Welcome to Blackfriars Bridge Class
Welcome to the new academic year. We would like to welcome you and your child to Year 3.
The year 3 team consists of:
Miss Danzey - Class Teacher
Mrs Preston - Teaching Assistant
Recommended reading books for Year 3:
Best Books for Year 3 | Ages 7-8 | BooksForTopics
Expertly selected books for 7 and 8 year old children (lovereading4kids.co.uk)
This week our learning will be as follows;
- In mathematics we will work on reading scales with intervals of 20,25 50 or 100.
- In English we will continue our work around Lob by Linda Newbury. We will write poems based on the text.
- In history we will learn about Queen Boudicca’s revolt.
- In science we will complete our work on plants.
- In RE we will learn about the Christian story of Pentecost.
Don’t forget to check Google Classroom for details of the children’s homework. This week’s homework a task to help the children learn spellings in preparation for a test next week.
This week our learning will be as follows;
- In mathematics we will continue our learning on place value. We will focus on estimating the position of numbers on a number line.
- In English we will begin a new unit of work based on Lob by Linda Newbury.
- In history we will learn about Boudicca’s revolt.
- In science we will learn about the parts of a flower.
PE will be on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. Children should come to school in their PE kit with their school jumper.