Thumbs up to all of you for taking part in this 10 days EXPRESS YOURSELF YOGA CHALLENGE!
Today it’s DAY 4 and we will be practising the ? pose. It’s very helpful when you feel shy, unsure and very much in the blue zone.
Have a go and see how it works for you!
Let us know how you get on!
Mrs Pollington and Miss Ancel
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Let’s celebrate DRESS TO EXPRESS together! What will YOU wear ?
Expressing yourself through fashion is communication. Wearing a certain colour, a certain outfit, a specific texture , a material can be as effective as a thousand words.
It can create a connection with people, with your mood, with your feelings, whith your memories.
That’s why Dress To Express can raise awareness of Children’s Mental Health.
Have a wonderful day!
Mrs Pollington
Express Yourself Yoga Challenge Day 3
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So many of you are taking part in the Yoga Challenge to celebrate Children’s Mental Health Week!
Today’s pose is all about grounding yourself when you are in the yellow or red zone.
Year Four Week Beginning 1.2.21
Hi Year Four,
Here is your timetable for this week. This week we will be celebrating Children’s Mental Health week. This year’s mental health theme is -Express Yourself. As well as normal lessons I will be posting daily yoga poses to learn with Mrs Ancel and extra fun activities to teach us more about mental health. Please post any photos you take of you and your families trying the yoga poses. In addition, on Thursday we will be dressing to express (expressing yourselves through your clothes and hair styles) If you want to share your outfit with your class mates post me a picture to share on this week’s Wall of Fame.
Our Learning This Week
English-This week we will be beginning to read and learn the story-The Great Kapok Tree by Lynne Cherry.
Maths-We will be continuing our work on fractions covering equivalent fractions, fractions greater than one and improper fractions.
Science-We will be continuing our Sound unit exploring how different sounds are produced.
Geography-We will be continuing our Rainforest topics learning about different climate zones across the World.
R.E-We will be learning about the 5 Pillars of Islam
Music-We will be moving on to explore 6 beats in a bar.
I.C.T-We will be continuing our exploration of coding on Scratch.
Our Live lessons will be on Wednesday and Friday at 11.30am. There will be daily recorded lessons from your teachers Miss Danzey and Miss Turpie.
Remember we are available to help in any way we can with your learning on the year group email-year4@howard.croydon.sch.uk
Happy Remote Learning Week.
Weekly Timetable for Home Learning Wk beginning 1.2.21
Weekly Timetable for Home Learning Wk beginning 1.2.21
Week Beginning 11th January 2012
This week we will continue learning at home. Our learning will be as follows;
- In mathematics we will continue our work on place value.
- In English we will write non-chronological reports on volcanoes.
- In geography we will be learning about flow mountains.
- In science we will be learning how metamorphic rocks are formed.
- In RE we will learn how Buddhists care for our world through the story of Siddartha and the Swan.
All work is posted on google classroom. If you have any difficulty accessing the work please contact us on year3@howard.croydon.sch.uk.
Year Four Weekly Blog Week Beginning 4.1.21
Dear Parents, Carers,
A warm welcome back and wishing you all a happy New Year from the Year Four team.
If you have not yet read the recent letter, please click the link:https://www.howard.croydon.sch.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Letter-re-temporary-school-closure-03-01-2021.pdf
Thank you for completing the survey sent to you which has helped us identify which children will attend school.
Each week a member of the year four teaching team as well as a teaching assistant will be at school teaching the key worker children whilst the other teacher will be setting and marking work set on Google Classroom for those children working at home. They will also be available during school hours to answer any questions you may have about your child’s home learning via the year group email address-year4@howard.croydon.sch.uk
If your child will be attending school due to your work as a critical worker, we look forward to welcoming your child to school tomorrow.
If your child does not fall the above category, please keep them at home and we will provide remote learning via Google Classroom. Please login to your child’s Google Classroom to access the suggested timetable and links to work for Monday and Tuesday. Work for Wednesday onwards will be posted directly onto Google Classroom. Please be assured that your child at home will experience the same learning content as the children who will be attending school.
Weekly Timetable for Home Learning Wk beginning 4.1.21
We look forward to welcoming you and your children to a very different start to their new school term whether that will be online or in person.
Kind regards and keep safe,
Miss Turpie and the Year Four team
Week beginning 14th December 2020 – Remote learning timetable
Year 6 Remote Learning Timetable
All work is to be uploaded onto our Google Classroom.
If you need your login details again, please email the Year 6 teachers at:
Week Beginning 14th December
We have now reached the last week of the school term. The children have worked really hard and deserve a well earned break.
This week our learning will be as follows.
- In mathematics we will learn to tell the time to the nearest five minutes.
- In English we will act out a section of Into the Forest in small groups before recording our drama in playscript form.
- In history we will learn about the Iron Age.
- In RE we will learn about the symbolism connected with the Wise Men’s visit to the baby Jesus.
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#ee44f0″ border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]We will be taking part in some activities to celebrate Christmas. On Tuesday we will have Christmas Dinner and take part in a virtual pantomime. On Thursday we will have our Christmas party. This year the children should not bring in any food. They should wear school uniform because on Friday there is a whole school mufti day for everyone to take part in.[/dropshadowbox]
Monday 7th December, 2020
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#dffbfc” border_width=”10″ border_color=”#e259b7″ ]A great big thank you to all the Parents / Carers who attended our Parents Evening meetings using the School Cloud or by phone. Hope you found it useful. If you need an appointment please contact Mrs Jeevahan or I using the year group email. year1@howard.croydon.sch.uk
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Please log onto Google classroom to complete this week’s Homework. You have 2 Assignments – Phonic and Spelling one to read and spell keywords as well as read Alien words and Topic Homework related to Science – Materials
Google Classroom Homework: We are very proud and impressed by all the Super Autumn Art work – pictures, paintings and collages.
Lambeth Class : George, Ayaz,Tate, Isabella H, Sumaiya, Arbi, Thirukamaren, Milena, Jack. Danielle, Tarun, Rebecca, Izabella O, Maria, Arbi, Dakshakkavin, Caitlin
Vauxhall Class : Freddie, Faris, Josiah, Subhikshashree, Ethan, Zynah, Sophia-Marie, Nevaeh
Please also complete the Mathletics challenges!
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Congratulations to our Merit Card winners !
Lambeth Class:
Yaseen for improved focus and trying to complete learning challenges within the given time.
Ahmet for trying hard with all your work and beginning to use phonics while writing.
Vauxhall Class for ‘Wow’ phonics . Very impressed with all uour hard work. Keep it up. Mrs Ramakrishnan
Lambeth Class : For working very hard with your phonics and making excellent progress. Mrs Ramakrishnan
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Let’s celebrate our Mathletics Champions…
Lambeth Class: Mirac, Leanne, Tate, Milena
Vauxhall Class : Subhikshashree.
Lambeth Class : George, Ayaz, Mirac, Tate, Sumaiya, Yaseen, Arbi, Thirukamaren, Dawood, Milena, Danielle, Aliyah, Tarun, Rebecca, Leanne, Isabella H, Maaria, Acton, Dakshakkavin
Vauxhall Class : Freddie, Faris, Josiah, Amelia-Rose, Prithvi, Mustafa, Joni, Hamish, Ethan, Subhikshashree, Sophia, Nevaeh
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Our Learning this week…
English : We link our learning to RE – The Christmas story. Children will role-play the story in groups. They will sequence the pictures of key events and write the story.
Maths : We will learn about addition and different ways to add, putting 2 sets together, counting on, using a number line.
Science :
Autumn : We will plan and write a non-chronological report about Autumn.
Materials : We will look at different objects and sort them according to what it is made of – glass, plastic, rubber, wood,metal…
RE : We will learn about Christmas and the significance of it to the Christians. We also find out about the different customs and traditions.
PSHE : We start a new Scheme called ‘Jigsaw’ and the unit we are focusing is called ‘Celebrating Differences’.
Year Four Blog Week Beginning 30th November 2020
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#cb21c4″ border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Parents’ Evening Appointments continue this week. Your child has taken home a copy of their targets for this term. Please use the online school cloud website to make an appointment if you would like to speak to us about these targets. If you have not already made an appointment please do as we have times available[/dropshadowbox]
This week our learning be as follow;
- In English we will continue our work based on Arthur and the Golden Rope by Todd Staunton linked to our History learning about Vikings. This week we will learning how to retell a Norse myth. Check out these websites to wet your appetite. https://www.storynory.com/category/myths/norse/
If you want to read along with Arthur and the Golden Rope at home see the following video link https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1090558987963163
- In Maths we will learn to multiply and divide by 6,7 and 9.
- In History we will learn about the Vikings. This week we will be making our Viking warrior shields like these:
- In RE we will also continue our unit Why do you judge me? learning about discrimination.
- In RHE we will be continuing our unit celebrating difference in Jigsaw.The children have been discussing how it is ok to be different.Nobody in the WORLD
looks the same
thinks the same
feels the same
believes the same
behaves the same
YOU are UNIQUE! Take a look at this video #itisokto. Our children will be thinking of our own hashtags this week for why it’s ok to be different.
- In Spanish, we are learning about vegetables and how to say which vegetables we like in Spanish. If you would like to continue your Spanish learning at home see this handy guide for how to log in to our school programme-Language Angels from home. how to access interactive games spanish
- PE will be on Monday and Friday.