Week Beginning 28th May, 2018
It’s been a busy and exciting Half-term and we thank you for all your help and support. All your children are enjoying their learning and has made good progress.
Have a lovely Half-term ! Children will return to school on Tuesday 5th June, 2018.
Please remember to practise your phonics using the words provided or playing the free games on
A gentle reminder P.E sessions are now on…
Lambeth Class : Monday & Wednesday
Vauxhall Class : Wednesday & Friday
Our Mathletics champions for this week are…
Silver Award
Lambeth Class : Tanush, Zuzanna
Vauxhall Class :Yashall, Dhiyanesh
Bronze Award
Lambeth Class : Ameliya, Suden., Kaziah, Rebeka, Zofia
Vauxhall Class: Abigail, Lena,Taliyah
Super Mathlete
Lambeth Class: Suden (3920 Points)
Vauxhall Class : Taliyah (4500 Points)
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Our topic for this term is called ‘Puppet on A String’ linked to our history curriculum about old and new and is related to old household objects and toys.[/dropshadowbox]
Our learning this Half- term…
We will be learning about the different features of poems – stanza, repetition, rhyming words, onomatopoeic words, rhythm… Children will recite, read poems and identify different features. We will focuc in a poem called ‘The Sound Collector’ by Roger Mc Gough.
Children will continue to develop their understanding of division as well as fractions and use it to solve simple problems. Please continue to practise doubling and halving .
We will use the story ‘The Doorbell Rang’ by Pat Hutchins for our division problem solving.
Chn will continue to learn about the different plant parts they eat.
We are learning to create and debug programs. Please support your child to develop their skills by using ‘Lightbot’.
Children will continue to learn about the British nature artist Andy Goldsworthy and create their own nature sculptures.
Children will continue developing their skills to skip and using a skipping rope with increasing control.
Our topic is called ‘Relationships’. Children will be talking about feelings – how to deal with it.
We will continue to sing using our voices creatively and learn about rhythm and tempo.
We will be continuing our learning about different religions focusing on basic principles of Hinduism.
Homework is sent home every Friday and should be promptly returned on Wednesday please. Homework is also set weekly related to the concepts children are learning. Please continue to do your Mathletics. Looking forward to more Gold Award winners this term.
*If your child attends an After school sports club and takes their P.E kit home, kindly return the P.E kit the next day. A lot of the children have been upset and disappointed as they have missed their P.E sessions as a result of not having kits
Southwark News Wk Beginning 14th May 2018
Our Learning this week
In English, we will continue developing our narrative writing with our text The Firemaker’s Daughter by Phillip Pullman. Next week we will be planning and writing our own sections of the story in the suspense style.
In Maths, we are continuing our work on decimals applying our learning to estimating, comparing and calculating with numbers to two decimal points in the context of money and measuring.
Southwark class have been given a topic homework this week, Please choose an activity from our termly topic homework to complete and hand in by Friday 18th May.
In P.E sessions, we will be continuing athletics and a dance/aerobics unit. P.E will continue to be on Tuesdays and Thursdays, please ensure your child has their kit for every lesson. In addition to this we will continue to run the Daily Mile to help promote the fitness of our children.
As I’m sure you all know, reading daily is essential in helping your child progress with reading and writing. Please enjoy reading a range of fun books as well as your child’s school reading books to promote a love for reading. Please remember to write a comment or sign your child’s reading record regularly. Remember that your child can keep a book for as long as they need in order to finish it. We appreciate your support to enable your child to be a fluent and competent reader.
Well done to all children who were awarded a merit card this week, Tyler, Adrian B, Tyray and Emmanuel who were awarded the rare privilege cards for their outstanding commitment to following our school ethos-the 5 cs-Commitment,Care, Courtesy,Consideration and Cooperation.
Well done to our many readers of the week this week Daniel and Abi. a special mentions needs also to go to -Vishal. Azain, ,Anomiga, Limar, Jaida, Roshan, Adrian B and Olivia. These children read on a daily basis at home and are making excellent progress with their reading as well as their writing as a result.
Don’t forget that we will be celebrating the royal wedding next Friday by having a non uniform day where all children can wear red, white and blue.
Southwark News Week Beginning 23rd April 2018
Our Learning next week
Our topic for this term is called ”Temples, Tombs and Treasures’ linked to our HISTORY curriculum about Ancient Egypt. We very much enjoyed our hook activity this week , exploring an ancient tomb and look forward to discovering more about this topic.
Your child has taken home a homework sheet to cover the homework for the whole half term. Please choose another activity to complete for homework this week. We have had some fantastic work so far! I have attached an electronic copy of the homework below in case the paper copy is lost Homework-Egyptians
In English, we will continue developing our narrative writing with our text The Firemaker’s Daughter by Phillip Pullman. Next week we will be thinking about the way to create suspense in a story. Please feel free to read along with your child. Copies can be bought for £3.99 at the Book People.
In Maths, we will begin working on decimals. Please encourage your child to use Mathletics to revise these skills along with games on free websites like
In Science, we will begin a unit about Sound with Miss Symes
In P.E sessions, we will be starting athletics and a dance/aerobics unit. P.E will continue to be on Tuesdays and Thursdays, please ensure your child has their kit for every lesson. Unfortunately, we had several children without kits this week and this prevents them from enjoying our lessons. Please can I remind girls that earrings should be left at home on p.e days. In addition to this, we will continue to run the Daily Mile to help promote the fitness of our children.
As I’m sure you all know, reading daily is essential in helping your child progress with reading and writing. Please enjoy reading a range of fun books as well as your child’s school reading books to promote a love for reading. Please remember to write a comment or sign your child’s reading record regularly. Remember that your child can keep a book for as long as they need in order to finish it. We appreciate your support to enable your child to be a fluent and competent reader.
Well done to all children who were awarded a merit card this week, Alison, Tyray, Tyler, Roshan and Jaida for their excellent writing in role as the character Lila from our class text-The Firework Maker’s Daughter and Vishal for his impressive algebraic fractions work. Congratulations also go to Stefan and Anomiga this week for reading regularly to become our readers of the week.
Southwark News Week Beginning 12th March 2018
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#64f2f7″ border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]What we will be learning[/dropshadowbox]
Maths-We will be learning how to find the area and perimeter of rectilinear shapes (shapes made up of rectangles placed together) and moving on to our fractions unit.
In class we used this computer programme to practise finding an area. http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/mathgames/geometry/shapeshoot/AreaShapesShoot.htm
English-Writing–We will be writing and improving our recounts of our amazing Ranger Russ visit. Photos to follow.
Topic-We will be learning continuing our topic Rain forests, learning about products which are made in the rain forest biomes such as chocolate and coffee and explaining how they make their way from the forest to our supermarkets.
R.E-We will be continuing our work on Christianity and beginning to look at Easter.
P.E-Hopefully this week we will be finishing our unit on gymnastic sequences.
Computing-We will continue to develop our presentation skills using Powerpoint to present our finding about Rain forest tribes.
PSHE-This term we will be looking at ways we can keep ourselves safe and healthy. There will be a focus on on-line safety and what you can do to keep the risks to yourself and others low. We will also be continuing our Apple’s Friends work focusing on being assertive.
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#64f2f7″ border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Important Information[/dropshadowbox]
Congratulations to all those children who gained merits this week-Vishal, Roshan,Limar, Alison, Adrian T and Kiana. As well as team sport who achieved an amazing 114 marbles during the week.
Congratulations to all of Southwark class who performed fantastically in both assemblies to parents and KS2 on Monday and then again to KS1 on Thursday. We had many compliments about how the children were very articulate and knowledgeable about the important theme of deforestation.
Thank you for your patience after parents evening had to be cancelled on 1st March. I’m pleased to let you know that a new date has been arranged for these missed appointments the 21st of March and I will send out new appointments on Monday 12th to confirm your times. please let me know if this is not possible and I will endeavour to find a convenient time for you.
Southwark News Week Beginning 5th February 2018
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”15″ border_color=”#3ddb26″ ]THIS WEEK’S LEARNING:
The children have thoroughly enjoyed learning our topic this term. This week we will be continuing on our rain forest cross curricular theme by looking in depth at a poem by the poet Grace Nicols.
If you would like to talk to your child about this poem please see the link belowhttps://www.clpe.org.uk/poetryline/poets/nichols-grace
We will be continuing our Multiplication and division unit. Having focused on the 11, 12 times tables last week, multiplying 3 single digit numbers, we will be moving on to factor pair and multiples of numbers. There are many good websites to support your child’s learning in Maths such as Topmarks. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/7-11-years/multiplication-and-division
We will be continuing our Rain forest topic alongside our Science, R.E, P.S.H.E, French and I.C.T learning this week. In particular we will be focusing on dealing with unhelpful pressure and know some techniques to deal with this as well as knowing the importance of talking to a trusted adult when they need to.
This week’s homework:
This week’s homework will be set activities onMathletics. Children’s passwords and user names remain the same as in year 3 and have been attached to your child’s homework diary. Please let us know if your child does not have access to a computer as we can arrange for them to do it in school.
5th – 9th February 2018 – Online safety week. our sponsered Treasure Hunt will take on Tuesday or Thursday, weather dependent.
9th February-Last date for NSPC sponsor form due in. Don’t forget the class with the most forms wins a prize!
9th February 2018 – Last day of Spring 1 term
19th February 2018 – Children return to school for Spring 2 term
Congratulations to Ayan,Tyler and Tyray who all received merit cards this week. Anomiga is our class reader of the week. a warm welcome to Jasmine who has joined us from West Thorton.
Week beginning 8th Janaury 2018
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#27e4f1″ border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]What we will be learning[/dropshadowbox]
Maths-We will be learning the value of each digit in a decimal, how to round decimals and how to multiply and divide decimals
English-Writing–We will continuing to look at Biographies and focusing on Anne Frank
Reading-We will be continuing to read Holes by Louis Sachar.
Science-We will be starting our new topic Electricity
History-We will be learning about the Holocaust and the impact it has had. For more information have a look at
R.E-We will be learning more about Buddhism this term.
Art-We will be studying silk paintings and making our own
P.E-Swimming starts on Tuesday 9th January 2018. In our other lesson we will be continuing with gymnastics and developing our balancing skills on apparatus.
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#27e4f1″ border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Important Information[/dropshadowbox]
Congratulations to Xanin and Oliwia who received Merit cards this week.
Congratulations also to the whole class. It has been a great start to the New Year with everyone focused on their work. This is an important term as Year 6 will be focusing on their SATS which are in the Summer term. There are also some exciting opportunities this term for your children to develop other strengths as well as the academic subjects so stay tuned for more information.
Already it is the end of our first term and it has flown by! I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and we come back to a successful Spring term in Year 4!
Here is a breakdown of what we will be looking at over the coming week:
English- We will be continuing our pantomime reviews.
Maths- We will be finishing our unit on perimeter.
Reading- All children read with an adult at least once a week as part of a Guided Reading programme. After this adult led session they complete tasks relating to the text or linked to current English and Spelling focuses. We continue to read stories as a class.
ICT- We are still holding an extra ICT session each week to introduce the children to touch typing. This a free to use course and is accessible to everyone. If you would like to continue this at home, I have included the link below.
Homework- Homework is given out on a Friday and should be returned by the following Friday. In addition to tasks given out I expect the children to read every day and continue to practise the multiplication tables. I will be collecting the reading records in every week to check children are reading and would ask that you initial or sign to show they have read and make any comments you deem necessary, children should also record all independent reading they have done in the book so I am able to see that they are reading regularly. Children should feel free to keep a book for as long as they need to in order to finish reading. If you have any concerns about your child’s book choice, please speak to me or write me a note.
Successes– Well done to Aishu, Sophie, William and the whole of Millennium who all received merit cards this week!
Well done to Blue table who are currently leading the table points competition!
Important dates–
Monday 18th December- pm Christmas recital in St Andrew’s church at 2.15pm
Tuesday 19th December- pm class parties. Please could Millennium bring savoury treats or fruit and Southwark will organise sweet treats.
Wednesday 20th-Last day of term. Attendance assembly. School finishes at 3.30pm. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
School starts back again on Wednesday 3rd December at 8.50am
Southwark Class Blog wk beginning 18th December
This is the last week of school before we break up on Wednesday 20th for Christmas and there are lots of different activities going on in school.
There will still be plenty of opportunities for learning to continue in amongst everything else.
Maths-We will be looking ahead towards our next term’s learning about multiplication and division.
English-Writing–We will be continuing our reviews following our successful visit to the Jack and the Beanstalk Pantomine last week.
Reading-We will be beginning our new class text-The Ice Palace by Robert Swindells.
The children will be set homework to complete over the holiday so please make sure they complete a little bit each night otherwise they will have a lot to do if they leave it to the night before we come back to school.
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#27db24″ border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Important Information[/dropshadowbox]
Thank you to all of those who came and supported the Christmas Fayre on Saturday. It was a great success as ever.
Congratulations to all Year 4 who received a merit card this week for their outstanding behaviour, yet again, during our trip. In addition, congratulations go to Limar, Kiana,Vishal, Charlie and Ayan this week who all gained merit cards for their fantastic writing. Well done also to Stefan who is our reader of the week.
Monday 18th-Year 3,4&5-Carol concert in St Andrew’s church-limited space is available but parents will be welcome from 2pm.
Tuesday 19th-Class parties in the afternoon. Children can wear their own clothes this day. Please make sure they bring a small donation of food for the party.
Wednesday 20th-Last day of term. Attendance assembly. School finishes at 3.30pm. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
School starts back again on Wednesday 3rd December at 8.50am
Southwark Wk beginning 11th December
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#f98ae8″ border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]What have we been learning?[/dropshadowbox]
Maths-We will be learning about kilometres and perimeter.
English- This week we will be studying the poem Jack and the Beanstalk from Roald Dahl’s Revolting Rhymes.
Science-We will be studying materials
P.E-There are still two p.e lessons this term and your child will need jogging bottoms and a long sleeve top for our Quick Cricket tournament.
R.E-We will be continuing our work on Discrimination with Ms Symes..
Important Dates
Please remember the Christmas Fair is on Saturday 9th December. It would be great if you could support the school by coming.
Friday 15th December-Christmas lunch and Christmas Jumper day.
Monday 18th December 2017- pm Christmas performance at St Peter’s church.
Tuesday 19th December-Class Parties are in the afternoon. Please look out for a letter that your child will be taking home over the next few days. Southwark please bring sweet treats and Millennium savoury.
Wednesday 20th December-Last day of term!!
Congratulations to all those who received a merit card this week Tyray and Julia. Keep up the hard work.
Congratulations also to Harley and Daniel who are our class readers of the week.
Southwark News Wk beginning 4th December
Here is a breakdown of what we will be looking at over the coming week:
English- We will be finishing our enjoyable unit of work about Robin Hood, by writing and editing our own versions of the Robin Hood legend ‘The Golden Arrow’ this week. As well as focusing on fronted adverbial phrases in grammar and apostrophes for possession.
Maths- We are continuing a unit of work on measure,
Spelling- Our focus this week in class is the suffixes tion, ssion and sion. We are investigating words which use these suffixes and finding patterns to help us remember which suffix to use when spelling.
ICT- We are still holding an extra ICT session each week to introduce the children to touch typing. This a free to use course and is accessible to everyone. If you would like to continue this at home, I have included the link below.
Our ICT topic this half term is software developing, we will be designing a Maths game on Scratch. The class are having great success with this and I must congratulate Azain, Vishal and Adrian for the impressive leadership skills they are demonstrating during this coding lessons. Thank you!
PE- PE lessons are on Tuesdays and Thursdays and children will need their PE kits. I would also like to remind you that the school policy is that all earrings should be removed, hair should be tied back and tights should be removed when getting changed. I would also ask that PE kits stay in school between Monday and Friday as occasionally we are fortunate enough to have the opportunity to take part in additional activities. This half term we will be learning Pilates and Quick Cricket and will continue to run the daily mile.
RE- We will be studying a unit of work concerning discrimination. This unit will be taught by Miss Siams on a Wednesday morning.
Topic- Our topic for this term is Vikings and Anglo Saxons. The children will be continuing their research on a particular area of study such as clothes and fashion or homes and food. The children will be making and designing their own game using the fact we have been researching.
French- We will be revising our conversational skills so far as well as learning the numbers between 20 and 50 and learning vocabulary to describe our families.
We are looking forward to our visit to the Pantomime which will take place on Friday 8th December. Unfortunately it is not possible for parents to accompany the class on this occasion as we are limited with tickets. Please look at the link below to find out more about this exciting trip.
In addition, I’m sure you are all excited about the Howard Primary School Christmas Fair which will be between 11am and 3pm on Saturday 9th December. Look forward to seeing you there.