Wk Beginning 18th March 2019

Our Learning in year four this week:


We will be looking at writing persuasive letters focusing on formal language, complex sentences and the structure we have boxed up from the persuasive texts we have looked at together.


 We will be studying non-unit fractions, counting in fractions and recognising 10th and 100ths as decimals.


We will will be  studying gymnastics and circuit training.


In addition to year four’s CUES-ed focus,  we will be focusing  on safeguarding children using the NSPCC Let’s talk PANTS initiative . Some useful information can be found here https://www.nspcc.org.uk/preventing-abuse/keeping-children-safe/underwear-rule/.


We will continue to extend our knowledge oAnimals including humans classifying vertebrates using branching databases.


We will continue our rain forest theme with a focus on the plants which grow in the rain forest and how they can be used.

Dates for the Diary:

Thursday 21st and Wednesday 27th March-Parents’ evening will be held in the hall. Appointments have been sent out. Please let us know if you can’t make an appointment on the day.


congratulations to Armaan, Lillian, Richa, Cynde and Magnus from Southwark and Harry, Aryan, Sofia, James and Kerem who all received merit cards this week.

Week Beginning 11th March

This week our learning will be as follows;

  • In mathematics we will begin a new unit of work on addition and subtraction. We will also take part in a carousel of exciting  maths based activities to celebrate world maths day.
  • In English we will learn about the features of letter writing before writing a letter in role.
  • In science we will find out about Albert Einstein.
  • In topic time we will plan an eyewitness account on the destruction of Pompeii.
  • In RE we will learn about Jesus and Zacchaeus the tax collector.

On Monday we will help to lead a special assembly linked to our Apple’s Friends work in PHSE.

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”10″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]We had a really special World Book Day on Thursday with some fantastic costumes and great books in boxes.[/dropshadowbox]

Year 4 Week Beginning 11th March 2019

What are we learning this week?

Maths – This week we will be continuing our work on fractions, calculating fractions of a quantity including unit and non-unit fractions.

English – To continue our Rainforest theme, this week we will be exploring persuasive letters as a writer.

Science-To compliment our rain forest topic we will be looking at classifying animals, including vertebrates and invertebrates.


P.E-We will be starting a gymnastics unit and continuing our circuit training. P.e will continue to be every Monday and Tuesday. Those going to Netball and football clubs need to remember to bring their kits back in to avoid having to miss p.e.

Music- We will be continuing songs and music about global warming.

Upcoming events


Parents Evening appointments will be sent home on Monday. To avoid disappointment please return your forms saying when is most convenient. 

Congratulations go to Leen, Chaimae, Damara, Teddy, Lucas, Ashton, Victoria and Aarav  who all received merits this week!

Week Beginning 4th March

The children in Waterloo Bridge Class have settled back to learning well after the half term break. This week our learning will be as follows;

  • In mathematics we will begin a unit on statistics. We will create and interpret tables, bar charts and pictograms.
  • In English we will create a storyboard and retell the story of Escape from Pompeii by Christina Balit.
  • In science we will begin work on famous scientists.
  • In topic time we will plan an eyewitness account on the destruction of Pompeii.
  • In RE we will look at why the Bible is a special book for Christians.

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”10″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Don’t forget that Thursday is World Book Day. The children may come to school dressed as a character from a book. They may also bring to school a book that is special to them or a story in a box.[/dropshadowbox]


Week Beginning 17th December, 2018

Thank you very much for coming and enjoying your children’s performance ‘Count down to Christmas’on Wednesday afternoon. It was fantastic. A very special thank you to all the parents who supported us with make props and outfits necessary for the play. Parents, without your support it was not possible. So once again a big thank you from Year 1 staff.

Congratulations to our Mathletics Champions.

Super Mathlete

Lambeth Class : Ryan – 10290 Points / Ben 1o039 Points

Vauxhall Class : Krishan (8610 Points/Micah 7282 Points

Silver Award :

Lambeth Class : Vanessa, Lelia-Rae

Vauxhall Class : Suvisha, Ali, Shun Ming, Oskar

Bronze Award :

Lambeth Class : Amira, Ayaan, Yaacoob, Nicole, Charlotte, Jayden, Adoma, Japdeep, Deyan, Ben, Ryan, Sackena, Annika, Lena, Comella, Isaiah, Marwa

Vauxhall Class : Leon, Krishan, Sayyid, Yeabsira, Anthony, Micah

Our learning this week…

Assessment week-Children will writing a letter to Santa, retelling the Christmas story by sequence pictures and write the Christmas story independently.


Your child will  be developing their understanding of  comparing numbers which are lesser than / greater than and equal to a given number, greatest / smallest as well as be introduced to the symbols > (greater than) and < (lesser than).  We will be looking at measurements- Long/short, tall/short, big/small.



Assessment week-we will recall all the facts we have learnt about materials and their properties – glass ( hard, transparent), fabric ( smooth, ribbed, absorbent), plastic (flexible,hard or smooth), metal (shiny, hard), rubber (strong,stretchy, waterproof), stone (strong, hard, smooth or rough) as well as classify objects into man made or natural.


Children will be editing their information report writing about Barack Obama.


We will be discussing about where Christians go to worship- Church. We will also learn about the significance of Christmas to Christians and how it is celebrated.


We will be learning some dance movements and show them how to move in different ways using the beat/rhythm of song.


We will be learning Christmas songs.

Home work:

This week home work is
* based on PSHE curriculum-‘People who help us’

*Phonics and Spelling

*Reading daily to develop fluency and comprehension skills.

Please return home work by Wednesday 19th December, 2018.

Week Beginning 3rd December 2018

In Waterloo Bridge Class this week our learning will be as follows;

  • In Mathematics we will continue our work on fractions learning to find equivalent fractions.
  • In English we will plan and write the middle section of our story based on Aladdin and the Enchanted Lamp by Phillip Pullman.
  • In science we will investigate shadows.
  • In topic time we will continue to research an aspect of Iron Age life of our own choice.
  • In RE we will make our own Christingles.

The children will also be working hard rehearsing for our Christmas Carol Concert which is on the morning of Tuesday 18th December at St Andrew’s Church.

Week commencing 26th November

Please find an update about what we will be learning in Millennium this week;

English- We will be using a video clip to inspire our writing in English this week. We will be practising all of our writing skills we have used do far (fronted adverbial phrases, strong openings, descriptive language, paragraphing etc) and learning to include expanded noun phrases in our work as well. Click on the link below to watch the clip.


The children have also been revising sion/tion words with Mrs Forde. The link below can help with reinforcing this learning.


Reading- All children should be reading at home every day and handing their record books in each day to be checked. They will be reading in guided groups with an adult at least once each week.

Maths- We are working on multiplication and division. We will be multiplying and dividing by 6, 7 and 9.

In addition to this, all children need to be practising the multiplication tables as one of the Year 4 objectives is know the tables and related division facts to 12×12. There will be a weekly test in class.

There is a free interactive game we use often in class as a starter which children can also access at home. Please find the link below;


Your child has also been given a password to a new times tables speed game which will help them to improve their recall of multiplication and division facts while still having fun.


Topic- This week we are learning about Viking beliefs and Danelaw.

Science- Our focus this term is teeth and digestion. We will be designing our own scientific enquiry about tooth decay.

The following websites are useful resources if you would like to support your child’s science learning. http://www.childrensuniversity.manchester.ac.uk/interactives/ science/teethandeating/ an informative site which will deepen the children’s understanding of teeth. http://www.childrensuniversity.manchester.ac.uk/interactives/ science/bodyandmedicine/digestivesystem/ is an informative website which will support the children’s understanding of the human digestive system. Useful quiz to test knowledge.

Human Body app (ios) http://tinybop.com/apps/the-human-body allows children to manipulate the digestive system

Mrs Forde will be providing PPA cover on a Thursday morning, teaching RE, covering a topic on discrimination and Spelling.

Homework- Homework will be set on a Friday and should be returned by the following Wednesday each week. The children will be expected to read every day and practise their multiplication tables in addition to other work that is given.There will also be weekly tasks set on Mathletics and Spellodrome.

Successes- Well done to Reya, Lucy, Sh’zane and Armandas who all got merits this week!

Well done to Holly who received a privilege card for being a model student

Other information-

Friday 30th November is Mufti as long as a bottle is donated to the Christmas fair tombola.

Saturday 15th December is the Christmas Fair, please come and support the school!

Southwark News Week Beginning 26.11.18

What are we learning this week

Maths – This week, we will be learning to multiply and dividing by 6, 7 and 9. Please remember that all multiplication and division facts to 12×12 need to be learnt off by heart by the end of year 4 to achieve expected standard in Maths.

English –This week we will be using  a video text to inspire our writing. Please see below:


Miss Symes will continue to work on spellings with the class on Thursday mornings. Please use this website to consolidate learning of /shun/ words.


Topic – We will be returning to our Vikings topic- learning about  Viking beliefs and gods.

I.C.T-We will be continuing to develop our PowerPoint presentation skills by including animation and transition between slides.

Important information

The Christmas Fair will be on the 15th December. 






Southwark News Week Beginning 12th November 2018


A great big thank you to Zoe Henry  from the Theatre Bug Dance Company who taught an exciting street dance class with year 4 on Friday.

What are we learning this week

Maths – This week, we will be learning to multiply by 10 and 100 and understanding that this is the same as a number getting 10 and 100 times bigger and not just adding a 0 or 00 to a number. This is essential understanding for our upcoming work on decimals. Children will be given a username and password to a new free maths programme we will be trialling  to support your child’s knowledge and understanding of the key year 4 objective-multiplication and division facts to 12×12 this week called J2blast.

English –This week we will be completing our written explanation texts-How to Draw Horrid Henry by writing a conclusion and self and peer assessing. We will then be amending our writing according to the feedback.

Topic – We will be completing our topic of Remembrance this week by writing poems to reflect our understanding of how children were affected by WWI.

I.C.T-We will be continuing to develop our PowerPoint presentation skills by including animation and transition between slides.


Important information

We will be watching Goosebumps at Grants cinema on Wednesday as part of Croydon INTO festival. 

Due to unforeseen circumstances Friday’s additional cinema trip has been cancelled. A letter will be going out to explain further.

Week beginning 5th November

Please find an update about what we will be learning in Millennium after half term;

English- We will be starting a new unit of work surrounding instruction and explanation texts. We will explore these using art and will even learn how to draw Horrid Henry! This gives us a chance to practise imperative verbs and prepositional phrases in our writing. This week we will be following instructions about how to draw Horrid Henry and then having a go at writing our own explanations. Get a head start and watch the video below!

Reading- All children should be reading at home every day and handing their record books in each day to be checked. They will be reading in guided groups with an adult at least once each week.

Maths- We are now working on column subtraction and thinking about when to exchange or not exchange. We are also looking at how to use an inverse operation to check an answer.

In addition to this, all children need to be practising the multiplication tables as one of the Year 4 objectives is know the tables and related division facts to 12×12. There will be a weekly test in class.

There is a free interactive game we use often in class as a starter which children can also access at home. Please find the link below;


Topic- This week we are taking a break from our Viking topic to think about Remembrance Day. We are thinking especially about how the war affected those who were left behind, including working women and children.

Science- Our focus this term is teeth and digestion. We will be designing our own scientific enquiry about tooth decay.

The following websites are useful resources if you would like to support your child’s science learning. http://www.childrensuniversity.manchester.ac.uk/interactives/ science/teethandeating/ an informative site which will deepen the children’s understanding of teeth. http://www.childrensuniversity.manchester.ac.uk/interactives/ science/bodyandmedicine/digestivesystem/ is an informative website which will support the children’s understanding of the human digestive system. Useful quiz to test knowledge.

Human Body app (ios) http://tinybop.com/apps/the-human-body allows children to manipulate the digestive system

Mrs Forde will be providing PPA cover on a Thursday morning, teaching RE and Spelling.

Homework- Homework will be set on a Friday and should be returned by the following Wednesday each week. The children will be expected to read every day and practise their multiplication tables in addition to other work that is given. This week I have asked the children to

Successes- Well done to Victoria, Keona and Maja who got merits this week!

Other news-

We have our cinema trips coming up in the next couple of weeks, any parents who are available to help, please speak to Miss Turpie or myself.