Welcome to Blackfriars Bridge Class

Image result for Blackfriars bridge london

Welcome to the new academic year. We would like to welcome you and your child to Year 3.

The year 3 team consists of:

Miss Danzey -  Class Teacher

Mrs Preston -  Teaching Assistant

Recommended reading books for Year 3:

Best Books for Year 3 | Ages 7-8 | BooksForTopics

Expertly selected books for 7 and 8 year old children (lovereading4kids.co.uk)

Week Beginning 23rd November

November 22, 2020

We are running virtual Parents’ Evening Appointments on School Cloud on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings for the next two weeks. Don’t forget to log in to School Cloud to book your appointment.


This week our learning will be as follows;

  • In English we will learn about the features of play scripts and write our own play based on Into the Forest by Anthony Browne.
  • In mathematics we will learn how to use unit and non unit fractions.
  • In science we will make shadow puppets and investigate how the distance of the puppet from the light source affects the size of the shadow.
  • In history we will learn about Bronze Age mining.
  • In Relationship and Health Education we will introduce a new scheme of work called Jigsaw.
  • In computing we will introduce a new programming unit using Scratch.


Week Beginning 16th November

November 13, 2020

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#cb21c4″ border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]This week is anti-bullying week. To mark the beginning of anti bullying week children may come to school on Monday wearing odd socks. We will be selecting Bullybusters to assist in prevnting bullying.[/dropshadowbox]

This week our learning be as follow;

  • In English we will continue our work based on Into the Forest by Anthony Browne and will be writing in role.
  • In mathematics we will learn to multiple and divide by 3, 4 and 8 and to solve problems using these skills.
  • In history we will learn about the Bronze Age.
  • In science we will continue our work on light and dark.
  • In RE we will learn about how Hindus celebrate Diwali.

PE will be on Tuesday and Thursday. There will be both a spelling test and Times Table Challenge on Wednesday.