Welcome to Blackfriars Bridge Class

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Welcome to the new academic year. We would like to welcome you and your child to Year 3.

The year 3 team consists of:

Miss Danzey -  Class Teacher

Mrs Preston -  Teaching Assistant

Recommended reading books for Year 3:

Best Books for Year 3 | Ages 7-8 | BooksForTopics

Expertly selected books for 7 and 8 year old children (lovereading4kids.co.uk)

Week Beginning 10th May

May 9, 2021

This week our learning will be as follows;

  • In mathematics we will be looking at place value. We will find the number of 10s in a 3-digit multiple of 10 and look at the value of each digit in a 3-digit number.
  • In English we will write autobiographies in role as the botanist and photographer Anna Atkins.
  • In science we will investigate the roots and stems of a plant.
  • In history we will find out about Roman soldiers and Hadrian’s Wall.

It has been lovely to talk to parents on School Cloud over the last two weeks. Please speak to one of the year 3 team if you have not yet had a meeting. We can arrange a telephone discussion.

Week Beginning -3rd May

April 30, 2021


Monday is a bank holiday so we will return to school on Tuesday. We hope that everyone enjoys their long weekend.This week our learning will be as follows;

  • In mathematics we will continue our work on addition and subtraction, We will be focusing on number bonds to 100, including ways of making £1 with coins. We will also learn to solve multi step addition and subtraction problems.
  • In English we will be writing a biography based on the life of the botanist Anna Atkins.
  • In science we will look at the roots and stems of plants.
  • In RE we will examine Christian artifacts.
  • In PE we will learn to play cricket on Tuesday and how to keep fit on Thursday.

It has been great seeing parents for meetings on School Cloud this week. Please speak to one of the year 3 teachers if you have not been able to book an appointment.