Welcome to Year Four

Welcome to Year Four Bunting - bunting, welcome, year four, welcome to year four, welcome bunting, year four bunting, welcome year four, display bunting


The children have settled well into year 4 and we are looking forward to our first full week of teaching.

  • In Mathematics lessons, we will be introducing 4 digit numbers (numbers from 1000-9999) and the thousands column, exploring and applying our understanding of place value to include thousand numbers.
  • We will be starting a non-fiction unit-Explanation texts in our daily English lessons, exploring how to write in order to explain processes. We will be beginning our spelling work looking at ‘au’ and ‘augh’ words such as astronaut and naughty. Following our school policy, we will not be sending home spelling lists to learn for a test but will be learning spellings at school by looking for patterns and exploring spelling rules. We will regularly send home spelling learning consolidation homework activities as well as posting hyperlinks to good spelling games to keep you abreast of the speling expectations in our blogs
  • In our topic time, we will be starting our new topic Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. We will be asking questions to establish what we want to learn about and what we already know.
  • During Science lessons, we will be starting a unit learning about teeth and the digestive system in animals and humans.
  • In PE sessions, we will be working on invasion games and circuits. After the success of our mile a day run during Health week, we will be incorporating physical exercise daily into our timetable from this week so please ensure your child always has their p.e kits at school.

It is important that your child brings their reading book and record to school every day to read during quiet reading time. Every time your child reads at home they will earn points for their class teams. The child who reads most during the week or who improves the most will be our class reader of the week and will have the class trophy to take home for the week to celebrate. Southwark’s reader of the first 3 days was Harley. Well done Harley!

Children should revise their multiplication and division facts for all times table up to 12×12 at home as this is a key requirement for year 4. There will be weekly assessments to encourage their progress.


Please come and talk to any member of our year 4 team if you have any further questions or if you would like to just come and introduce yourselves.

Southwark Weekly News Summer 2 week 3

Thank you parents for the fantastic support during Healthy Week especially for contributing so many breakfast foods from around the World for our breakfast on Wednesday. We had so much food we had breakfasts on Thursday and Friday too! The children thoroughly enjoyed all the different active activities and were all commended during Friday’s merit assembly for their excellent engagement and participation. Well done Southwark class!

Back to normal this week although as we all found the mile a day so beneficial to our concentration and moods as well as the obvious health benefits of doing an hour of physical activity a day we will be introducing Mile Mondays into our weekly timetable.

This week Southwark class will be:

Maths-We will be focusing on geometry-position and direction as well as revising symmetry.

Literacy-We will be planning and writing a non-fiction recount of our activities during Healthy Week. Children will be specifically working on editing and improving their writing.

Science/D&T-We will continue designing our night lights focusing on building circuits to include switches this week.

P.E- On Tuesday we will be continuing our net and wall unit-Nimble nets learning how to drop and hit the ball using the correct hand grip. On Thursday we will be beginning our athletics unit called-Young Olympians learning the pull technique for throwing and how to safely throw and retrieve throwing apparatus.

Important information/ dates

Monday 19th June-Croydon athletics (BOYS)

Tuesday 20th June-Croydon athletics (GIRLS)

Wednesday 21st June-Croydon athletics FINALS

Tuesday 27th June: Whole school photo at Whitgift School

Tuesday 11th July: KS1 Sports Day

Thursday 20th July: Last day for children

Week Beginning 15th May

Our learning objectives this week are:

Maths – This week will be working on fractions and we will be finding a half and a quarter of a shape and sorting fractions into groups, finding half or a quarter of a quantity and finding different ways to shade a half and a quarter of a given shape. We will also be doing some problem solving by finding a half and a quarter.

 English – This week we are starting a new unit of work and will be learning about poetry. Children will be identifying the features of a poem, identifying rhyming words, performing poetry and writing their own poem based on a poem that they have read.

Science– Children will start their new science topic of plants that they will be doing on a Thursday afternoon.

PE- We will continue our throwing and catching within the game of Lacrosse and we will be developing our fitness.

RE- We will continue to learn about our new religion Hinduism.

Other Information

Date for your diary! The class and individual photos will be on Thursday 18th May. On Friday 19th May is Bring in a bottle in exchange for children wearing their own clothes.

Our caterpillars are now three weeks old and are still in their chrysalises. We are very excited to see them transform into butterflies and are hoping that this happens next week.

Just a reminder that the weather is getting warmer and children are encouraged to bring a water bottle to school filled with water only please.


Summer 1 Week 4

Week beginning 8th May 2017.

Our topic for the next few weeks will be Minibeasts and our learning will centre around this.



Our book this week will be a non fiction Life cycle of a butterfly book. We will be writing about what the Very Hungry Caterpillar had to eat, encouraging the children to be more independent, think of their own sentence and then write it.


The Reception children have now been grouped following our assessments at the end of last term. They will be working in phase 2,3, and 4 according to individual needs.


Your child will continue to bring home the animal word lists. These are the key words that occur most frequently in books your child will read in Reception and beyond. We have added additional lists as some children have finished the first set of words.

The word lists will encourage your child to learn to read these words and start to instantly recognise and sight read them in the books they read. When they are confident with reading the words bring them in to class so Mrs Keer or Miss Dale can check them. Well done to those chidren who are progressing through the lists really well.


We will continue with doubling games this week and paint spots on ladybirds to find double the spots. We will contiue to revise 3D shapes, their names and properties. We will also be formally assessing maths progress and continue with number star work.


Please make sure reading records, reading books and library books are in book bags EVERY day. We read with the children on a weekly basis, not always the same day. We are finding several children do not have books in bags so are unable to change their books. As the children become more confident readers we will sometimes do a small guided reading session with groups of chidren who are at a similar level of reading. We will begin to look at the use of punctuation and adding expression when reading.

Now that the children have learnt all sounds in phase 2 and 3 please try to read with them for 10 minutes every day so they can begin to apply the phonic knowledge they have learnt and ensure they become independent readers. Please take a minute to write a comment in the yellow contact book so we know how they are progressing at home.


We will be turning our role play area into a camp site with a tent, torches and a minibeast investigation table for the children to explore.

Please note

As the weather is hopefully going to be getting warmer can you please ensure children have water bottles in school everyday. Thank you


Thursday 18th May Individual and class photos

Friday 19th May Friends of Howard Bring a bottle and wear your own clothes day

School closes for half term on Friday 26th May and opens on Tuesday 6th June.

Spring 2 Week 5

Week beginning 20th March 2017

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#fb8686″ border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]UPCOMING EVENTS:

Red Nose Day: Friday 24th March 2017.

For a donation of £1 children can:

  •  come to school dressed in something red eg. a red t shirt, jumper, leggings or trousers
  •  take part in our fun obstacle course especially set up for Reception classes.

Each class is hoping to collect a minimum of £30 for this Comic Relief charity event. Red Noses are available for purchase at the school office so please support us by buying your red nose from the school. [/dropshadowbox]

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#f7fa50″ border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]REQUEST: Please ensure all items of clothing are clearly labelled.

  • Some labels are beginning to fade so please check and re-label if necessary.
  • Also, we have had a few mix ups with jumpers and school T-shirts so please check that your child has brought home the correctly labelled items.
  • If you notice the wrong item has been brought home please return the item and we will do our best to locate any missing items.[/dropshadowbox]

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”raised” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#abe345″ ]HOMEWORK (sent out on Fridays and due back on Mondays)

Sent out Friday 17th March 2017

Rhyming words

Can you make a list of words that rhyme with each of these words?

  • cat
  • hop
  • fan




Book Focus: Traditional tales – The Enormous Turnip

The children will read and this funny story and sequence the events by creating a picture story map.

CAL- Communication and Language:

Word of the Week: This week’s WoW: big (enormous/gigantic/massive/huge)

   eg We cannot pull out the gigantic turnip.



We are currently revising Phase 3 digraphs/trigraphs – ch, sh, th, qu, ng, ai, ee, igh, oa, oo, ar, or, ur, ow, oi, air, ear, ure, er

Here is a video to practise oo, ar, or, ur at home


Here is a video to practise ur, ow, oi, ear at home



Thank you for dropping the key lists  into the green homework box. Don’t forget to keep practising previous lists to check that your child can still recognise the words learnt earlier on.



Please continue to write a comment in your child’s yellow reading diary and let us know how they are getting on with their reading at home


The children are really enjoying the role play shop in the classroom and are exploring the different ways they can pay for items and using the language related to money such as ‘pounds’, ‘penny’, ‘pence’, ‘cash’, ‘pay by card’, ‘how much’, ‘buy on get one free’, ‘on sale’, ‘how much change’, etc. Please encourage your child to join in with the weekly shopping by getting them to write shopping lists or check prices when you are at the shops.

This week will also introduce the concept of capacity and the associated language such ‘full, empty, half full, etc.

PSED- Personal, Social, Emotional Development

This week we will discuss the people who are special to us and how we can show that we care about them.

UW – Understanding the World

We will continue to make observations of the cress seeds