Southwark Weekly News Week Beginning 5th November
Our Learning This Week:
Maths-We will be subtracting 4 digit numbers including multiple exchanges, learning when or when not to exchange and different ways to use an inverse operation to check an answer.
Literacy-We will be following an explanation video-How to Draw Horrid Henry and recognising the similarities and differences between explanation and instruction writing. Then, we will plan and write our own explanation text.
Topic-We will be having a short break from our topic on Anglo-Saxons and Vikings to focus on Remembrance day. Our focus will be learning about the effects of war on those left behind, in particular working children and women.
R.E-We will be continuing our topic on discrimination linking to Black History Month.
I.C.T-We will be focusing on features of PowerPoint presentations and how to improve our presentation techniques.
Other information
Devil Emoji’s group won our marble competition with an impressive 197 marbles this week! Merit cards were given to Junaid, Diego, Nikodem, Oscar, Leen and the whole class. Amna is our reader of the week. Well done!
Week beginning 24th September 2018
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#ce9bfc” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#030404″ ]This week, we will be learning the following:[/dropshadowbox]
This week, we shall be looking at Roman Numerals, negative numbers in context and assessing existing place value knowledge.
This week, we shall be: continuing to design a new character and re-write a scene from There’s a boy in the girls’ bathroom.
We shall be focusing specifically on: adverbs and adjectives; expanding noun phrases; subordinating clauses and relative clauses.
In Year 5, children are responsible for changing their own books independently. We do ask that children read at home everyday and mark this by a simple comment in their homework diary. Please do encourage your child to read aloud, even though they are in Year 5, to build the stamina with their fluency.
Example comment:
Name of Book: Gangsta Granny
Peter read from page 12-16. He struggled on the words ‘inspiration’ and ‘necessary’.
Our PE lessons will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please ensure your child has their full PE kit on these days.
Soundstart lessons, with Mr Regan, shall start this week. This is where Year 5 pupils will have the chance to learn both the guitar and keyboard.
Mrs Forde will continue to teach the children all about Hinduism on Wednesday afternoons.
We shall be continuing our unit of Space and looking at exciting, associated discoveries.
We shall be exploring how to ask for help with tricky situations – using our main character from our class text.
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”10″ border_color=”#fc71a7″ ] Please remember that all earrings should be removed for PE.[/dropshadowbox]
Week commencing 24th September
Please find an update about what we will be learning in Millennium next week;
English- We will be continuing to read Robin Hood by Marcia Williams. Our focus for this week is comprehension skills.
Reading- All children should be reading at home every day and handing their record books in each day to be checked. They will be reading in guided groups with an adult at least once each week.
Maths- We are revising place value. We will be rounding numbers to the nearest ten and hundred, working up to four digit numbers.
In addition to this, all children need to be practising the multiplication tables as one of the Year 4 objectives is know the tables and related division facts to 12×12. There will be a weekly test in class.
There is a free interactive game we use often in class as a starter which children can also access at home. Please find the link below;
Topic- Our topic for the Autumn term is Vikings and Anglo- Saxons. We will be learning about the cultures of both the Vikings and the Anglo-Saxons. This week we will be learning about the raid at Lindisfarne.
Science- Our focus this term is teeth and digestion. We will be looking at the parts of the body responsible for digestion and learning about their function.
The following websites are useful resources if you would like to support your child’s science learning. http://www.childrensuniversity.manchester.ac.uk/interactives/ science/teethandeating/ an informative site which will deepen the children’s understanding of teeth. http://www.childrensuniversity.manchester.ac.uk/interactives/ science/bodyandmedicine/digestivesystem/ is an informative website which will support the children’s understanding of the human digestive system. Useful quiz to test knowledge.
Human Body app (ios) http://tinybop.com/apps/the-human-body allows children to manipulate the digestive system
Mrs Forde will be providing PPA cover on a Thursday morning, teaching RE and Spelling.
Homework- Homework will be set on a Friday and should be returned by the following Wednesday each week. The children will be expected to read every day and practise their multiplication tables in addition to other work that is given. This week I have asked the children to log on to Mathletics and complete the assigned tasks and to complete a sheet practising the fronted adverbials we have been learning in class this week. They are then free to explore the rest of Mathletics if they wish and can follow the link to Spellodrome.
Successes- Well done to the following children who have received merit cards this week; Sofia, Aarav, Aryan and Sh’zane.
Other news- We will be having a Viking dress up day on 9th October along with an exciting Viking visitor joining us for the day. Please look out the letter soon.
Don’t worry about providing expensive costume. See link for ideas.
Week Beginning 24th March 2018
In Waterloo Bridge Class this week our learning will be as follows;
- In mathematics we will begin a new unit on addition and subtraction. We will learn to us mental methods to add and subtract 3 digit numbers and ones, tens and hundreds.
- In English we will continue with work based on Stone Age Boy by Satoshi Kitamura. We will plan our own characters to help us write our own version of the story.
- In science we will investigate which objects are magnetic in a scrapyard challenge.
- In RE we will learn how Hindus worship at the Mandir.
- In Topic time we will continue our work on the Stone Age.
We read every morning in class. Please make sure that your child has their reading folder in class. It makes classroom organisation much easier if this is in a Howard Primary School book bag.
Southwark Class Blog Week Beginning 24.9.18
Southwark Blog-Week beginning 24.9.18
Our Learning This Week:
Maths-We will be continuing our place value work by rounding to 10 100 including four digit numbers.
Literacy-The class enjoyed starting our new narrative unit-Robin Hood on Friday. We will be focusing on comprehension continuing to read the book by Marcia Williams- The Adventures of Robin Hood. If you would like to buy a copy to read along with us it can be found at:
Science-We will be continuing our topic on teeth and the digestive system. This week we will be looking at the functions of the important parts of the human digestive system. The following websites are useful resources if you would like to support your child’s science learning. http://www.childrensuniversity.manchester.ac.uk/interactives/ science/teethandeating/ an informative site which will deepen the children’s understanding of teeth. http://www.childrensuniversity.manchester.ac.uk/interactives/ science/bodyandmedicine/digestivesystem/ is an informative website which will support the children’s understanding of the human digestive system. Useful quiz to test knowledge.
Human Body app (ios) http://tinybop.com/apps/the-human-body allows children to manipulate the digestive system
Topic-We will be continuing our topic on Anglo-Saxons and Vikings by looking at the raid at Lindisfarne.
Other information
Devil Emoji group won our marble competition. Merit cards were given to Magnus and Oscar for their amazing extra homework and Mya for her fantastic behaviour and focus in class. Well done!
We will be having a Viking dress up day on 9th October along with an exciting Viking visitor joining us for the day. Please look out the letter soon.
Don’t worry about providing expensive costume. See link for ideas.
Southwark Blog-Week beginning 10.9.18
Welcome to our Southwark class blog. Thank you for all your support during our first week back at term. We have had some fantastic bridge homework brought in and it is lovely to see all children in school with an excellent attitude to their learning. It’s also very encouraging to see so many of the class reading every day at home. Please can I ask you to sign your child’s homework diary which is sent home every night to show that they are reading with a short comment as follows:
Read pages 12-24 enjoying the book and showing good understanding when I ask questions plus signature.
This will earn your child team points-marbles and also helps them keep track where they are with a book. Please come and speak to me after school any day if you would like some help with helping your child read at home. Your child will need to bring their homework diary to school every day as we will find every opportunity to read with them. They can change their books during early morning work each day and whilst your child will be encouraged to choice their book independently, they will be guided to which books are suited to their current level.
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Learning for the Week.[/dropshadowbox]
English-We will be continuing our returning to school unit which you can access at the link below, writing in role as Nemo or his father, Marlin to further our understanding of character and inferring meaning using evidence from a video text.
Our class read will be The Creakers by Tom Fletcher. If you would like to read along with us the book can be purchased at the link below:
Guided Reading groups will start this week. Your child will read twice with an adult in a guided focus group in additional to their daily English lessons and do targeted comprehension and writing tasks to complement their guided reading.
We will be continuing our place value to four digits work by recognising and representing both 3 and 4 digit numbers in different ways, counting forward and backwards in thousands and finding a thousand more and a thousand less than a given number. We will be continuing to develop your child’s numeracy with our fluency, reasoning and problem solving approach and the use of higher order thinking questioning.
A useful website we regularly use to practise key learning is:
Science-We will be beginning a topic on teeth and the digestive system.
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Additional information/Dates for your diary[/dropshadowbox]
Homework will be sent home next Friday (14th September) due in by the following Friday.
Congratulations to Team Mega stars who earned more than 90 marbles in their first 3 days back at school. Well done to Leen, Marquez, Josiah, Evie, Amna and Lucas!
Week Beginning 25th June 2018
In Waterloo Class this week our learning will be as follows;
- In mathematics we will be revising out learning on fractions. We will look at finding and ordering tenths and at finding fractions of quantities.
- In English we will learn about the features of advertisements. We will create a newspaper advertisement for our muesli using persuasive language.
- In science we will learn how to carry out a health check.
- In topic time Chase will be leading outdoor activities to help us stay healthy. All children will need their PE kits.
- In RE we will look at the significance of the Turban for Sikhs.
It is expected to be hot next week. Please make sure that all children have a water bottle.
Week beginning 11th June 2018
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”15″ border_color=”#0ec9c2″ ]THIS WEEK’S LEARNING
SUMMER TERM 2 TOPIC: Summer’s Here
Theme: The Weather
Book Focus: Rosie’s Hat by Julia Donaldson
This week we explore different types of weather and discuss how seasons occur and why the weather can be different in different parts of the world.
Group Phonics: This term we will focus on reading words and sentences containing all the phonemes the children have learnt throughout the year and we will be teaching strategies for instant blending of words and strategies for reading longer multisyllabic words.
This week we focus on problem solving using skills for adding and subtracting numbers
PE: Athletics – This term the children will enjoy several athletics based activities such as running, relay, hurdles (low level), and javelin (made of soft foam) [/dropshadowbox]
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”15″ border_color=”#2de292″ ]HOMEWORK: Sent on Friday 8th June 2018. Due by Wednesday 13th June 2018
Four seasons
• Draw and label a picture about each of the four seasons.
• Can you write which months occur in each of the seasons?
READING BOOKS and WORD LISTS: Will be checked on group days [/dropshadowbox]
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”15″ border_color=”#56f14c” ]IMPORTANT DATES:
Thursday, 28th June 2018: Reception trip to Godstone Farm
Friday, 13th July 2018: Reception Sports Day at school
Thursday, 19th July: Last day of school for children [/dropshadowbox]
Week Beginning 11th June 2018
This week is healthy schools week. In Waterloo Class we will be focusing on the importance of a healthy breakfast.
- In mathematics we will be completing our work on shape and then working on statistics. We will create bar and tally charts and Venn diagrams based on what we eat for breakfast. We will also create Carroll diagrams to help us choose ingredients for muesli.
- In English we will learn about the features of diary writing before writing diary entries based on Dream Big by Deloris Johnson.
- In topic time we will learn about the importance of a healthy breakfast. We will taste and evaluate home made muesli. We will then plan and create our own muesli recipe.
- Chase from Crystal Palace Football Club will work with us on Wednesday. This week he will lead PE activities.
Congratulations to all the children for their fantastic participation at Sports Day on Thursday. Please remember to return PE kits to school for our lesson on Monday. Our breakfast celebration is on Wednesday. Please remember to bring some food to share with the class.
Southwark News Week Beginning 4th June
Southwark Class Update wk beginning 4th June
This week we will be using a video clip-The Lone Robot which you can see below to stimulate our talk for writing skills, cummulating by writing our own alternate ending.
Our grammar focus will be expanded noun phrases and using a variety of conjunctions to join sentences.
Maths-We will be completing our statistics work with a focus on the upcoming World Cup and then moving on to refining our written multiplication and division methods. A quick reminder that knowing all the multiplication and division facts to 12×12 is a requirement for year 4 and children who are successful at this practice for short periods at home several times a week alongside their daily Maths lessons. I recommend using the website with games and quizzes below:
Homework over the half term was Mathletics due in on Friday 8th June.
Science-We will be continuing our electricity unit, focusing on electrical safety and making working circuits including switches.
P.E-We will be beginning a tennis unit on Tuesdays. Please double check your child has suitable footwear.
Reminder in the warmer weather your child will still be outside daily for play times, the daily mile and P.E lessons so sunhats and/or sunglasses as well as sun cream are essential.
I.C.T-We will be continuing our work on debugging with a focus on programming our own game.
P.S.H.E-We will be continuing our Apple’s Friends module 4 solving problems independently, focusing on the 4 steps to find a good solution.
Important Dates for the Diary
7th June-KS2 Sports Day
8th June-Mufti day-bring a bottle for the Summer Fair in return for wearing your own clothes.
16th June-Friends of Howard Summer Fair