Week Beginning 27th April

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#6cea30″ border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Nearly all year 3 families have now signed up to Class Dojo which is fantastic. We can see from the photographs of work submitted that the children are working really hard. If your child has not submitted anything yet we would love to see their work. Some families have found it easier to attach photographs to messages – which is fine. Please keep checking your messages. It is really important that we are able to stay in touch during this time.  [/dropshadowbox]

Internet safety

Whilst learning at home, we want to make sure everyone is staying safe on the internet. The Government have a very good website: https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/ which helps to teach children about the importance of internet safety. It has lots of child friendly videos and information for children of all ages, as well as parents/carers. It also has some home learning activities to support their learning on this which you may wish to do, as well as a reward chart (in the age 5-7 pack) which may help to encourage the children to complete their work – https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/parents/Support-tools/home-activity-worksheets/. So it would be great for the children to spend some time this week looking at this website.

This week our learning is as follows:


Spellings – Please learn the following spellings: though, notice, quarter, length, library, famous .

Children who are in Violet group (Waterloo) or Toy Story group (Blackfriars) for English should work on: are, by, come, do, had, have.

Grammar – Follow the English activities on BBC bitesize daily https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/dailylessons

Narrative – Children should continue to work around the story of Romulus and Remus and  plan their  own version of the story using substitute characters.

Romulus and Remus Story Powerpoint

  • Day 1 – Design two new characters to replace Romulus and Remus. These could be female twins, friends, siblings of different ages or any other characters you can think of. Draw your characters and write some sentences describing what they are like. [Character design template]
  • Day 2 – Design a character to replace the wolf in the story. – you can use any animal. Draw and describe your animal. [Writing frame]
  • Day 3 –  Think about how your new characters will change your story. For example if your human characters have been brought up by a more peaceful animal would they have a different temperament and be able to resolve their differences? Make some notes.
  • Day 4 – Plan your story using a story mountain . Use the PowerPoint below to help you draw your story mountain. [Story Mountain]
  • Day 5 – Write a good opening paragraph. Remember to use your work from day 1 and 2 to write detailed descriptions of your characters. You will complete your story next week.

Remember not all children learn at the same rate. You can scaffold your child by providing key spellings or allowing them to orally rehearse their ideas first, you may also want to remind them of key punctuation in a sentence e.g. capital letters and full stops. You can also extend your child’s learning by encouraging them to use different sentence openers (Sentence openers word mat) and sentence types. Children who are already strong writers should be asked to really think about the effect of their sentences.


We are continuing with our learning on fractions in maths this week – with a focus of finding fractions of a set of objects. Please feel free to be creative with your working out – you may want to use items you find around the house to help you find the answers. We would love to see photos of your creative maths learning on Class Dojo! We have set daily worksheets, with some videos/powerpoints to help with the learning. If you are in Prism group (Waterloo) or Blue group (Blackfriars) or finding the work on fractions difficult, you may wish to scroll down to do some revision from the year 2 work on fractions.


Revision worksheets:

Day 1 – Recognise a third
Day 2 – Finding a third
Day 3 – Unit Fractions
Day 4 – Non-unit Fractions
Day 5 – Equivalence of half and two quarters

There are video lessons on fractions on the Oak National Academy website which may help your child in their learning.


The children in year 3 were doing very well in learning their times tables before school closure. They should continue to work on the times table they were learning at the time of school closure. When they are secure with both the multiplication and the division facts  they can move on. The order the tables are learned in is – 10, 2, 5, 3, 4, 8, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12. Children who are already 144 club members should work on their speed of recall. The following websites should be helpful;



All children should have log-in details for the times tables rockstars website.

Keep caring for and monitoring your plant. Update the diary you started last week.

Plant Grow Cartoon photos, royalty-free images, graphics, vectors ...


Learn about Roman mosaics using the PowerPoint below.

Roman Mosaics Presentation

Create your own mosaic pattern. In school we would have used collage techniques. You can make a collage or use paint or even pens or pencils to create your mosaic.


Ramadan began on Thursday 23rd April. This year Ramadan will be very different for our Muslim families as the Mosques are closed and people will not be able to meet with extended family to break their fast. You can learn about Ramadan using the links below.




Try writing some questions to help you find out more about Ramadan.


Don’t forget there are music activities on the Out of the Ark website which your child can follow. These are updated each week.

Out of the Ark

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#74ee22″ border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]In addition to these activities many families are now enjoying BBC bitesize daily programmes which are now available on BBC iPlayer and through the red button on the TV remote. There are linked activities on https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/dailylessons If your child finds it difficult to access the year 3 curriculum or siblings want to watch together then it is fine to use programmes from a different year group.[/dropshadowbox]





Week Beginning 20th April

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-bottom-left” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#f0f054″ border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Today a new term is due to begin. Unfortunately we are still unable to learn together in our classroom. We have been really impressed by the photographs we have seen of your children’s learning at home. Well done to all of you for your great work in supporting learning at home![/dropshadowbox]

This half term our topic is the Romans. We suggest the following activities for this week.


Spellings for the week are;

perhaps, address, guard, material, recent, guide, forward, fruit .

Children can practice the spellings using look, cover, write, check or try playing a game of hangman.

Daily grammar lesson on nouns, pronouns, verbs and adjectives can be found on;


Our text is the Roman myth of Romulus and Remus. This is available on the PowerPoint below:

Romulus and Remus Story Powerpoint

  • Lesson 1 – Read the story of Romulus and Remus. Retell the story to an adult in your own words.
  • Lesson 2 – Write some questions for Romulus, Remus and the Wolf.
  • Lesson 3 – Create a storyboard of the story of Romulus and Remus story. You can use this template  or simply divide a piece of paper into 6 sections. (Storyboard)
  • Lesson 4 and 5 – Retell the story of Romulus and Remus in writing. Use your storyboard to help you organise your writing in paragraphs. Don’t forget to check and up-level your writing.

There are resources connected with the story of Romulus and Remus on the Twinkl website. You can access the website free of charge by going to www.twinkl.co.uk/offer and using the free access code: UKTWINKLHELPS

Fractions clipart cartoon, Fractions cartoon Transparent FREE for ...


Our topic for the next few weeks is fractions, for the first week it should be revision for the children as we have covered them in class.



This term our topic is plants. Plant a seed of your choice in a pot and water it regularly. Over the next few weeks keep a diary of the progress your plant is making. You could make notes of the condition of your plant, measure the plant and draw diagrams of your plant.

Please see template below (My Diary of a Bean Plant) from Twinkl – you might want to use to keep track of your plant’s progress, or you could have a look at it to give you an idea of how you might want to set it out on your own paper.

My Diary of  a Bean Plant

Topic work

Find out about why the Romans invaded Britain. You can use the video clip and information sheet below to help:


Why the Romans invaded Britain

Complete a detailed spider diagram on why the Romans invaded Britain.

You may want to include the following issues:-

  • Explain why the Romans wanted corn, wool and leather.
  • Explain why the Romans wanted gold, silver, lead and tin
  • Explain why the Romans wanted slaves
  • Why did the Romans think it was their duty to attack other countries and create an empire?
  • Why did the Romans want revenge on the Britons?

Extra work

We are aware that some children want some extra work to keep them busy at home. Please see the following link which is a home learning activity book with lots of different activities inside.

Activity Book

This could either be printed out and completed, or complete the work in your books that were sent home. Please do not feel this needs to be completed – only if you want to!

Year Four Home Learning Summer Term Wk 1

Blog Week Beginning 20th April Summer Term 1 Week 1

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Welcome Back to Home Learning Year Four. We hope you are all keeping well and happy. Here is your home learning for the week.  [/dropshadowbox]


Daily Tasks-Guided Reading, English and Maths

Guided Reading-(approximately half an hour) I have set up a new programme with books carefully chosen at your current reading level you can access at the following link:


Your username is your first name (including a capital for the first letter)

Your password is planet (all lowercase)

The centre ID is 211526

I have assigned you a guided reading text. If you have more than one assigned to you can choose which one to start with.

Please click on the tab to take you through to the online books. You may need to read and click on the terms and conditions the first time you enter the site. Click enter to get through to the next page with the book or books I have assigned for you.



Click on the tab open to take you through to the book. It will look something like this: 

Use the arrows to move to the next page or enlarge the print 

Read the book online and answer the questions when you see the question mark. Remember to look back at the text to help you answer the questions.

There are questions for you to answer at the end of each book and a quiz to do which sends me and Miss Danzey the results!

It looks like this:

If you need any more help accessing Reading Planet click on this guide:KS2_Pupil_user_guide

Remember to do a little bit of guided reading every day. Your timetable could look like this:

Monday-Read the book and answer the short quiz questions

Tuesday-Skim read the book again and answer the comprehension questions i=at the back of the book.

Wednesday-Skim read the book again and take the quiz.

Thursday-Do a follow up activity about the text

Friday-Do another follow up activity and summarise the book to an adult or in writing

The follow up activities are here:









They include detailed notes for parent home schoolers to help your child with their reading. Please let us know, via Class Dojo, how you find these.


Open the file to find instructions for what to do each day and all the sheets you will need. No need to print off the sheets. This week we will be watching a video called The Narrow Escape

and writing our own narrow escape story and then doing some poetry using expanded noun phrases and prepositional phrases.

Day 1-Plan a story about a narrow escape Year 4 English lesson 1 Monday 20th April 2020

Easier-Draw and label your plan

Day 2-Write sentences with adverbials for your story Year 4 English lesson 2 Tuesday 21st April 2020 ENGLISH Powerpoint – Adverbials lesson 2 Tuesday 21st April 2020L

Easier-Learning to change adjectives into adverbs

Day 3-Write your story from the point of view of the prey Year 4 English lesson 3 Wednesday 22nd April 2020

Easier-Parents-Create a word bank of useful words your child can use to help them write their story, for example attack, sprint,pounce,leopard

Day 4-Plan and Write a poem with noun phrases.Year 4 English lesson 4 Thursday 23rd April 2020 ENGLISH Powerpoint – Noun Phrases 1 lesson 4 Thursday 23rd Aprril 2020

Easier-Write some sentences using noun phrases remembering to include full stops, capital letters and finger spaces.

Day 5-Plan and write a poem with prepositional phrases Year 4 English lesson 5 Friday 24th April 2020 ENGLISH Powerpoint – Noun Phrases 2 lesson 5 Friday 24th April 2020

Easier-Write some sentences using prepositional phrases remembering to include full stops, capital letters and finger spaces.

Maths-Click on the links to find your daily Math’s lessons. This week we will be continuing to embed our decimals learning. You can access the video teaching as well as the answers to your work on this link: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-4/

Day 1-Make a whole Lesson-1-Y4-Summer-Block-1-WO1-Make-a-whole-2020

Day 2-Write decimals Lesson-2-Y4-Summer-Block-1-WO2-Write-decimals-2020

Day 3-Compare decimals Lesson-3-Y4-Summer-Block-1-WO3-Compare-decimals-2020

Day 4-Order decimals Lesson-4-Y4-Summer-Block-1-WO4-Order-decimals-2020

Day 5-Maths Challenge, TTRockstars or NRich challenge



If you are in Southwark class and normally work with Miss Alvarez with Maths try these activities instead.


Y2-Spring-Block-4-WO1-Make-equal-parts-2019 Y2-Spring-Block-4-WO2-Recognise-a-half-2019 Y2-Spring-Block-4-WO3-Find-a-half-2019 Y2-Spring-Block-4-WO4-Recognise-a-quarter-2019 Y2-Spring-Block-4-WO5-Find-a-quarter-2019

Use your TTRockstars account to practise your 3 and 4 times tables. Contact us on Class  dojo if you can’t remember your child’s account details or have any problems with the work we have set.


[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Once you have completed your daily Guided Reading, English and Maths tasks choose one of the foundation subjects below. You can choose to do one a day or more or less depending on how much computer or study time you have. Don’t worry if you can’t get everything done![/dropshadowbox]

Art-(Cubism and Picasso)

Week 1-Who is Pablo Picasso?

Watch the video https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zwyr87h

and read the powerpoint. ART All about-picasso-powerpoint_ver_3 Take the quiz. Either write a script and record yourself teaching someone all about Pablo Picasso or design a poster/mini book to share what you have found out.

Creative challenge-Cut out parts of faces from magazines to put together to make a new face.

Creative challenge online art games-https://www.tate.org.uk/kids/games-quizzes/tate-paint

Science-(Electricity and Scientists and Inventors)

Week 1-

L.O- I can explain ways that electricity is generated.

Watch the video https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zwqd7ty

and the Exciting electricity powerpoint Lesson Presentation Exciting Electricity

Task one-Fill in the mind map with what do you already know what do you want to find out SCIENCE Activity Sheet Electricity Mind Map

Task two-Prepare a video script explaining what electricity is and how it is generated (upload onto Class dojo) SCIENCE Exciting Electricity Video Presentation Planning Sheet

Easier-Draw a picture and label to explain how electricity is generated

P.E-Real P.E  PE-Jasmine-If you fancy taking part in some physical activities at home have a look at ‘Real PE’.  The school uses these resources and now the company have offered parents an opportunity to try some of the activities at home during school closures.

It’s really simple:

Log into:

The website address is: home.jasmineactive.com

Parent email: parent@howardprim-1.com

Password: howardprim

Then choose which activity you would like the children to take part in.  There are a variety of activities you can do throughout the day if you wish.

If you log onto facebook and join their closed group-you can then post photos of you and the family taking part in these activities.  They have weekly competitions with winners announced on their facebook page.  There are all sorts of different prizes so have a go!

Facebook: Join our real PE at home – tips & ideas

I.C.T-I can write software to make your own dance party

Find and complete the activity at https://studio.code.org/s/dance-2019/stage/1/puzzle/1

Latin- See how much you remember from our lessons. There’s no new learning this week, just a chance to practise the vocabulary and word endings we have previously learned. Go through the PowerPoint and try to test yourself. Let us know how well you did! LATIN

Music- Another week of singing and music to entertain yourself and your family. Some songs will be familiar and some will be new.


History- We were so looking forward to teaching you about the Egyptians and we certainly don’t want you to miss out. This PowerPoint will introduce you to Howard Carter and Egyptian archaeology and hopefully will make you want to start learning more! There are two tasks to complete as you read through. If you normally work with an adult in class, you can read through this PowerPoint with your parent and they can write what you want to say.


Brain burps!  If you need a break from your new learning try a break with a silly-What happened next

BRAIN BURPS What Happened Next Picture Prompts

Good Luck Year Four! I really home you enjoy the lessons we have planned for you to try at home. Please, please don’t worry if you cannot get everything completed I understand how hard it is sometimes to get work done at home.

I am really looking forward to seeing some of your work on Class Dojo. Keep save and happy. Miss Turpie


Monday 13th April, 2020

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#f9ec20″ border_width=”3″ border_color=”#84ef1f” ]Good Morning everyone! Happy Easter. Hope you are enjoying the sunshine and staying well and safe..[/dropshadowbox]

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#c0f9f9″ border_width=”3″ border_color=”#f3abd6″ ]Parents are welcome to contact Mrs Jeevahan & Mrs Ramakrishnan at : howardyear1@gmail.com [/dropshadowbox]

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#f4d6ee” border_width=”3″ border_color=”#dda1f9″ ]Children can continue to post their work, photos and videos at Classdojo. Thank you everyone. It has been wonderful to see your posts. Keep in touch! [/dropshadowbox]

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#a5f8e7″ border_width=”3″ border_color=”#8610bf” ]Our fun learning…. [/dropshadowbox]


You can always do Real PE.


 If you fancy taking part in some physical activities at home have a look at ‘Real PE’.  The school uses these resources and now the company have offered parents an opportunity to try some of the activities at home during school closures.

It’s really simple:

Log into:

The website address is: home.jasmineactive.com 
Parent email: parent@howardprim-1.com

Then choose which activity you would like the children to take part in.  There are a variety of activities you can do throughout the day if you wish.

If you log onto facebook and join their closed group-you can then post photos of you and the family taking part in these activities.  They have weekly competitions with winners announced on their facebook page.  There are all sorts of different prizes so have a go!

Facebook: Join our real PE at home – tips & ideas 

 Health and Well-being-

Click on the link below and you will be sent through to some amazing resources that will help create routines for children at home and different things children (supported by parents/carers) can do to keep happy and healthy-including looking after their emotional health.  All you have to do is click on the link and the activities will be there.   Have a look at the well-being wheel-5 different daily tasks to keep your mind and body healthy during this difficult time (Day 6).  This is updated daily so will be useful to keep looking back at the website whenever you can.

Supporting children’s mental health – Harold’s Daily Diary  
Harold the giraffe is posting daily ideas.  This is going down really well, particularly with younger children.

Alternatively you can still have fun with Joe



From Monday 23rd March there will be daily Phonics lessons provided by Ruth Miskin Training via this link: Daily Phonics lessons by Ruth Miskin Training.
Children working with Ms Dale & Mrs Hunjan please follow Set 1 and Set 2



Mrs Ramakrishnan &Mrs Jeevahan’s group please follow set 3


You can also use


Reading Comprehension

Please continue reading at home.
Here are three different texts about Tigers to read and answer questions. The first one is easy and the second  and third one is a little challenging. Please answer questions orally by referring to the text.

Tigers 1

Tigers 2

Tigers 3

You can also enjoy reading using…



30 day free trial

Book trust:


Oxford owls:


Sign up for free using an email address and get access to a range of free

e-books. Choose your child’s age range and away you go

You can also choose specific texts e.g. non-fiction.

The whole website gives you, as parents, an insight into the skills required by your children to read and understand.



We are continuing our learning with subtraction. You can use the numberline to count back, cross out the pictures or drawings to work out.


Use the sheet to complete the activities.


Please continue your Mathletics challenges and win more certificates. When you finish the set tasks please have fun going on to Rainforest Maths or learn the timetable song – x 2 / x 5/ x 10


Have fun watching these videos of animals at Chester Zoo.

Virtual Zoo

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#f7e522″ border_width=”3″ border_color=”#2d67eb” ]Have a break. Do some cosmic yoga..[/dropshadowbox]


Try drawing a cat .

You could use the attached twinkl log in to access a multitude of games, worksheets and resources to support the revision of these areas.


[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#fdc0f4″ border_width=”3″ border_color=”#8c9fca” ]Stay safe and well ![/dropshadowbox]