Welcome to Blackfriars Bridge Class
Welcome to the new academic year. We would like to welcome you and your child to Year 3.
The year 3 team consists of:
Miss Danzey - Class Teacher
Mrs Preston - Teaching Assistant
Recommended reading books for Year 3:
Best Books for Year 3 | Ages 7-8 | BooksForTopics
Expertly selected books for 7 and 8 year old children (lovereading4kids.co.uk)
What an amazing World Book Day! Thank you for all the wonderful costumes. You looked spectacular!
Here’s what we will be learning this week:
English- This week we will be beginning a brand new text, The Bluest of Blues by Fiona Robinson. We will be discussing what we like and dislike about the text, analysing the characters we have met so far and researching insects for a piece of non-fiction writing.
We will be beginning to send home reading books on Monday, Wednesday and Friday for those children who have not already chosen them. Reading diaries should be brought to school each day.
Maths- We will be continuing with our work about fractions, beginning with identifying unit fractions and thinking about all the different ways they can be expressed over several days and then exploring the idea that equal parts do not have to look the same in order to be equal.
If your child would like to practise their learning at home, there are lots of free games which they can use, including Daily 10 from Topmarks or Hit the Button
PE- We will be beginning to work on static balance and counterbalance and also learning some of the rules and skills of netball.
History- We will be continuing to compare four Ancient Civilisations, the Egyptians, the Shang Dynasty, Sumar and Indus Valley, before beginning an in depth look at Ancient Egypt.
Science- We will be beginning a new topic about rocks and soils, beginning with a vocabulary lesson and exploring what we already know and would like to find out.
RHE- We are beginning a new topic about why it is important to keep your body fit and healthy.
Homework- We will post homework on Google Classroom each week. We have added tasks to Mathletics. Additionally, the children will have access to Language Angels to practise their new vocabulary in Spanish. We hope to give your child access to TTRockstars also this week, a fun way to practise times tables.
PE will take place on Monday and Friday for Blackfriars class and Tuesday and Friday for Waterloo class. Children should come to school in their school PE kits on those days.
Please ensure your child has a water bottle in school each day.
Lastly, if you have any questions or concerns, please speak to a member of staff or email us at the address below;
Year 3 Team
We have now got access to Google Classroom again and are starting to upload homework tasks. Children’s logins have not changed but there is a new class code.
Waterloo: 2tu6ksx
Blackfriars: tdsv7fo
If you have any problems logging in, please let us know.
Welcome back! Hopefully you are all rested after a wonderful half term and are ready for more amazing learning!
Here’s what we will be learning this week:
English- This week we will be beginning a brand new text, The Bluest of Blues by Fiona Robinson. We will be thinking about the function of photographs and how they have changed, doing some descriptive writing to describe a setting and thinking about what our own autobiographies would be like.
We will be beginning to send home reading books on Monday, Wednesday and Friday for those children who have not already chosen them. Reading diaries should be brought to school each day.
Maths- We will be beginning a new unit of work all about fractions, beginning with identifying parts and wholes and thinking bout equal and unequal parts of areas and shapes.
If your child would like to practise their learning at home, there are lots of free games which they can use, including Daily 10 from Topmarks or Hit the Button
PE- We will be beginning to work on gymnastic and static balance and also incorporating some dance lessons over the course of this half term.
Art- We will be making a papier mache construction of a volcano. Please provide your child with an old shirt to wear if possible to protect their uniform when working.
History- We will be comparing four Ancient Civilisations, the Egyptians, the Shang Dynasty, Sumar and Indus Valley, before beginning an in depth look at Ancient Egypt.
Science- We will be continuing our topic of light, looking for patterns in the way that the size of shadows change and focusing on sundials.
Homework- We will post homework on Google Classroom each week. We have added tasks to Mathletics. Additionally, the children will have access to Language Angels to practise their new vocabulary in Spanish. We hope to give your child access to TTRockstars also this week, a fun way to practise times tables.
PE will take place on Monday and Friday for Blackfriars class and Tuesday and Friday for Waterloo class. Children should come to school in their school PE kits on those days.
RHE- We are beginning a new topic about why it is important to keep your body fit and healthy.
Please ensure your child has a water bottle in school each day.
Lastly, if you have any questions or concerns, please speak to a member of staff or email us at the address below;
Year 3 Team
We have now got access to Google Classroom again and are starting to upload homework tasks. Children’s logins have not changed but there is a new class code.
Waterloo: 2tu6ksx
Blackfriars: tdsv7fo
If you have any problems logging in, please let us know.