Welcome to Blackfriars Bridge Class
Welcome to the new academic year. We would like to welcome you and your child to Year 3.
The year 3 team consists of:
Miss Danzey - Class Teacher
Mrs Preston - Teaching Assistant
Recommended reading books for Year 3:
Best Books for Year 3 | Ages 7-8 | BooksForTopics
Expertly selected books for 7 and 8 year old children (lovereading4kids.co.uk)
Week beginning 11th September 2017
Welcome to Blackfriars Class and Year 3. It was a pleasure meeting your children this last week and the class has settled in well. I am Mrs Taggart the class teacher and I work with Mrs Glenn who is a Teaching Assistant and Mrs Tooze who works with me on Fridays.
In Maths this week we are working on Place Value, comparing and ordering numbers as well counting in multiples of 50 and 100. We will learn to write number in words up to 1000.
In English we are learning to use the correct form of tenses. We will look at the setting and the plot of the story Stone Age boy
Our topic this term is Scavengers and Hunters
In Science we will learn about forces and magnets.
The children will have homework on Fridays and it will be due in on Wednesday. The children have chosen their reading books and they should aim to read every day.
We look forward to working closely with you through the year.
Mrs Taggart Class Teacher
Mrs Glenn Teaching Assistant
Mrs Tooze. Teaching Assistant
As we enter our last week of the school year, here is a break down of what we will be covering in Blackfriars this week:
Maths– We will be spending some time this week on problem solving, improving our reasoning skills.
English– We will be continuing a book called I was there about life in Britain during the Roman invasion and starting diary writing.
Reading– We will continue to enjoy our class story The Christmasaurus by Tom Fletcher and we will continue Guided Reading sessions in small groups.
PE– We will be running or walking a daily mile (26 times around the athletics track) and playing rounders and basketball, working on our ball skills.
Topic– We will be continuing our topic about the Romans. We will learn a bit about them, their culture, religion and lifestyle and then begin to look at the Roman invasion of Britain.
PSHE- We will be concentrating on the importance of a healthy lifestyle, eating breakfast, keeping fit and looking after ourselves.
RE- We will be starting to learn about Hinduism.
Well done to the yellow table who are leading the table points competition.
Well done to the following children who were given merits; Raya, Tyler, Leon and Kiki!
Additional information
Please continue to encourage your child to read every day and continue to practise their multiplication tables and telling the time.