Week beginning 18th October 2021
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- Focus Book: The Paper Dolls by Julia Donaldson
- Phonics: To learn a new sound each day as follows: /v/ y/ w/z/ x/Please check your child’s bookbag for each letter formation practise sheet. Please keep these at home and continue to practise letter formation with your child.
Mastering Number: Children will:
- know that 2 is made of 1 and ‘another 1’
- make their own collections of 2 objects and identify the ‘1 and another 1’ within them.
- identify when a collection is composed of 3 objects
- produce their own collection of 3.
- identify when a collection is composed of 3 or NOT 3
- see that 4 can be made with four 1s.
PSED/EAD: To create paper doll chains to represent their friendship groups
UW: To continue to explore the ways we are different by making a name chart, measuring our bodies and making thumb prints to observe the different patterns
Week Beginning 20th September
This week our learning will be as follows;
- In mathematics we will continue our work on number and place value. We will learn to add and subtract multiples of 100, crossing 1000, and to round numbers to the nearest 100.
- In English we will continue our work around the Boy at the Back of the Class. We will create posters and information leaflets linked to the book.
- In science we will learn how sound travels.
- Our blocked foundation subject this week will be computing. We will learn to create a wiki page on the Ancient Greeks.
PE will be each Wednesday. Children should wear PE kit on that day.
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#e3f232″ border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Millenium class will begin their swimming lessons on Tuesday at Whitgift School. They will need a swimming costume or swimming trunks and a towel. Children with long hair should wear a swimming hat. We will be walking to Whitgift school so chilldren should have a light waterproof coat.[/dropshadowbox]
Week Beginning 19th July
Sadly, the year 3 bubble have now been asked to isolate at home until the end of term. Our thoughts are with members of the school community and any family members who have contracted coronavirus and we hope they will be well soon.
We have really enjoyed teaching year 3 this year. They have done some amazing learning in difficult circumstances. We wish them every success in year 4.
For the last week of term we have moved to online learning on Google Classroom. Most people are now confident in using Google Classroom after the previous lockdown. If you have any difficulties you can contact us on year3@howard.croydon.sch.uk.
A timetable of our on-line learning for this week is attached.
Week beginning Monday 19th July 2021
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”raised” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#a4fca1″ border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Dear Parents, Carers
Thank you for your understanding during the Reception bubble closures which ends at the end of day Monday, 19th July. The children may return to school on Tuesday 20th July, unless otherwise advised.
The children will return for their final 4 days in Reception. During this short week, the children will have an opportunity to visit their new classes and meet their Year 1 teachers. We will write to you with more information about this.
Wishing you a wonderful final week of term.
Kind Regards
The Reception Team
Week Beginning 28th June 2021
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#dbd6c2″ border_width=”20″ border_color=”#ed1c1c” ]Dear Parents!
Welcome to Summer Term 2 , Week 3.
Our topic this half-term is called, ‘Puppets on a String’. It is linked to our learning in History about life in the past as well as making puppets in DT.
Homework is sent home every week on Friday and need to be completed & handed in on Wednesday. Reading books are changed on Monday, Wednesday & Friday. If you are learning from home while isolating, please check Google Classroom daily. If your child is in school, you DO NOT need to do the Google class learning.
PE is on Monday & Tuesday. Please ensure your child come to school wearing their PE kit on these days.[/dropshadowbox]
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Congratulations to our Mathletics Champions !
Lambeth Class: Sumaiya, Lanne.
Vauxhall Class :
Lambeth Class : Isabella H, Tate, Sumaiya, Leanne.
Vauxhall Class : Zaara, Subhikshashree, Zynah
Lambeth Class : Umaira, Caitlin, Bilal, Tate, Isabella H, Sumaiya, Yaseen, Arbi, Milena, Danielle, Leanne, Mirac
Vauxhall Class : Zaara, Subhikshashree x 2, Zynah, Hamish.
Let’s celebrate our Merit Award winners…
Lambeth Class :
Danielle: For being a very graceful and brilliant dancer while doing P.E. Wow! So impressed and proud of you.
Rebecca- For being graceful, and doing brilliant dance moves in P.E. Wow!
Leanne: For having a good knowledge of animals while doing our Science lesson. Well done!
Maria: For being a graceful and brilliant dancer in P.E. So impressed with your moves. Grace For having good ideas and responses during our class story time. Keep it up!
Vauxhall Class :
Whole Class- For trying their very best during their learning sessions and making good progress. Well done and Keep it up!
Freddie, Faith-Marie, Zynah, Faris, Sophia, Subhikshashree, Joni, Jai, Zaara: For following instructions and trying their best during sewing sessions.
Amelia-Rose: For her beautiful handwriting and excellent presentation of work. Keep it up!
Eleanor: For her positive attitude towards learning and showing good progress in Maths, phonics and reading.Wow!
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#dbd6c2″ border_width=”20″ border_color=”#ed1c1c” ]Our Learning this week…
At Howard Primary School we have adopted Read Write Inc Phonics.
RWI is a method of learning centred round letter sounds and phonics, and we use it to aid children in their reading and writing. Read Write Inc., developed by Ruth Miskin, provides a structured and systematic approach to teaching literacy. It is used by more than a quarter of the UK’s primary schools and is designed to create fluent readers, confident speakers and willing writers.
Using RWI, the children learn to read effortlessly so that they can put all their energy into comprehending what they read. It also allows them to spell effortlessly so that they can put all their energy into composing what they write.
When using RWI to read the children will:
- Learn 44 sounds and the corresponding letter/letter groups using simple picture prompts
- Learn to read words using Fred Talk
- Read lively stories featuring words they have learnt to sound out
- Show that they comprehend the stories by answering questions.
When reading with your child at home ask them questions related to their book.
Questions to ask before you read
- Can you look at the pictures and predict what you think will happen in this book?
- What makes you think that?
- What characters do you think might be in our story?
- Do you think there will be a problem in this story? Why or why not?
- Does the topic/story relate to you or your family? How?
Questions to ask during the reading
- What do you think will happen next?
- What can you tell me about the story so far?
- Can you predict how the story will end?
- Why do you think the character did _______?
- What would you have done if you were the character?
- How would you have felt if you were the character? (use different characters)
- As I read____________, it made me picture________ in my head. What pictures do you see in your head?
- As you read, what are you wondering about?
- Can you put what you’ve just read in your own words?
Questions to ask after reading
- Can you remember the title?
- In your opinion, was it a good title for this book? Why or why not?
- Were your predictions about the story correct?
- If there was a problem, did it get solved?
- What happened because of the problem?
- Why do you think the author wrote this book?
- What is the most important point the author is trying to make in his writing?
- What was your favourite part of the story?
- If you could change one thing in the story, what would it be?
- Can you retell the story in order?
- If you were __________, how would you have felt?
- What is the most interesting situation in the story?
- Is there a character in the story like you? How are you alike?
Why did you like this book?
Maths: Division.
I can group objects equally and use bar model to represent grouping.
I can use division to represent grouping.
I can use division to represent sharing and use division symbols to write number sentence.
I can combine sharing and halving.
I can solve division word problem by sharing/grouping.
We continue our learning about classification of animals into herbivores, carnivores and omnivores.We are learning observe seasonal changes.RE:
Children need to be aware of the importance and significance of Raksha Bandhan Hindus believe.
Children look at work of Andy Goldsworthy. Discussion about sculptures, nature artist. What materials are used? Children look at different sculptures. All the children make their own Andy Goldworthy sculpture.
Pulse & Metre- Children will learn how sounds can be represented by symbols.
Dance: Children perform dances using simple movement patterns. Tennis: Children practise and develop basic skills.
Jigsaw – Relationships. Children will be learning about People who help us in school community.
Children learn, how to use Textile. Children explore and use the Binka , thread the needle and do running stitches. Discuss health & safety and appropriate use of resources.
I can begin to understand changes linked to myself ( within living memory)
Children use atlas to look at UK – capital cities
England, London, R Thames, Wales, Cardiff, N.Ireland, Belfast, Rep of Ireland, Dublin, Scotland, Edinburgh.
I know how to keep safe by using the internet.
I can choose appropriate images, copy and paste from the search engines on the internet.
Looking for a Parents Support Group?
Express Yourself Yoga Challenge Day 10
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We did it!!! Today is the last day of our 10 days Yoga Challenge!!!
Today’s video shows you how to do a yoga flow by using the previous poses to help you connect body and mind. By the end of the flow you will find yourself back in the green zone.
Keep posting your pictures and videos of all the 10 poses in your Google Classroom folders.
Winners will be announced on Tuesday 23rd February.
Thank you for taking part in this challenge!
Mrs Pollington and Miss Ancel+Poppy the Cat
Express Yourself Yoga Challenge Day 8
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It’s DAY 8 of our challenge! Today our pose is all about getting a boost of energy and strengthening our bodies and clearing our minds.
Have a go and let us know how you get on! Mrs Pollington and Miss Ancel [/dropshadowbox]
Express Yourself Yoga Challenge Day 7
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You are doing brilliantly at this challenge! More and more pictures are pouring in. Keep the entries coming.
Just a recap of the rules:
1. You need to show you have done all 10 yoga poses by posting pictures or videos in your Google Classroom folders.
2. Miss Ancel and Mrs Pollington will choose 1 overall winner for Early Years, one for KS1 and one for KS2.
3. The prize is one amazing book for each winner to share with their class.
4. Winners will be announced on Tuesday 23rd February.
Have fun and Express Yourself!
Miss Ancel and Mrs Pollington
Express Yourself Yoga Challenge Day 6
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It’s DAY 6: we are almost there!
Keep on practising the poses and posting your pictures and videos.
It’s so lovely to see many of you trying something new and expressing yourselves.
Today our new pose is all about giving a boost to our mind and body, especially when we feel like giving up, that we are not good enough. Sometimes we express this overwhelming feeling by going inwards into the blue zone and we feel sad,lonely and misunderstood. Sometimes we go outwards into the yellow zone and we feel frustrated, annoyed, unfairly judged.
Try the new pose and let us know how you get!
Mrs Pollington and Miss Ancel [/dropshadowbox]