Wild event organised by Lucy, Ryan, Emiliana and Leen. The event was incredibly successful and year four made at least £170, an amazing feat!
Our learning this week:
English: We will be starting our new class text-The Wolves of Willoughby Chase and focusing on writers’ techniques for story opening and using apostrophes for plural possession. See links below if you’d like to read along with us.
Maths: We will be continuing learning about decimals and relating them to money.
Topic: We will be investigating how the river Nile affected the Egyptian culture growth Ancient Egypt.
P.E: We will be continuing net and wall activities alongside fitness circuits.
I.C.T-Research and prepare to present our science/topic learning about the decline in habitats of endangered animals.
Week Beginning 6th May 2019
It is a short week this week as school is closed on Monday due to the bank holiday. This week our learning will be as follows;
- In mathematics we will work on telling the time. We will learn to tell the time to the nearest minute on clocks including those with Roman Numerals.
- In English we will start a new unit of work based on I was there – Boudica’s Army by Hilary McKay.
- In science we will investigate what plants need to grow.
- In topic time we will learn about the Roman Army.
- In RE we will continue to learn about what Christians believe about God.
- In PE we will continue with our work on gymnastics. We will also begin learning to play Basketball, each Thursday, with an external coach.
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#b0b01b” border_width=”10″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Don’t forget we will be visiting the Museum of London and Roman Amphitheatre on Friday 17th May. Please return your form and make payment on parent pay by the end of this week. I would also be grateful if parents can let me know as soon as possible if they can help on the visit.[/dropshadowbox]
Well done to all the children who dressed up on Friday for Wear it Wild Day.
Year Four Weekly Blog-Wk beginning 1 April
Our Learning this week:
English-We will be finishing writing our persuasive letters to Croydon council.
Topic/Science-We will be looking at and comparing World biomes in a cross curricular week which will also include Maths lessons on statistics, shape and tessellation .
PSHE-We will be looking at an NSPCC topic around keeping children safe as part of a whole school approach. See the parent’s guide below:
After a successful 8 week programme from CUES-ED children will be graduating this week. Look out for your child’s login details which they will receive this week to enable them to access online resources linked to their learning.
PE-We will be taking part in gymnastics and circuit training lessons
Important Information
Friday 5th April-break up normal time for the Easter holidays
Week Beginning 18th March
We have had a great week in year 3. The children confidently led assemblies based on the Apple’s Friends scheme we are following in PHSE. We also had a great time taking part in a carousel of activities for World Maths day. This week our learning will be as follows.
- In mathematics we will work on column addition and subtraction. We will also learn to use estimates and inverses to check our answers.
- In English we will begin a new unit on Newspaper writing. We will begin by looking at a fictional article about the destruction of Pompei.
- In science we will continue to learn about famous scientists.
- In topic time we will write an eyewitness account of the destruction of Pompeii.
In PHDE this half term, as well as following the Apple’s Friends scheme, we will focus on safeguarding children using the NSPCC Let’s Talk Pants Initiative.
Further information can be found at;