Welcome to Cannon Street Class
Class Teacher: Mr C Grundey (Year Group Lead)
Teaching Assistant: Miss Campbell
Handed out on Fridays,
Returned by Wednesday,
Please remember that homework is an important building stone in the child’s learning and development. The children will receive Dojo-Points for completed homework as well as particularly outstanding contributions.
Daily Reading:
To help further develop the children’s reading and academic development, please support and encourage the children to read daily for at least 10 minutes. This daily reading should then be recorded (title + pages) in the Learning Diary. We would kindly ask parents to sign/initial the record.
The children will receive Dojo-Points for daily reading.
Recommended reading books for Year 5:
Best Books for Year 5 | Ages 9-10 | BooksForTopics
Expertly selected books for 9 and 10 year old children (lovereading4kids.co.uk)
Reading Activities:
Once the children have completed reading a book, they then choose an activity related to the book (e.g. book-review, letter to the author, sequel, character profile, alternative cover etc.). This activity is completed in the child’s Reading Journal. Our wonderful teaching assistants will then check, feedback and record the completion of these activities.
The children will receive multiple Dojo-Points to reward exceptional work.
Our current P.E. days are Tuesday (Miss Handley) and Wednesday (Mr Grundey).

Welcome to week four of the 2nd Summer Half-term.
Shock-Horror. From now on, the days are getting shorter again since we had our Summer Solstice on Saturday.
The week ahead is pretty normal and since we are in school at least every other day, the lessons should again be much lighter, just like last week. This also means that our responses to Class-Dojo will not be quite as instant.
Have a wonderful week, the last full one before July begins.
Enjoy your learning.
Year 5
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#b7f7fb” border_width=”2″ border_color=”#e95d55″ ]Friday[/dropshadowbox]
Here is your Friday giggle – not just for Michael Mcintyre fans:
(Even funny when you watch it a 2nd time – sorry if you have watched the clip already.)
Like most Fridays, there is not Arithmetics starter today, but a double main task – or 1 and ½ really.
First Main task: As our last day on National Oak, please follow the National Oak academy – Year 5 lesson 10 “Making connections between reflections and translations“
Second Main task: Complete today‘s family homelearning challenge. Family-Challenge-Friday-26th
Q. 1-3 are a “nice“ and quick warm-up,
Q. 4-6 might tease your brain a little,
Main task: I can use freeze-frame and thought-tracking to further explore characters.
- First, listen to chapter 11 https://youtu.be/18zI04eGtC4
- Record the dramatic events in a drawing.
- Use the notebook to help you direct your drawing.Friday 26 PDF
Class-Novel Reading:
Please listen to the 4th part of Elizabeth Rinkes‘ reading of “Wonder“(Part 2 – Via Part 4)
Answer these questions (You can copy-paste these questions into Dojo or a Word-Document and then answer & send it.):
What makes this chapter start in a slightly depressing or emotionally stressful way? Explain.
How does Via summarise the amount of knowledge Scientists have about August‘s “condition“?
What type of group does Via now affiliate/socialise with in school?
How – in your opinion – might this influence Via‘s future school career?
In this part, the circle closes and we are getting back to the Halloween events from Part 1 August. Summarise how Via tells us August felt in the build-up to Halloween.
When in your life did a person close to you disappoint you? How (if) did the problem get solved?
List 3 signs that tell us that August is utterly devastated.
- Task 1: Use a paint or art app to draw a picture of a character from Floodland. Please name and send your work (or a photo of it).
- ask 2 – optional: Now, we are going back to SCRATCH and you need to choose your activity based on how confident you feel about Scratch.
- Some knowledge: Try one of the following projects → https://projects.raspberrypi.org/en/codeclub/scratch-module-1
- Expert or very experienced: Try this project → https://www.raspberrypi.org/at-home/posts/out-at-sea/
- Some knowledge: Try one of the following projects → https://projects.raspberrypi.org/en/codeclub/scratch-module-1
Being in the middle of our not so new topic “Mi clase“ anymore, …
Please simply …
go to www.languageangels.com
click on “Log-in“ at the top lefthand side
click on “Log-in Home School“ → FREE (for language angels schools) → log-in: Howard1986 pw: lahome
choose Spanish (top-middle – Spanish flag)
choose “Mi clase“ – Lesson 3.
Tengo …
Go through the video,
Give the writing exercise a go.
Go to the games section (choose Spanish, Intermediate, scroll down to Mi Clase) and complete …
Picture memory
What is missing?
Thank you for your recordings from last week. Maybe, everyone could send us a recording of their Spanish practise. Double Dojo-Points is what I would say.
Have fun.
Homework: As before, use the weekend to catch-up with any outstanding tasks.
But most of all, …
… enjoy time with your family, admire the power of nature (in the forecasted thunderstorms) and doing something active like cycling, running, exploring your local park (or even venture further since we are allowed to) …
Now, it is time to say, “Happy Weekend to everybody.”
The Year 5 team who are missing you more and more.
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” . height=”” background_color=”#b7f7fb” border_width=”2″ border_color=”#e95d55″ ]Thursday[/dropshadowbox]
Arithmetics starter:
Main task: Please follow the National Oak academy – Year 5 lesson 9 “Reasoning about reflection“
SpaG: Sorry about yesterday‘s mess-up, I (Mr Grundey) took the wrong screenshot and labelled incorrectly. But today I double-checked.
- Main task – Book Talk:
- Listen to Chapter 10. https://youtu.be/MyfSLY84eHw
- Use this notebook to help you think about the book and stories.Thursday 25 June Literacy PDF
Class-Novel Reading:
- Please listen to the 3rd part of Elizabeth Rinkes‘ reading of “Wonder“(Part 2 – Via Part 3)
- Answer these questions (You can copy-paste these questions into Dojo or a Word-Document and then answer & send it.):
What did August do at the end of his first day and why was it such a significant thing?
How do we know that Via‘s dad is very proud of her?
Find 3 facts about the author Tolstoy. https://kids.kiddle.co/Leo_Tolstoy
List 3 facts why mum is so protective of August.
How do we know that Via might be a little jealous of how the parents treat August.
Why did Via not want mum to call Miranda’s mum in the morning asking whether she could pick Via up again?
Find out the meaning of the word “pogrom” that was mentioned when talking about dad’s parents. https://kids.britannica.com/students/article/pogrom/333398
- Explain the meaning of “like two peas in a pod.
Coming of Age
This is a fairly relaxed afternoon of RE/PSHE on rituals that mark the step from childhood to adulthood..
- Read about some of the weird and wonderful coming of age rituals and ceremonies from around the world.https://www.globalcitizen.org/en/content/13-amazing-coming-of-age-traditions-from-around-th/
Now there is a short but painful video of the coming of age ritual for
The Sateré-Mawé Coming Of Age Tradition: Bullet Ant Initiation
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#b7f7fb” border_width=”2″ border_color=”#e95d55″ ]Wednesday[/dropshadowbox]
Today, please follow lesson 8 on reflecting shapes along axes.
English: Apologies to you all. Started writing reports yesterday and seemed to have pushed everything else to the back of my mind
First. listen to Chapter 9 of Floodland. With a scrap of paper note down any phrases any thing you learn about Munchkin.https://youtu.be/vx6eNcc7zJI
Main: Use the notebook to continue thinking about Floodlands Chapter 9weds 24 June PDF
Class-Novel Reading:
Listen to Elizabeth Rinkes‘ reading of “Wonder“(Part 2 – Via Part 2).
Remember, Part 1 finished quite abruptly.
Also, the focus/time of the narration goes back to the first day at school
Answer these questions (You can copy-paste these questions into Dojo or a Word-Document and then answer & send it.):
Research Ipanema and record 5-10 facts.
What does Via reckon is one of August’s key problem regarding how he sees himself and how others see him?
Explain what a janitor is.
Explain the word heyday.
Which High school did Miranda, Ella and Via get accepted at?
What made Miranda a special friend to Via and August?
How did Via and Miranda’s relationship change? Why do you think that was?
How did Via feel about the changes and how do we as the reader know?
What surprised Via when she asked August about his first day at school?
Have you done the “MakingMusic“ session 5 yet?
If not, please complete it today.
When visiting Seesaw, you will notice, there are a few tasks to finish as well. Have fun.
Songwriting 1-3
Nutrocker & Fortnight Dance
Virtual piano and keyboard labelling.
Well done to the ones amongst you who have already completed these.
Geography: I can describe the journey of a river I.
First, to warm up, recap the Water-Cycle aka Hydrological Cycle from last week.
Then, follow this very easy to understand and very comprehensive “Daily Bitesize“ lesson. (Please ignore that it is located within Year 3, not every school focusses on the same topics in the same year.)
One feature is missing and that is a so-called levee which is a natural or man-made structure that which prevents flooding of the countryside. However it also confines the flow of the river resulting in higher and faster water flow and increased danger and destruction lower down the course of the river.
Complete the overview (choose Hot, Hotter or Hottest): Su2-Wk4-Journeyofariver .doc (answer electronically) Su2-Wk4-Journeyofariver .pdf (print)
Optional 1:
On the BBC website (see above: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z2kdbqt), complete
task 2 and then
task 1 (quiz).
Optional: Over the next week, have a browse and choose & watch a “Rivers“ programme from the BBC:
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#b7f7fb” border_width=”2″ border_color=”#e95d55″ ]Tuesday[/dropshadowbox]
First of all, please find here the weekly News: FIRSTNEWS_731
Secondly, for the history of our country after the terrible devastation during the 2nd World War, the 22nd June is a very memorable and important day.
Do you know?
It is “Windrush Day“ → Find out more, here https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/43793769
Complete at least 2 of the activities:
Read through the PowerPoint. T2-H-4942-The-Windrush-Powerpoint_ver_6
Read the website: http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/british/modern/arrival_01.shtml
Create an information leaflet on “The Windrush“
Choice (additional):
Check out this document for some creative ideas and tasks. WindrushCreativeTasks
Try the reading comprehensions (Hot – Hotter – Hottest).
Windrush ReadingComprehension-Hot Windrush ReadingComprehension-Hotter Windrush ReadingComprehension-Hottest
Today, please follow lesson 7 on describing reflection using co-ordinates.
Main First :listen to chapter 8 of Floodlandshttps://youtu.be/koFm3olY0SI
- Now use the note book to write a free verse poem as Zoe.Tues 23 Final
Class-Novel Reading:
- We have now reached the second part of the book. The perspective changes to August‘s sister Via.
- Listen to Elizabeth Rinkes‘ reading of “Wonder“(Part 2 – Via Part 1).
Answer these questions (You can copy-paste these questions into Dojo or a Word-Document and then answer & send it.):
- Who was David Bowie? Find 3-5 facts.
- Why is Daisy (sorry to Daisy in Cannon Street) the only celestial body that doesn’t orbit August? Explain.
- Describe Via’s character. Why could you call her a role-model?
- Explain what Via means when she says that the universe is changing and the planets are falling out of it.
- Which country is mum’s family/parents from?
- How did Via practise being a big sister? What do you think about this little annecdote?
- How does Via see August? Why do you think that is? Explain.
- Explain how Granny and Via have a special bond/connection.
- Explain why Via hated herself for a second.
- Who have you got a very special connection with? What has made your bond special?
- Explain why Via describes August to us, the reader.
- Listen to the genius, one and only David Bowie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYYRH4apXDo
What do you think about Bowie’s music?
In a way, he is linked to the “Local History” topic. Can you find out how?
Science: I can describe and explain how metamorphic rock is formed.
- Use the BBC Bitesize daily lesson to guide you through the content.
- https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/how-is-metamorphic-rock-formed
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#b7f7fb” border_width=”2″ border_color=”#e95d55″ ]Monday[/dropshadowbox]
Today, please follow lesson 6 identifying and describing reflection.
Main – I can explore poetry linked to Floodland:
First, read/listen to chapter 7.
Now, follow the attached lesson-slides.
- Here are some important links:
William Blake @ the Tate Gallery https://www.tate.org.uk/whats-on/tate-britain/exhibition/william-blake-artist
Led Zeppelin song – Stairway to heaven https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkF3oxziUI4
Led Zeppelin lyrics – Stairway to heaven https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/ledzeppelin/stairwaytoheaven.html
Class-Novel Reading:
We have now reached part 10 of Elizabeth Rinkes‘ reading of “Wonder“(Part 1 – August Part 10: The Cheese Touch; Costumes; The Bleeding Scream).
Answer these questions (You can copy-paste these questions into Dojo or a Word-Document and then answer & send it.):
Why did the chapter “The Cheese Touch“ receive that name/title? Explain.
Who is Ms Rubin and how do you think she felt about what happened during the Science experiment?
What costume would you wear for Halloween if you were August?
What is mum’s hidden talent?
Describe what was unusual on the morning of Halloween.
How did August feel at first when he went through school toward the classroom? Explain why.
Why do you think Julian dressed up as Darth Sidious? Explain how that supports your opinion of Julian.
Explain how you would have felt as August when he heard Jack saying, “if I looked like him, seriously, I think I’d kill myself.”?
When have you ever felt (even a little bit) like that – incredibly disappointed as if the ground under your feet gave away? How was the problem resolved?
Predict how the story might now change, especially the “friendship” between Jack and August.
Let‘s get practical … and construct a bridge.
Use the BBC Bitesize daily lesson to guide you through the content.
Hello and welcome back to another exciting week of learning.
I can’t believe it is …
Throughout the week, please make sure that you cover a range of activities which can be found here:
There is a .pdf document explaining the activities and different scores to aim to get etc.
Please make sure you choose 5 activities out of the 10 activities and track your progress.
For each activity, the children have 60 seconds to complete as many reps of the activity as they can. The aim of the week is to beat your personal best. The .pdf documents that explain the activities have Bronze, Silver and Gold targets for you to get to. There is a corresponding section on the tracking sheet to tick off which level/medal you have achieve the Bronze, Silver and Gold.
Furthermore, the tracking sheet also includes extra daily challenges for you to choose from. I can’t believe it, but on Thursday there is an opportunity to dress up as your favourite character whilst practising.
Have fun.
With regards to our learning, during the next weeks, things here will be slightly different as we are partially going back to school and are therefore more limited with our time. You will notice that there are some contents for the next days already, but please stick to the days like we did in the past. Also, in Maths we are going to switch to using the fabulous lessons from the “National Academy“ (Oak), so you simply watch/follow their lessons and complete the tasks set in those lessons.
In Science, due to the fact that we are not in school together, we have decided to move the topic “Animals and Humans“ into the next school year. This is needed, because the topic is connected with PSHE which we need to teach in person, but cannot do at the moment.
Anything else should be “business as usual“.
As the timetable is quite light, please make sure to complete the “Virtual Sportsweek“ challenges on a daily basis.
Enjoy your learning.
Year 5
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#b7f7fb” border_width=”2″ border_color=”#e95d55″ ]Homework[/dropshadowbox]
Please just use the time over the weekend to catch up with any tasks you haven‘t yet done.
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#b7f7fb” border_width=”2″ border_color=”#e95d55″ ]Friday[/dropshadowbox]
Starter: There will not be a starter today.
Main Task 1: Follow lesson 2 on “Describing position after translation“ (b) and complete the integrated tasks.
Main Task 2: Complete the family Maths challenge.
English: Floodland – Session 9;
- Listen to chapter 6.https://youtu.be/eEgBKFxsgTQ
- Which questions would you like to ask to be clear as to what is happening in this chapter . Write them down and send them to me. Use this notebook to help you.
- After you have written your questions listens to these speeches:
- Emmeline Pankhurst delivering the speech commonly known as ‘Freedom or death’:https://bbc.in/2KpNbur,
- Malala Yousafzai delivering this address on education to the United Nations Youth Assembly on ‘Malala Day’, her 16th birthdayy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOqIotJrFVM
- Michelle Obama’s last commencement speech – Transcript: https://bit.ly/2rGW0Ju Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xB1eGI8Gqcg
Class-Novel Reading:
We have now reaching part 9 of Elizabeth Rinkes‘ reading of “Wonder“(Part 1 – August Part 9: Jack Will; Mr Browne‘s October precept; Apples; Halloween; School Pictures).
Answer these questions (You can copy-paste these questions into Dojo or a Word-Document and then answer & send it.):
Describe how Jack and August‘s friendship is developing.
What would you mix together to squirt at the rude kids? (Can you “up-level“ Jack‘s suggested mix of slug juice and dog pee?)
What would you have written in response to Mr Browne‘s October Precept: “Your deeds are your monuments.“?
When is August‘s birthday and when exactly was he born?
How was August‘s birthday this year different to normal years?
What do we learn from Julian‘s reaction to August‘s birthday invitation about him and his family?
What is Summer‘s favourite book (especially when she was younger)?
What does Summer like best about August?
What do you have an aversion or phobia to?
ICT: I can stay safe online.
Please follow the lesson on BBC Bitesize.
Follow the second lesson in our new Topic “En classe“ using the home-learning log-in from language-angels.
Please simply …
click on “Log-in“ at the top lefthand side
click on “Log-in Home School“ → FREE (for language angels schools) → log-in: Howard1986 pw: lahome
choose Spanish (top-middle – Spanish flag)
complete “En classe“ – Lesson 2.
There are extra Dojo points for children who submit an audio of their practising via Class Dojo.
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#b7f7fb” border_width=”2″ border_color=”#e95d55″ ]Thursday[/dropshadowbox]
Here is a quick “Music-note“ to start with.
Thank you sooooooooooo much to everyone who has done their music and submitted work to Mr Regan via Seesaw. That really makes us so incredibly proud of you.
As I am writing this, he is putting more things onto Making Music for you to do/play with in your “Music / artistic time“. If you fancy more music, check this out:
Maths Starters
Mild/Hot Hotter/Hottest
Maths Main Activity
Describing position after Translation.Pleaase follow the link and send in your answers
ENGLISH Floodlands Session 8
letter Writing to ZoeThursday literacy
Chapter 1https://youtu.be/tSap8FUQaaA
Chapter 2https://youtu.be/gSYfG3dPRFs
Chapter3 https://youtu.be/RBOkKgPTImo
Chapter 5https://youtu.be/iXZ2JiliuPw
Class-Novel Reading:
Here is your next section of “Wonder“ read by the two Rinkes.
Please listen to the 8th part of Elizabeth Rinkes‘ reading of “Wonder“(Part 1 – August Part 8: One to Ten; Padawan; September)
Answer these questions (You can copy-paste these questions into Dojo or a Word-Document and then answer & send it.):
How do you give your parents feedback when they ask you about how your day was? Have you also got a scale of 1-10 or another system?
Name at least 2 things that you think have really surprised August‘s mum about his first day at school. Why do you think those things surprised her so much?
Share your opinion on August‘s comment about him and Summer being like “Beauty and the beast“. Describe how you felt when you first heard him say that.
Which symbol shows that August is changing and also that things are really affecting August‘s emotions?
Describe the relationship between August and his dad.
Explain how the relationship between August and mum very different to the one between him and dad.
How did August feel about the other children‘s reactions when he bumped into other children?
Explain what a Wookiee is.
Journey of life;Special Moments
Use the notebook to explore this subject.
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#b7f7fb” border_width=”2″ border_color=”#e95d55″ ]Wednesday[/dropshadowbox]
First of all: Let’s read the news! I will do the same this morning.
Mild/Hot Hotter/Hottest
Maths Main Activity
Describing position and Coordinates
This is closely related to a subject we studied together in maths. Please follow the link below and send me your results in Class Dojo.
English Session 7 ; Book Talk
- SpaG starter: Please complete the SpaG Starter on a piece of paper or electronically. Remember to ask us when a questions was particularly tricky.
- Listen to chapter 3 up to ‘she had a stitch’ https://youtu.be/RBOkKgPTImo
- Then answer theses questions
- Who is William?
- Does the story of Brother Elmer remind you of any other story?
- Why might William be important in the story?
- What did William and Zoe talk about. Write you answers on this word document: Weds English word document
- When you have written your answers on the word document listen to the rest of chapter 3 and chapters 4 and 5.
- Chapter 4https://youtu.be/9EA6B2EBaPw Chapter 5
- Chapter 5https://youtu.be/iXZ2JiliuPw
- Now go back to the word document to complete the questions.
Class-Novel Reading:
Today, there is only a short session of the class-novel reading/listening.
Please listen to the 7th part of Elizabeth Rinkes‘ reading of “Wonder“(Part 1 – August Part 7: …)
Answer these questions (You can copy-paste these questions into Dojo or a Word-Document and then answer & send it.):
Explain what is special about lunch in Middle school?
How does August know that people talk about him?
Explain what a cleft palate is.
Describe Summer‘s character.
Explain how Summer is a special character.
I was a bit sad to see that not many people had done some music work on Seesaw.
This week, please have a proper push for it and complete at least one more activity and then submit it.
Have you completed the activities on Making Music? If the answer is no again, then please complete at least one (That is now a total of 2.):
Tell me 3 reasons, why music is important for us? (Send your answer on Class-Dojo.)
Remember, Mr Regan and his colleagues have spent valuable time preparing all the activities for us!
Geography: After those wonderful coverpages, today, I would like you to look at two key aspects related to rivers.
Firstly, please explore the Rivers of the UK and the Rivers of the World.
Hot: Label the UK rivers on the map with a colour or number. Then, to the UK and world rivers add the source and mouth in the tables.
Hotter: Label the UK rivers on the map with a colour or number. Then, to the UK and world rivers add the source, mouth and one key city (UK) / the countries in the table.
Hottest: Label the UK rivers on the map with a colour or number. Then, to the UK and world rivers add the source, mouth and more than one key city (UK) / all countries on its course in the table.
Extension: Can you find the length of the rivers?
Recording Sheet: Rivers-Mapswork (.doc editable) Rivers-Mapswork (.pdf for print)
Secondly, recap what you know about the driving force of all rivers, the Water-Cycle.
Watch this video. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/z8qtfg8
Complete the brief overview in the attached document. Water Cycle (.doc editable) Water Cycle (.pdf for print)
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#b7f7fb” border_width=”2″ border_color=”#e95d55″ ]Tuesday[/dropshadowbox]
- Starter
mild/Hot Hotter/Hottest
Main ActivityDescribing Translation. please follow this link and carry out the activity. Send me your results. https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/describing-translations
- SPAG Starter:
Main Lesson: Session 6 Floodlands.
- Today you will be Hot-Seating as Zoe.Please ask a family member to help you. Maybe they can ask you the questions. Or even film you !
- Please also share your 5 or more questions and send them in via Dojo with your answers as Zoe.
- First, listen to the next part of the story: https://youtu.be/gSYfG3dPRFs
- Next use the notebook to help you create 5 or more opened ended questions to be asked as Zoe.
Class-Novel Reading:
Please listen to the 6th part of Elizabeth Rinkes‘ reading of “Wonder“(Part 1 – August Part 6: Around the Room; Lamb to the slaughter; Choose kind),
Answer these questions (You can copy-paste these questions into Dojo or a Word-Document and then answer & send it.):
Tell me 2 things that you think everyone needs to know about you.
What are 5 things you learn about August in these chapters?
Why is August upset about the Darth Sidious reference?
Share your opinion on Julian‘s behaviour/reference?
What was the subject of the next lesson?
Describe the teacher. Name at least 3 things about his appearance and character.
Explain the word “Precept“.
What kind of person are you? Describe and explain.
Share your opinion on Mr Brown‘s first Precept: When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind.
What influence did the lesson have on August? Explain, please.
Science: I can describe and explain how igneous rock is formed.
Over the next weeks, we will be revising and deepening our learning about rocks from the previous years.
We will do so by following the Science lessons from the OAK National Academy.
Please click on the link and follow the lesson which also includes activities.
https://classroom.thenational.academy/subjects-by-year/year-5/subjects/foundation -> Lesson 1 (Igneous Rock)
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#b7f7fb” border_width=”2″ border_color=”#e95d55″ ]Monday[/dropshadowbox]
Today, please follow the first lesson on translation called “An Introduction to translation“.
English: Can you visualize a location from the story, draw an annotated Onepicture to describe the scene from ‘one’
use this notebook to help you monday English listen here
SpaG: Please complete the tasks on a sheet or Dojo and send us your answers. Thank you.
Main: …
Class-Novel Reading:
Please listen to the 5th part of Elizabeth Rinkes‘ reading of “Wonder“(Part 1 – August Part 5: Home, p. 33; First day jitters, p. 35; Locks, p. 37)
Answer these questions (You can copy-paste these questions into Dojo or a Word-Document and then answer & send it.):
What is the name of August‘s dog?
Explain why August is sad.
Explain what it means when we called Julian “two-faced“.
How did the parents‘ opinion about August going to school changed after the visit?
What type of “block“ does August normally avoid when going to different places?
What is the name of August‘s neighbourhood?
Why is everyone nervous on that day?
What does the type of hug August gave mum tell us about his feelings?
What is the similarity between August‘s and Bradley‘s place in the classroom?
Give the name of 5 different children in August‘s class.
What short, but very clear impression to we get about Miles? Give evidence from the text.
What is the comical element of Mrs Petosa saying that children forget their locker combination about 3.2 times per semester? Explain.
Share your opinion of Henry‘s behaviour.
Let‘s get practical … and a bit crazy today. Have fun while following the lesson below.
Here are the links if they don‘t work from the slide/file: Su2-Wk3-DT 01 contraption
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#b6f1d6″ border_width=”2″ border_color=”#8b1a1a” ]Welcome to this week’s Year 5 blog, [/dropshadowbox]
Have a look at out timetable, which is slightly different. To give you proper time for RE and as the introduction to rivers doesn‘t take ages, we have swapped RE and Geography. Also, due to time limitations please read “Wonder“ on Wednesday during “Reading for Pleasure time”.
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#b7f7fb” border_width=”2″ border_color=”#e95d55″ ]Friday[/dropshadowbox]
It is almost time to say, “Happy weekend.“ Enjoy today‘s learning.
Starter: Please complete the following arithmetic starter.
Main Task 1: I can apply my knowledge of statistics in a test situation.
Please finish yesterday’s tasks, …
the Statistics Revision.
All students should complete the Mathletics Statistics booklet: Statistics_student_GBR
But if you normally work with an adult in class and find this booklet tricky, try this one instead: statistics_student_GBR
Please send us a few lines about how you got on with the test when you send us your answers. Your feedback is incredibly important to us.
Complete the test from yesterday’s blog -> Su2-Wk2-Mini-Assessment-Block-3_Year-5-Statistics
Main Task 2: I can apply my Maths knowledge and skills in an Investigation situation.
The originally expected family challenge has been replaced by White-Rose this week with a recap lesson on time.
Since you already had a lot of work from yesterday, the following task is optional, but I really recommend it to children who find “time” tricky.
Starter: Please complete the SpaG Starter on a piece of paper or electronically. Remember to ask us when a questions was particularly tricky.
Main Lesson: I can use clues from the text to further explore characterisations and setting descriptions.
Follow the attached document. … Su2-Wk2-L04-Floodland-Friday
Listen to the chapter: https://youtu.be/tSap8FUQaaA (the print is within the slides)
Class-Novel Reading:
Today, please listen to the 4th part of Elizabeth Rinkes‘ reading of “Wonder“(Part 1 – August Part 4: The performance Space; The deal)
Answer these questions (You can copy-paste these questions into Dojo or a Word-Document and then answer & send it.):
What is the most common behaviour of other when they notice that August is not watching?
Explain the words “sarcastic“ and “obnoxious“.
How did Julien feel when finding out about August wanting to choose the Science elective?
What do you think about Julien‘s questions and the way he asks? What does this tell us about Julien and their possible future “relationship“?
How does August explain that he was almost smiling at Jack Will?
What do you think about Charlotte‘s behaviour?
In the past in ICT we have noticed that some of you seem to have an understanding where which key on a keyboard is, some of you found this however confusing. Therefore, today, please complete the lesson on “Touch-typing“
If that seems to childish, over the next weeks you could also regularly visit this more detailed and expanded touch-typing course (but it is very focussed and less fancy):
https://sense-lang.org/typing/ (use a range of activities – maybe try several and see which ones suit you best)
This week, we will move on to our new Topic called “En classe“, which is much easier with the homelearning log-in from language-angels as I don‘t have to do the screenrecording anymore.
Please simply …
click on “Log-in“ at the top lefthand side
click on “Log-in Home School“ → FREE (for language angels schools) → log-in: Howard1981 pw: lahome
choose Spanish (top-middle – Spanish flag)
complete “Mi clase“ – Lesson 1.
Some of you (for example Emiliana and Magnus) have in the past recorded themselves practising Spanish and submitted the audio via Class Dojo. That was fabulous. Thank you so much. The others could try and do the same.
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#b7f7fb” border_width=”2″ border_color=”#e95d55″ ]Thursday[/dropshadowbox]
I can‘t believe it is Thursday already! Where has the week gone? I really hope, you are enjoying your learning. Why not send us a message on Dojo to let us know, especially if you are somebody who hasn‘t made much contact via Dojo. This also goes to parents. If you haven‘t made much contact, please let us know. There might be questions you have for us, please feel free to ask. It feels like the way out of lockdown is more difficult and nerve-wrecking then the way into it was.
Have a lovely day.
Best wishes from us all here in Year 5.
Starter: Please complete the following arithmetic starter.
Main Task – I can apply my knowledge of statistics in a test situation.
Since we are unfortunately in the distance from each other, there is no strict way of assessing what you have learnt and how well, but I thought that it would be useful for you and us as your teachers, to see how you get on with these tests. This way, you can show and tell us what you found tricky and we know what we need to consider for next year. Please send us a few lines about how you got on with the test when you send us your answers.
We as your Year 5 teachers will be compiling a list of things (topics, skills etc.) that we haven’t had the chance to study so that your Year 6 teachers know the gaps and can prepare accordingly for the autumn. Since things with schools are very confusing at the moment, we need to plan very thoroughly so that we all can do well next year and are prepared for all eventualities. So your feedback is incredibly important to us.
There are two tasks which you can complete over the course of today and tomorrow.
All students should complete the Mathletics Statistics booklet:
- Sorry there was the wrong link in here before. Statistics_student_GBR
But if you normally work with an adult in class and find this booklet tricky, try this one instead: statistics_student_GBR
Complete the Su2-Wk2-Mini-Assessment-Block-3_Year-5-Statistics (This can be done tomorrow before the Family challenge)
Starter: Please complete the SpaG Starter on a piece of paper or electronically. Remember to ask us when a questions was particularly tricky.
Main Lesson: I can use clues from the text to describe a setting.
Before we start, please read chapter 2,
https://youtu.be/B-QsA94mSw8 (Scan/picture of the pages at the end of the lesson sheet);
Follow the attached instructions and complete the tasks on paper or electronically.
Class-Novel Reading:
Today, please listen to the next part of Elizabeth Rinkes‘ reading of “Wonder“
August Part 3 (Jack Will, Julian, and Charlotte; The Grand Tour)
Answer these questions (You can copy-paste these questions into Dojo or a Word-Document and then answer & send it.):
What impressed August about Mr Tushman‘s office?
Who is the famous Mr T?
How do we know that Mr Tushman feels a little funny about his name?
What is the painful difference between little and big kids?
How do we know that the Jack, Julian and Charlotte were not very comfortable?
Share your first impressions of Jack, Julian and Charlotte with me.
Which room was August‘s favourite room? Explain why.
What is an eraser and what does the use of this word tell us about the author of the book?
This week, we will continue to work on our “Challenge“ Topic/Project called “Journey of Life – Exploring change“.
Thank you for your life-journeys you had shared with us.
For today‘s lesson, please follow the attached document as a lesson guide otherwise this blog would be too overcrowded.
- Sorry, that took a little longer, but should be quite interesting. L02-ChangeCircumstancesRolemodels
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#b7f7fb” border_width=”2″ border_color=”#e95d55″ ]Wednesday[/dropshadowbox]
Sorry for the slight delay. Have a good day.
Starter: Since the main part is a little longer, there will be no Arithmetic starter today.
Main Task – I can read and interpret timetables.
Follow the attached instruction. Su2-Wk2-L03-TimeTables-Instructions
Then complete the attached tasks in the style that we would do it in class. Su2-Wk2-L03-TimeTables (pdf) Su2-Wk2-L03-TimeTables (doc)
All students: Fluency,
Most students (expected): Fluency and Reasoning
Some students (greater depth): Fluency, Reasoning and Diving deeper,
Today, there will be a break from your SpaG Starter (ignore the reference in the first slide).
Main Lesson: I can use clues from the text to describe a character.
Follow the attached instructions and complete the tasks on paper or electronically. Su2-Wk2-L03-Main
Listen to chapter 1 again: https://youtu.be/45ExqpnIZyo
Optional: Even though this will be tomorrow‘s focus, you might already find time to listen to chapter 2: https://youtu.be/B-QsA94mSw8
Class-Novel Reading:
Today, please listen to the next part of Elizabeth Rinkes‘ reading of “Wonder“
August Part 2 (Driving; Paging Mr Tushman; Nice Mrs Garcia)
Answer these questions (You can copy-paste these questions into Dojo or a Word-Document and then answer & send it.):
What were the parents arguing about? Who had which opinion?
What is the famous simile used in the chapter Driving?
How did August feel?
Explain what a “White lie“ is.
Why did the discussion end up in loud laughter?
Explain what August‘s statement, “Mr Tushman is the principal of my new school“ says about the outcome of the argument and the future.
Explain how you think August felt during his tour of the school.
What surprised August about his mum at the end of the chapter?
First, join Mr Shepherd (Brass and Piano) for Making Music Week 5 – Dynamics:
https://www.cma-online.co.uk/making-music-years-5-6 or via Youtube https://youtu.be/gz2qrQVAgEs
I wonder, “What is a crescendo and a descrescendo?“.
Can you tell me a fact that you found out about one of Mr Shepherd‘s music heroes from Iceland (Not the shop!!!) called Bjork?
What is the capital city of Iceland?
Who is the famous British classical composer of the orchestral suite “Mars“?
Where is the Youth Orchestra from that played the last track a “Mambo“?
What is a “Mambo“?
Next, complete the activities that Mr Regan left for you on Seesaw.
There are 4 activities set for you, please complete at least 1, ideally 2 and record yourself. Please send it to Mr Regan as he has put so much effort into all that and has deserved more than just one response. Well done Emiliana for working with enthusiasm on Seesaw.
(in reverse order) Song-Writing 1
Play the piano at home
Song-Writing 2
Song-Writing 3
Our new topic is “Rivers“ since it is in a way linked to Floodland, but mainly that part of Geography that we have not yet looked at this year.
Since this is only an introduction and the Music catch-up is in the centre the afternoon, please thoroughly complete the following tasks:
Please design an appealing, creative cover page for the topic. This will be stuck into our Geography books when we are back.
Think outside of the box.
Include Art.
Include key-words (see attached wordbank from Twinkl: ni2-g-4-river-glossary-activity-_ver_3
Create an acrostic with your first or middle name as well as the word “river“ using names of rivers from all over the world. Present both on another page in an appealing, artistic way.
e.g. (Please don‘t copy!)
Create a table/overview of …
What I know about rivers.
What I think I know about rivers.
What I wonder (would like to find out) about rivers.
e.g. the longest river in the UK is the Severn,
e.g. the gradient (how steep an area is) has an influence on how fast a river flows,
e.g. Why are some rivers crystal clear and others very murky?
Optional: Research and find 10 facts about the key process behind the existence of rivers, the Water-Cycle. This will be the centre of our next lesson.
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#b7f7fb” border_width=”2″ border_color=”#e95d55″ ]Tuesday[/dropshadowbox]
NEWS: Before we start, here are this week‘s First News.
First news – Week Beginning 8th June
Starter: Please complete the following arithmetic starter.
Main Task – I can read and interpret two-way tables.
Follow the attached instruction. Su2-Wk2-L02-TwoWayTables-Instructions
Then complete the attached tasks in the style that we would do it in class.
All: Fluency,
Most: Fluency and Reasoning
Some: Fluency, Reasoning and Diving deeper,
Starter: Please complete the SpaG Starter on a piece of paper or electronically. Remember to ask us when a questions was particularly tricky.
Main Lesson: I can respond to an image and make predictions about a text.
Follow the attached instructions and complete the tasks on paper or electronically. Su2-Wk2-L02-Main Lesson
Here is the direct link to the reading at the end: https://youtu.be/45ExqpnIZyo
Class-Novel Reading:
If you haven‘t done so yesterday, please reading Wonder.
Listen to Elizabeth Rinkes reading of “Wonder – August Part 1“ (Ordinary, Why I didn‘t go to school, How I came life & Christopher‘s house)
After listening to it, read it with expression yourself. (You may even want to record yourself and send your recording in via Dojo or email → howardyear5@gmail.com .)
We will do similar exercises in the future using “Wonder“.
In theory, we have come to the end of the topic. Before we conclude, I would like you to consolidate a few general aspects. Please complete the following tasks:
Watch this video about the Physics behind the Change of State: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYU7RSoOZ0U
Watch the awesome annimation under https://www.footprints-science.co.uk/index.php?type=States%20of%20matter and complete the quiz.
Complete the little overview of properties and uses of materials. 35874-Y5UsefulMaterialsAndTheirProperties
Complete the short assessment on “Materials and Change“. 35869-Y5AssessmentMaterialProperties
To look beyond the previous learning focussed at Science, I would like you to combine your Science learning with DT and Geography (but also to some degree with PSHE).
Complete the activities around Fossil Fuels and Renewable Energy from the BBC Bitesize Daily lessons:
All: Complete activity 1.
Most: Complete activity 1-2.
Some: Complete activity 1-3.
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#b6f1d6″ border_width=”2″ border_color=”#8b1a1a” ]Happy Monday to everyone,[/dropshadowbox]
We hope you had an excellent weekend. The plants finally got some rain.
Before we start, “Happy World Oceans Day“ – Please find optional activities on Class-Dojo.
Another exciting week lays ahead of us. The biggest thrill lays in three different things:
first of all, we will finally start with “Floodland“ which will be the focus in our English lessons
secondly, in our Class-Novel time, we have chosen to read/listen to “Wonder“ by R. J. Palacio (one of the best books that intrigue adults as well as children and even seasoned bookworms and therefore a great book/investment to purchase),
and thirdly, in Geography we will be moving into River Studies and then towards the end of the term, we will – linked to Floodland – study Global Warming,
When it comes to reading, please make sure that you do not read ahead with “Floodland“ as it would spoil parts of the English lessons. Thank you.
Starter: Please complete the following arithmetic starter.
Main Task – I can read and interpret tables.
Follow the attached instruction. Su2-Wk2-L01-Tables
Then complete the attached tasks in the style that we would do it in class. Su2-Wk2-L01-Tables-Tasks (.pdf) Su2-Wk2-L01-Tables-tasks (.doc)
All: Fluency,
Most: Fluency and Reasoning
Some: Fluency, Reasoning and Diving deeper,
Starter: Please complete the SpaG Starter on a piece of paper or electronically. Remember to ask us when a questions was particularly tricky.
Main Lesson: It feels a little lazy for us here, but please complete the following lesson from BBC Bitesize and please let us know your impression of the book as we are forever looking for suitable new book-corner books.
Reading for Pleasure:
Share with me on Class-Dojo which book you are reading at the moment, the name of the main character and what you particularly like about the book at the moment.
- Class-Novel Reading:
- Please use the time to complete the bookreview on Street Child (see resources and prompts from Friday).
As an option, you could then start reading Wonder.
Youtube (Elizabeth Rinkes) – Wonder: August Part 1 → Ordinary, Why I didn‘t go to school, How I came life
You can read along here: https://www.penguin.co.uk/articles/children/2017/wonder-by-r-j-palacio-extract/
- DT:
Since we did Art last half-term, this part of the term we should be spending on DT, but might on occasions look at Art in order to cover the things he have not yet quite covered (like the past resist Art using a Greek Pattern which we never got to do, but I will show you on a video and using household items so that you still get to do it – or that could be an activity we could do if ever we get back to school).
To build up our technical knowledge (my dream/aim is to design and build a contraption towards the end of the term), please go through this fantastic BBC Bitesize Daily lesson on “Mechanical Systems“.
As the outcome please …
create a learning poster with key facts and sketches on Cam Mechanisms,
complete the Activities 1 and 2 (I am excited to see your designs).
[dropshadowbox align=”center” effect=”raised” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#e5e3f8″ border_width=”4″ border_color=”#1c7d9d” ]Welcome back to the new and very exciting half-term.[/dropshadowbox]
Over the next weeks in Maths, we will move away from the revision and start closing the gaps of small topics that we have not yet had the chance to cover in Year 5 and with the uncertainty of the coming weeks, we don’t want to leave to chance. This will include some Geometry (especially “position and direction” which we will explore with our own videos) and Statistics.
Equally, in English we will catch-up with a few useful aspects of the daily lessons from BBC Bitesize, spiced up with some Pobble starter and vocabulary work as well as useful elements of lessons from our new scheme called “Power of Reading” with regards to our new class-novel “Floodland” by Marcus Sedgwick. (This should link nicely with our Geography learning.)
In RE, we will explore – not at all feeling a little Guinea-piggish – the topic “Journey of life” from the Croydon Syllabus.
During your Science learning, we will continue with some exciting explorations in “Properties of materials and change”. This will be supplemented by a selection of very useful Science lessons from BBC Bitesize and STEM.
We are incredibly excited about Geography as we will move on to the topic “Rivers” where we will explore the features of rivers, but also look at their benefits and threats as well as their huge importance in different parts of this world. You will have the chance to build a river model, test it out and also wow us with a case study of a river of your choice.
Our thinking for Art needs to be finalised since we are not starting with it until next week.
In Spanish, we now will all get access to a homelearning pack from language-angels and first of all, continue with our learning about “Mi casa”.
Over this half-term, we would love to find some time for DT that doesn’t involve baking or cooking, but designing and constructing.
This week’s timetable:
[dropshadowbox align=”center” effect=”perspective-left” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#f1f4d7″ border_width=”4″ border_color=”#c28181″ ]Homework[/dropshadowbox]
Write a bookreview about Street Child.
Revise Unit 3 – Me presento on language angels.
As evidence, take a picture of you practising or send a video via Dojo.
https://www.languageangels.com/homeschool User: Howard 1986 Password: lahome
Compile a little “Croydon – Local History Guide” with your history work of the last weeks. Add a title page, a glossary and a map.
If you want to slightly alter/change the title, you may do so.
[dropshadowbox align=”center” effect=”perspective-left” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#f1f4d7″ border_width=”4″ border_color=”#c28181″ ]Friday, 5th June 2020[/dropshadowbox]
Happy Friday everyone,
Here are your tasks for today.
Arithmetics Starter:
Main Tasks:
Catch-up with any Maths from this week that you have not had the chance to finish.
Complete the “Family Challenge“ Su2-Wk1-L04-Family-Challenge-Friday-5th-June
Mild: at least challenge 1-3
Hot: at least challenge 1-4
Hotter: at least challenge 3-6
Hottest: beyond challenge 6,
If there are any questions about the answers to SpaG starters, please do not hesitate to message us on Dojo or Gmail.
Main Task:
Since it is Friday, we would like you to use your English time for some creative writing which links today‘s “World Environment Day“ with Monday‘s “World Oceans Day“. The attached document will lead you through it. Su2-Wk1-L04-MainTask-CreativeWriting
Reading: We have now finished our class-novel. Next week, we will be starting with Floodland which you will be able to take in via video.
Please complete the attached reading comprehension about “World Ocean Day“. Su2-Wk1-L04-World-oceans-day-reading-comprehension-activity-_ver_2
Hot → * Hotter → ** Hottest → ***
ICT: Use a programme on the computer – ideally MS Word or another word-processing application like LibreOffice – and create a flowchart with the story-map of “Street-Child“ which should help you with your book-review over the weekend.
Before you start, read through the Twinkl presentation. #Lesson Presentation What is a Flowchart
Circus, Finds Rosie, Evicted from the flat, Shrimps passes away, Workhouse, mum dies, taken by Grimy Nick shovelling coal, meets Shrimps, Searches for Rosie, Breaking out, meeting Josh, Re-united with Shrimps, Searching for a doctor, …
Spanish: : Today will be the last session on „Mi Casa“ and next week, we will move on to „Mi Clase“.
Good news! You can now log-on to language-angel‘s home-learning pack, but only the new topic is on there not “Mi Casa“.
Please revise over the weekend the Unit 3 – Me presento.
https://www.languageangels.com/homeschool User: Howard 1986 Password: lahome
Today‘s task: Watch the video., repeat the phrases when I left a gap/pause and answer the questions/complete the tasks.
Listening: normal -> Mi Casa – Last Lesson -Listening Exercise Grid challenge -> Mi Casa – Last Lesson – Extended Listening Exercise Grid
Writing: easy Mi Casa – Last Lesson – Writing Exercise (Less Challenge) middle Mi Casa – Last Lesson – Writing Exercise (Standard Challenge) difficult Mi Casa – Last Lesson Writing Exercise (More Challenge)
Reading: easy Mi Casa – Last Lesson – Authentic Text Reading Exercise (Less Challenge) normal Mi Casa – Last Lesson – Authentic Text Reading Exercise (Standard Challenge) challenge Mi Casa – Last Lesson – Authentic Text Reading Exercise (More Challenge)
[dropshadowbox align=”center” effect=”perspective-left” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#f1f4d7″ border_width=”4″ border_color=”#c28181″ ]Thursday, 4th June 2020[/dropshadowbox]
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#b8e8b0″ border_width=”2″ border_color=”#c98a65″ ]Before we start: Has anyone yet had the chance to upload some work for Mr Regan on Seesaw? I really hope, otherwise we will have to start rapping ourselves – I’m not sure if your ears could tolerate that ;)[/dropshadowbox]
Starter: Please complete the following arithmetic starter and then check with an adult.
Main Task – I can use line graphs to solve problems.
Follow the attached slides (Not as a video today). Su2-Wk1-L03-LineGraphsSolvingProblems-Slides
Then complete the attached tasks in the style that we would do it in class. You can answer on the electronic version, so don’t need to print out. Su2-Wk1-L03-LineGraphsToSolveProblems
All: Fluency,
Most: Fluency and Reasoning
Some: Fluency, Reasoning and Diving deeper,
Please complete the SpaG Starter on a piece of paper or electronically and then check with an adult.
Main Lesson: Follow the attached slides. Su2-Wk1-L03-LetterToShrimps
All: Pretending to be Jim, write a letter to Shrimps telling him what you feel about him and what you could do in the future.
Differentiation: The different challenges will develop through the detail you are going to put in and the freedom you take to move away from my model in the slides.
Reading for pleasure and Class-Novel Reading:
Please, let us put this together as you are having 2 chapters to listen to and answer questions. To give you enough time to work on your book-review, we need to finish the reading/listening today.
First, please listen to our Street-Child podcast chapter 27 (“Barnie“) and answer the following questions:
StreetChild-chapter 27 -Barnie
What did the wind sound like?
Why did the boys wake up soaked to the skin?
Why did the boys come down from the roof so early in the morning?
What would happen to the boys if they were caught stealing food?
Why was James‘ only job skipping for queues?
What do the other boys do to make money?
Why did Jim decide to go to look for the ragged school? Find three reasons.
How do you know Jim didn’t know where the ragged school is located?
Describe Barney.
Why was Jim careful not to look Barney in the eye?
Which word means to move away in fear?
Find two things that show Barney was kind to the children In the ragged school.
What does murmur mean?
What was the last thing the children did before they left the ragged school?
Which signs show that Jim was still very nervous about Barney (without telling us using words)?
Make a list of the tidying jobs that Barney did before he left the school?
What affected Jim’s eyes?
Who did Barney think Jim lived with? Why did he think that?
What was Barney probably doing when he walked to the fire and back and drummed his fingers on the desk?
Which simile describes the sound of fingers in drums on the desk?
Why did Jim speak in a whining Voice?
When Barney stared into the flames, what might he have been thinking?
What was the deal Barney made with Jim?
Why was Jim reluctant to show Barney where the boys slept? Find 2 reasons.
Why was Jim’s name important to him?
Which phrase means to do something easily?
What did Jim do to help Barney climb up to the roof.
Why might it have been difficult for Barnie to climb up to the roof?
Find the simile at the end of the chapter.
Now, please also listen to our Street-Child podcast chapter 28 (“More than a story“) and answer the following questions:
StreetChild-chapter 28 – More than a story
Why was Barnie looking so sad?
Why was Jim so keen for Barnie to leave the roof?
What advantage did Jim have over Barney when climbing up and getting off the roof?
Write a sentence to show what Jim might have said when Barney told him he’s going to give him a home.
How was Barney going to fund the home for boys?
The boys’ room was cold. True or false?
The boys slept on the ground floor. True or false?
The boys slept in hammocks. True or false?
The boys had to pay for their food. True or false?
How was Barnie’s home for the boys different to the workhouse?
Why didn’t Jim run away?
Please also have a listen to the attached author‘s notes and information.
History of Barnardos.
Author’s Note.
Today‘s lesson will be split into three.
First, please research and record information about the importance of sanddunes.
Su2-Wk1-L01-part 1 Importance of Sanddunes (.doc for filling in on the sheet using textboxes) Su2-Wk1-L01-part 1 Importance of Sanddunes (.pdf for printing)
Links you could use:
https://www.dkfindout.com/uk/earth/coasts/beaches-and-dunes/ and https://www.dkfindout.com/uk/earth/deserts/what-is-sand-dune/
Quite advanced: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/ztcch39/revision/8
Secondly, please go through the attached “test“ or “assessment“ making sure you can answer every question.
If you have the time, please now look at something that I really need you to be aware of. Life at the coast is actually characterised by numerous conflicts over how to use the land/coast.
Please read the text and create a short, informative factfile with the title “Conflicts at the coast“.
[dropshadowbox align=”center” effect=”perspective-left” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#f1f4d7″ border_width=”4″ border_color=”#c28181″ ]Wednesday, 3rd June 2020[/dropshadowbox]
Main Task – I can draw line graphs.
Follow the attached instruction – Today as videos. (Please excuse some of the silly, pointless comments.)
Then complete the attached tasks in the style that we would do it in class. Su2-Wk1-L02-DrawLineGraphs
All: Fluency,
Most: Fluency and Reasoning
Some: Fluency, Reasoning and Diving deeper,
Please complete the SpaG Starter on a piece of paper or electronically and then check with an adult.
Main Lesson: Follow and complete the “Daily Lesson” on BBC Bitesize → Synonyms and Antonyms.
All: Complete task 1 and then pick 5 alternative words from the Vocabulary Ninja list → Write one sentence with each word.
- Su2-Wk1-L02-100_words_and_alternatives
e.g. Even though I tumbled down the stairs with immense noise, I survived the atrocious event.
Most: Complete task 1 and 2 from the slides,
Some: Complete tasks 1, 2 and 3 from the slides,
Challenge: Complete the tasks from the Twinkl Synonyms-Antonyms Challenge cards Su2-Wk1-L02-synonym-task-challenge-cards
Reading for pleasure:
As announced yesterday, please watch the reading comprehension lesson on OAK NATIONAL ACADEMY and complete the embedded tasks.
Class-Novel Reading: Please listen to our Street-Child podcast chapter 26 and answer the following questions:
StreetChild-chapter 26 – Goodbye Bruvver
Who took Shrimps’ body?
What was done so people could view Shrimps’ body?
Why didn’t the street boys come into the hut?
How long did Jim stay by Shrimps’ body and why?
How do we know how Jim was feeling?
Why did the Night-Watchman tell Jim he had to go?
When Jim thought back at the past years, what benefits of being in the workhouse did he see?
Why couldn’t Jim find anywhere to sleep?
What gave him a clue as to where the other street boys might sleep?
Which simile describes the sound Jim could hear?
What does tarpaulin mean?
Which simile described the appearance of the boys on the rooftop?
Today’s teacher on “Making Music” is Mr Bruinsma. Enjoy and have fun.
Also, there will be tasks set on Seesaw, which I need to check later on. I believe you all received your log-ins. Make the most of it.
This half term, we are moving into a new topic named “Journey of Life – Exploring change“.
So, we will be looking at our own journeys, compare them, look at what triggers change and what influenced, influences and might in the future influence our journey.
First of all, please complete an electronic or paper-based version of this cover-page. my life journey so far
- Now, let‘s look at the journey of one of your teachers. Su2-Wk1-L01-JourneyOfLife1-example
Now, please create your own journey – so far and leave a couple of boxes open for the future. Su2-Wk1-L01-JourneyOfLife1-TaskSheet
Then choose an adult in your family and do the same with/for them.
[dropshadowbox align=”center” effect=”perspective-left” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#f1f4d7″ border_width=”4″ border_color=”#c28181″ ]Tuesday, 2nd of June 2020[/dropshadowbox]
Before we start, here is a very sweet and motivating little ebook for you to read.
Starter: Please complete the following arithmetic starter. Please note, that we have merged Mild & Hot as well as Hotter & Hottest.
Main Task – I can read and interpret line graphs.
Follow the attached instruction. Su2-Wk1-L01-ReadLineGraphs
Then complete the attached tasks in the style that we would do it in class. Su2-Wk1-L01-ReadLineGraphs-Tasksheet
All: Fluency,
Most: Fluency and Reasoning
Some: Fluency, Reasoning and Diving deeper,
Starter: Please complete the SpaG Starter on a piece of paper or electronically, check and correct it tomorrow when we will publish the answers.
Main Lesson: Follow and complete the “Daily Lesson” on BBC Bitesize → Using homophones and paragraphs
All: Complete task 1
Most: Complete task 1 and 3
Some: Complete tasks 1, 3 and 2
Challenge: Why not write a whole application to become an astronaut.
First, read these two highly interesting articles:
Reading for Pleasure: Please submit any missing or new book-reviews.
- Book review sheet BookReview-Template
Tomorrow’s reading for pleasure will be spiced up by a reading comprehension session from Oak Academy looking at comparing within and across books. This is something we have been discussing with you during parents evenings.
Class-Novel Reading: Please listen to our Street-Child podcast chapter 25 and answer the following questions:
Podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/user/12356852/streetchild-ch25-theraggedschool
Document: StreetChild-chapter 25 – The Ragged School
How do we know Jim was very eager to see the woman with the coffee cart? Give 2 pieces of evidence.
Explain the word ragged in your own words and also put it into a sentence.
Explain why the woman couldn’t go with Jim.
“Jim managed to coax some milk from a dairy woman.” Explain the meaning of that sentence.
Find 2 reasons the woman didn’t help the street boys.
List two facts we find out about Davey.
Explain how we know that Davey and the other boys didn’t like the idea of school.
What did Jim give Shrimps when he returned to the crate?
Why did Jim think the children must be brothers and sisters?
How was Barney going to get home?
Why couldn’t the doctor hear Jim?
Explain the benefit of the candle.
Explain the meaning of the phrase “were like stones in the throat”.
At the end of the chapter Shrimps hand was cold. What might this mean?
What is your opinion on the ending of this chapter? What would you have done differently as the author? Why?
To warm up, please watch the following video and list all possible changes you have spotted. (Don’t read the description – spoiler alert!)
Then group them into
reversible: … and
irreversible: …
Predict and explain:
Are the following test reversible or irreversible? How do you know? If you have the resources, please feel free to try them out – if your parents are ok with it.
Mixing water and plaster (Plaster of Paris ideally) – I had to use Finishing Plaster as I didn’t have any other. That’s why it looks a bit like … chocolate mousse. Reuben noticed that it got a bit warmer when mixing and then it solidified.
Heating an egg
Mixing bicarbonate of soda and vinegar. (Shame that the video size is too large. I really need to fix that.)
When burning a candle and placing a jar over it, I noticed that the candle gradually extinguishes and the jar on the inside becomes misty with water droplets. Where does the water come from?
Find the answer here: https://www.thenakedscientists.com/get-naked/experiments/getting-water-candle
Main investigation:
Now, to the main investigation. We had great fun with this, but the video is too large. Here is a picture of the outcome.
Prediction: What happens when we mix milk with vinegar?
Method: Take about 150-200ml of milk (full-fat or semi-skimmed) and heat it in a pan.
As soon as the milk starts to boil, turn off the heat, stir the liquid and add 15ml of vinegar.
Observe what happens.
For your next step, read the attached document.
Once you separated the mixture and let the casein dry, you have created plastic.
If you want to, you could repeat this and add food colouring to the milk which should result in colourful plastic.
→ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akhs3wcSDGA
Main task/recording: Use the attached document. Su2-Wk1-Recording
I am gutted as this was the experiment (besides our rockets in Autumn term) that I was so looking forward to this year, but unfortunately, we fear that there won’t be time to do this in class, hence it is this week’s Science investigation. Sorry, parents, but it might not be the most pleasantly smelling experiment on the planet.
[dropshadowbox align=”center” effect=”perspective-left” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#f1f4d7″ border_width=”4″ border_color=”#c28181″ ]Monday, 1st of June 2020[/dropshadowbox]
To slowly ease us into the new half-term, a time when we will hopefully see each other again soon, we thought to give you a little project which also marks the end of our History Topic “Local History”. This week, we would like you to visit glorious “Addington Palace” with its surrounding park.
History-Task: Create a fact-file or learning display about the long, rich history of Addington Palace.
Remember to include:
a catchy title,
a picture (this can be a print or a sketch you created yourself),
a map with a key (as the “palace” is set in a park),
a timeline
a “Did-you-know?”-box
colours and an appealing design,
- Reading-Task: Please listen to our Street-Child podcast chapter 24 and answer the following questions:
StreetChild-chapter 24 – Looking for a doctor
What did Jim use to make Shrimps more comfortable?
Which word shows Shrimps was not very hungry?
What was the joke Shrimps made at the start of chapter 24?
What did Jim think was wrong with Shrimps?
What did Shrimps say was the cause of his illness?
What and where is Guinea?
Which simile is used to describe how Shrimps was beaten?
Who would Shrimps have preferred to give the money too rather than the robbers?
Why didn’t Shrimps want to go to the hospital?
How do we know Shrimps was very scared of going to the hospital?
Why was Jim so frightened when Shrimps was asleep?
What was Shrimps’ joke about Grimy Nick?
Write the correct order Jim met these people: Mrs Juglini, Rosie, Grimy Nick, Whiteface, Josh, Shrimps, Rosie’s Grandad
What did Jim borrow from the Night-Watchman and why?
Why didn’t Shrimps get better?
Which word is used to mean extreme?
Why weren’t the women very helpful?
Explain the meaning of the word pauper.
Jim is desperate to help Shrimps. Write three things he does to try and get money to help Shrimps?
Why did the rich people start to take notice of Jim?
What was the name of the school?
Explain why Jim didn’t want to go to the school?
At the end of the chapter, how do you know Shrimps is extremely ill?
Predict what is going to happen to Shrimps and Jim.
Good morning and “happy International Children’s Day” from us here in Year 5 at Howard,
We are wishing you a wonderful day with fun, joy and heaps of happiness.
This day was established in 1925 during “The World Conference for the Well-being of Children” (Geneva, Switzerland) and is not to be confused with “Universal Children’s Day” (United Nations, 1954), which happens annually on the 20 November and focusses on celebrating the rights and welfare of children world-wide (“For every child, every right.”).
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”curled” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#bde2fa” border_width=”2″ border_color=”#7e3b18″ ]Good morning all,[/dropshadowbox]
After some of the Y5s were my guinea pigs, I would like as many children and families as possible from our school to trial something really exciting. This is based on an online tool called “Digimaps for Schools” by the University of Edinburgh.
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#e1ecb7″ border_width=”2″ border_color=”#185e7e” ]Thank you Damara, Emiliana, Bianca, Lillian and James in Year 5 for giving it a good go.[/dropshadowbox]
Your task is to plan and document a walk you are going to undertake as a daily exercise. The steps I would like you to include are:
Go for a walk and take photographs of interesting sights.
Back at home, log-on to Digimaps.
Log-In: CR01DT
Password: dwests0986
Create a map for the local area you have taken your walk in.
Draw in the walk (draw lines in sections or as a whole; double-click for sections).
Pin in your home.
Measure the distance between the different parts of the walk.
After your walk, upload the photos into the right place on your map in Digimaps. (Remember to save.)
Save your map in your class-folder on Digimaps under your first name and the date (e.g. Max-17052020)
Here is the video instruction on how it works:
Have fun.
Thank you very much and happy half-term.
Mr Grundey
Good morning and happy half-term holidays.
This morning, I heard the words, “Leave them alone. Give the parents a break!” Therefore, our homework list for the holidays is very short.
Please just …
- Practise the attached spellings. Su1-Wk6-HolidaySpellings
- Write a diary entry for one chosen day.
- Do and document …
- doing something kind,
- doing something creative,
- making something tasty,
- teaching something to somebody and …
- challenging myself to do something I have never done before.
Some more changes and challenges are coming our way after the holidays. Have a pleasant week.
The Year 5 team.
[dropshadowbox align=”center” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#e9edb6″ border_width=”2″ border_color=”#d28429″ ]Optional:[/dropshadowbox]
- Missing your after-school or activities club? -> Check out https://www.thenational.academy/oak-activity-club/overview
[dropshadowbox align=”center” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#b5e3c7″ border_width=”2″ border_color=”#be3c2e” ]Missing the outdoor freedom?[/dropshadowbox]
[dropshadowbox align=”center” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#f8a59c” border_width=”2″ border_color=”#118430″ ]Want to be creative or witness great creativity?[/dropshadowbox]
- Ballet and Opera screenings from the Royal Opera House
- Cirque du Soleil performances
- Strictly dance lessons with Oti Mabuse
- Andrew Lloyd Webber theatre performances
- National Theatre at home
Happy “International Bee Day” to everybody.
Did you know that bees are crucial when it comes to producing our food?
Did you know that during her life, a bee collects only 1/12 of a tea spoon full of honey?
Did you know that social-distancing is impossible for bees as in the height of the summer, a beehive houses far over 30.000 bees?
To celebrate our little, fascinating and for our survival essential companion, please spend some time today to …
- create some “Bee-Craft” https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/153122456057498813/ and https://www.activityvillage.co.uk/bees;
- bake https://mummy2twindividuals.com/world-bee-day-6-preschool-activities;
design a fact-file https://askabiologist.asu.edu/virtual-beehive;
set up a mini-bee garden (with a range of flowers in a plant pot);
- beebingo-board1
- Rollup_WBD_90x200cm_50percentANG
- t-t-2547293-all-about-bees-activity-sheet
- t-tp-5971-bee-fact-cards-fact-cards-english_ver_1
- t-tp-6565-bee-mindfulness-collaborative-colouring-activity-pack-
creative and send some pictures on Class-Dojo or howardyear5@gmail.com
Mr Grundey
Dear all, this is an important announcement from Miss Handley and Miss Wheeler regarding PE.
Real P.E.
According to busy bee Agata, Real PE has been accessed from home 138 times by Howard pupils, which places us in the Top 2 of al Croydon schools. Well done and keep on visiting Real PE for a truly enjoyable session of exercise.
The website address is: home.jasmineactive.com
Parent email: parent@howardprim-1.com
Password: howardprim
You could even join their Facebook® group and post photos of your family taking part in these activities. There is a weekly competition in that group with different, amazing prizes.
The Youth Sport Trust
There are some good home learning activity cards for children that can all be done at home, accompanied with videos that show children what to do. Check out:
Daily Mile
Did you know that you could still do your daily mile? It doesn’t need to include running, but could be jogging, jumping, dancing, … anything to keep you active for 15 minutes every day. Maybe we should include this into our Dojo points? What do you think? Just let us know via Class-Dojo or howardyear5@gmail.com
Did anyone mention Sportsday? Yes, but this year, it will be “slightly” different to the past. In the week commencing 15th June, we will have a Virtual Sports Week where you will be asked to practice a range of activities throughout the week. You will get to track your scores/times and see if you have improved throughout the week. There will also be cross-curricular activities like medal/certificate design and making, smoothie making, healthy diet preparations, yoga etc. Watch this space for any updates.
Well done to last week’s Class-Dojo stars:
Cannon: …
London: …
Remember to send us your work via Dojo or email (howardyear5@gmail.com) to keep Dojo-Points flying high.
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#d1dfbe” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Friday:[/dropshadowbox]
This is incredible, you have been learning from the distance for an entire half-term (plus the two weeks before) and now, your well deserved half-term holidays are arriving. Time for us usually, to start writing reports, even though that is somewhat challenging. On Monday, we will post a little set of tasks you can do over the holidays, but apart from that, you should just enjoy the time and make the most of it, learn a new skill, …
Arithmetics Starter: If you haven’t finished yesterday’s arithmetics test, please do so today.
Main Task I: It is family challenge day. So, please find the tasks in the attached document. Su1-Wk5-L05-Family-Challenge-Friday-22nd
Afterwards, you can check the answers here: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-5/
Main Task II: To review the last 8 weeks of learning, I would like you to start complete a range of assessments that we never had the chance to complete. Please write down your answers and post them to us. Over the holidays, we will work out a score.
Hot, Hotter and Hottest: Year-5-Area-and-Perimeter Year-5-fractions-A Year-5-Fractions-B Year-5-Decimals-and-Percentages_Assessment
Mild: If you really struggled with fractions, measurements and decimals/percentages, please try the Year 4 test first, over the holidays, please give the Year 5 test a go as well. Year-4-Length-and-Perimeter Year-4-Decimals Year-4-Fractions_Assessment Year-4-Area
English: As stated last week, Fridays I would like you to use for creative writing.
Yesterday’s SpaG answers. 1. expensive; 2. boulder; 3. watchfull; 4. gnome, pneumonia, knowledge; 5. embarrass; 6. tolerant, observant; 7. Ryan is …; 8. here; 9. special; 10 chest; 11. Gold mining ghost towns can be found in remote areas of some countries. 12. Many major gold rushes took place across parts of Australia, Brazil, Canada, South Africa and the United States of America in the 1800s. 13. didn’t; 14. sat, enjoyed; 15. verb groups; 16. under; 17. It’s; 18. and; 19. found; When
Today’s main task → Use this document to start. Su1-Wk5-L05 CreativeWriting
Reading: Listen to chapter 23 (Shrimps again) and please answer the following questions.
Questions in a document: StreetChild-chapter 23 – Shrimps Again
Why did Jim think everything looked wrong?
What did the houses look like now?
Why did the woman remind him of Rosie?
How much is a dozen?
Explain the meaning of the phrase ‘pastures new‘.
Why was Jim feeling a bit lost in the city?
What did the woman think Jim was intending to do?
Which metaphor describes how Jim is feeling?
Which word means to kneel or crouch down?
Why did Jim have trouble following the boy?
What effect did stealing food have on Jim’s spirits?
How do you know that Jim had never forgotten Shrimps?
Which simile describes how Shrimps moved?
Did Jim recognise shrimps mediately?
Jim kept his voice bright and said to Shrimps, ‘When you’re better, we’ll go around together like you said”. What do you think Jim was thinking at this point?
Why did Jim think Shrimps was seriously ill? Give two pieces of evidence.
Which two things did Jim do to show he cared for Shrimps?
ICT – Before I forget it again, please complete this lesson from BBC Bitesize Daily lesson:
RE – Since the next few days will see the arrival of Eid-al-Fitr, please complete the following activities.
Reading Comprehension (Choose the challenge you think is right → Kipling/Dahl: *, Donaldson: **, Morpurgo/Wilson: ***). t2-e-2248-ks2-eid-al-fitr-differentiated-reading-comprehension-activity
Create an Eid acrostic poem (you can, but don’t have to use the template). Eid_acrostic_poem
Build an Eid gift box → Choose 5 things you would put in and why (write this on a post-it note and place it inside the box. Eid-Gift-Box-Net-Templates_ver_1
Spanish – Please follow the next lesson.
Tasksheet slide 23 Mi Casa – Lesson 3 – WS – Slide 23 Listening Exercise Grid
Tasksheet slide 25 Mi Casa – Lesson 3 – WS – Slide 25 Reading Exercise Grid
Complete the vocabulary worksheet
Hot –> Mi Casa – Lesson 3 – Hot
Hotter → Mi Casa – Lesson 3 – Hotter
Hottest → Mi Casa – Lesson 3 – Hottest
Finish with a puzzle. Mi Casa – Lesson 3 – WS – Word Puzzle
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#d1dfbe” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Thursday:[/dropshadowbox]
Arithmetics Starter:Yesterday, you had another timestables practise, so no solutions here.
- Today’s Mental arithmetics is actually an arithmetics test. Please complete the attached arithmetic test. Thank you.
Main Task: I can subtract mixed numbers – Revision.
Visit and watch the animation Wk 18th May Lesson 4 from White-Rose on VIMEO: https://vimeo.com/418155840
Any more question? Visit BBC Bitesize daily lessons – Year 5 → https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zhs9d6f
All: Complete activities 1-2 from the Bitesize-Activity 1 sheet: Maths p1
and question 1-2 from the White-Rose worksheet: Lesson-4-Subtract-mixed-numbers-2019
Most: Complete activities 1-3 from the Bitesize-Activity 1 sheet and 1-3 from the White-Rose worksheet,
Some: Complete all activities from the above worksheets also question 2 from BBC bitesize (https://nrich.maths.org/12955)
Starter – Answers to yesterday’s SpaG starter: 1. hesitate; 2. renew; 3. No; 4. Yes; 5. welcoming; 6. renouncer, imperfect; 7. where is; 8. lead; 9. as old as the hills; 10. dictionary; 11. Oyster farms have been operating on France’s Atlantic coast for centuries. 12. “What do oysters taste like?” he asked. 13. Oysters are farmed for pearls and for their meat. An oyster’s life can span up to 20 years. 14. What; 15. No; 16. grow; 17. pair; 18. 3 (+ 1: “when” as the interrogative pronoun); 19. Yes; 20. Question
- Complete this set of ‘SpaG tasks:
Main-Task – We are coming back to Street Child for today’s English lesson. Since we are nearing the end of the book (chapter 27 is the last one), it is now time to summarise and retell. Before we can do that, however, we need to create a story map. This is today’s main objective.
Brain-storm on a piece of paper the stations of Barney’s life so far. (Feel free to listen to some of the podcasts again and also use the contents page of the book.
Now, let’s work in a systematic and chronological order and put those stations in the story in the correct order. Add any missing ones.
The Lilly, The Workhouse, Shed on the Thames River, The circus, rented overcrowded flat (Mr Spink’s house), Rosie’s former work (lord),
Lastly, it is now your job to create a beautiful, detailed story map of Street Child.
To your story-map add key characters, key events, feelings (Jim’s mental and physical state), anything that you found important,
Remember to send them via email or Class-Dojo as they would make awesome displays.
Reading: Listen to chapter 22 (On the run again) and please answer the following questions.
Questions in a document: StreetChild-chapter 22 – On the run again
What could Jim hear in the distance?
Find two words that mean loud sounds.
What does scurrying mean?
Which other character had slept in the barn full of rats?
What is a cockerel?
Which 2 things woke Jim up?
How do you know the hens weren’t scared of Jim?
Describe the skirt that the old woman is wearing. What are the clues in the text?
Find a phrase that tells us Jim was scared to leave the barn.
What are pails and why was the old woman carrying them?
Explain why Jim was scared to talk to the old woman.
Explain why all the food was on the table?
Explain why Jim thought he might not get a chance to get food for a long time.
Which simile tells us how Jim escaped from the farmhouse?
Why didn’t Jim want to be recognised?
In what ways was Jim’s imagination playing tricks on him?
Find two ways Jim encourages himself on his journey.
Why did Jim feel the signpost might be magic?
At the end of the chapter why did Jim feel he was s getting closer to London?
- Today, I would like you to create a presentation or factfile of a house/location/… of Croydon. Once finished, I would like to share that with the rest of the class so that we can share and give feedback.
Choices: Whitgift Almshouses, Addington Palace, Old Palace, Merton Abbey Mills (even though this is not in Croydon, but neighbouring and connected through …), Croydon Clocktower, Croydon Minster, Croham Hurst Woods (Can you find out what is so historic about it?), Whitgift Centre, St. Andrews Church, Surrey Street Market
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#d1dfbe” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Wednesday:[/dropshadowbox]
Good morning and happy “World International … Day”
Check Class-Dojo for some Bee-Day related tasks.
Arithmetics Starter:
Yesterday’s solutions:
Today’s Mental arithmetics will be a little times-tables task again.
Main Task: I can add two mixed numbers – Revision.
Visit and watch the animation Wk 18th May Lesson 3 from White-Rose on VIMEO: https://vimeo.com/418155646
Any more question? Visit BBC Bitesize daily lessons – Year 5 → https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zknvgwx
All: Complete activities 1-4 from the worksheet: Su1-Wk5-L03-Add-mixed-numbers-2019
Most: Complete activities 1-7 from the above worksheet and also … Su1-Wk5-L03-Extension Hot
Some: Complete all activities from the above worksheets + these tasks: Su1-Wk5-L03-Hotter&Hottest extra
Answers to yesterday’s SpaG starter: 1. education; 2. flavour; 3. ambulance; 4. wrestler, worried, large; 5. impossible; 6. adjective to adverb, brightly, proudly, nervously; 7. Joanne has been having …; 8. rase, rays, raze; 9. as quick as lightning; 10. pane; 11. The bazaar district in Cairo, Egypt, is a major attraction for tourists and locals. 12. The whide-eyed, curious tourists were surprised to see so many colourful, shiny and interesting items for sale. 13. possession; 14. was looking; 15. purchased; 16. we, them, ourselves; 17. Mum accidentally threw out my ticket so I had to look through the rubbish for it. 18. future; 19. drank; 20. holiday, favourite, pyramids,
Complete this set of ‘SpaG tasks:
Main-Task – Due to the fact that today’s lesson on BBC Bitesize hits one of the big targets that was on our to-do-list, we are going to split the main task into two.
Visit BBC Bitesize and complete the “Using modal verbs” lesson including for all the activities 1 & 2, most should also at least complete parts of activity 3. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/znd26v4
To refocus on the use of commas, please read and watch: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zvwwxnb/articles/zc773k7
Let’s particularly look at commas in Subordination. Remember that …
a subordinated clause is dependent on the main clause and gives additional information,
the main clause carries the key information,
the subordinated clause starts with a subordinating conjunction (although, because, even though, if, lest, since, though, until, when, whenever, …) or relative pronoun (which, who, that, whose …).
When the subordinated clause starts the sentence, a comma follows before the main clause.
When I opened the door, the two little monsters came running at me.
When using relative clauses and the subordinated clause (after the relative pronoun) is essential (restrictive) for the meaning and understanding of the main clause, no comma is needed.
I enjoy helping others who might find things difficult. (Without the relative clause we wouldn’t know who the others are.)
When using relative clauses and the subordinated clause (after the relative pronoun) is non–essential (non-restrictive) for the main clause (non important information that could be left out is added), a comma is needed.
I enjoy visiting my friend Thomas, who researches bats. (This assumes that you don’t have lots of different friends called Thomas, though.)
Complete the task-sheet: Su1-Wk5-L03-Activity
Reading: Listen to chapter 21 (Circus Boy) and please answer the following questions.
Questions in a document: StreetChild-chapter 21 – Circus Boy
By what time was the tent erected?
At what time are the lanterns being lit?
Find two similes at the start of the chapter.
How did the circus children know the people were coming?
Which acts could the people see at the circus?
Why were Jim and Antonio showered with orange peel and nutshells?
When was the circus going to be moving on?
How do we know Jim was looking forward to marching in the procession?
Find five adjectives to describe the horses?
Why might Jim want to stand up and shout hooray for the circus?
Why did the Madame look peering and anxious?
Which part of the description at the end of the chapter is a clue to the identity of the person arriving at the circus?
Who arrived at the circus?
How will Jim be feeling at the end of the chapter?
What might Jim do next and why?
Extension: Despite its sometimes negative aura, a circus can be incredibly fascinating. Why not check out …
… the mind-blowing, Montreal based “Cirque du soleil”? → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VL0TG_nCqzE (If you are a little impatient, fast forward into the middle of the video and you grip tightly to your chair → utter madness),
Music: Please visit and practise the 3rd session on “Making Music” – Today’s awesome teacher is Mr Holland
https://www.cma-online.co.uk/making-music (PW: makingmusic123)
A quick question: What is the name of the famous 3-wheeled car in the Mr Bean series? I am sure there is one driving around somewhere in Croydon.
Please also check out the two links under the video (onlinepianist and virtualmusicalinstruments).
Geography: I can understand, analyse and take action to keep our beaches safe/clean.
Moving on from how natural processes shape and change the coast/beaches, today, we will look at the human influence and think how we can protect the beaches for the future.
Read and complete the following task-sheet: -> Looking after beaches
Optional: Create a poster encouraging people to save/protect the beaches.
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#d1dfbe” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Tuesday:[/dropshadowbox]
Happy Tuesday morning. We hope you are all well, unfortunately, we have been teased by the bug-bear which is why our phone and broadband cut off again just after yesterday’s post. That’s why today’s post starts very short. Apparently, somebody who know how things work will come and check. Sorry and a big thank you for your patience.
Arithmetics Starter:
Since we had timestables to practise, so there are no solutions for yesterday’s work.
Today’s Mental arithmetics:
Main Task: I can add fractions – Revision.
Visit and watch the animation Wk 18th May Lesson 2 (BBC Bitesize daily lessons – Year 5) https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-5/
All: Complete q. 1 and 2 on the BBC daily lesson activity
Most: Also complete q. 1-3 from the attached sheet: Su1-Wk5-Lesson-2-Add-fractions-2019
Some: Complete the further questions from the above worksheet,
Challenge: Create board game with adding fractions.
Answers to yesterday’s SpaG starter: 1. animals; 2. No; 3. whose; 4. sphere, often, have; 5. weak; 6. politeness, cleverness, swiftness; 7. brother is; 8. paws; 9. fewest; 10. butterflies; 11. There are many thousands of species of butterflies and moths including the Monarch butterfly and Luna moth. 12. “What do butterflies eat?” the youngest pupil enquired. 13. butterfly’s dies; 14. feather; 15. No; 16. flown; 17. to; 18. present; 19. Exclamation; 20. in
Complete this set of SpaG tasks:
Main-Task – I can use a range of language devices to describe a setting.
Complete the lesson activities from the following document: Su1-Wk5-L02-stowaways
Option: Describe the arrival from the perspective of one of the three. Include thoughts and feelings. Be very detailed.
Reading: Listen to chapter 20 (The Green Caravan) and please answer the following questions.
Questions in a document: StreetChild-chapter 20 – The Green Caravan
Where had Jim been sleeping?
How many horses did he see?
Which movements had the man being teaching the horses?
Find a simile to describe the horses.
Find a simile to describe the tent.
How did Jim know what the words on the side of the caravan said?
What was attached to the green door?
What might “funnel” in this context mean?
What is muslin?
Which words mean “pull very hard with a lot of effort”?
How was Jim feeling about Nick?
When he was talking to the woman, how do we know Jim was extremely hungry?
What made him feel so self-conscious inside the caravan?
Which piece of clothing did the woman have to make?
Where has Jim learned to sew?
How do we know that Mr Juglini was a friendly person?
At the end of the chapter, what might Jim have wanted to say?
Science: Today’s task or investigation will be particularly exciting and messy, because you get to mix different substances and then try to separate them again.
To document today’s work, I would like you to create two posters (one for each investigation) with steps and pictures (can be on a PowerPoint® presentation) of your investigation.
First, recap and record from your memory/experience. What can be used to separate …?
rice from salt,
ground coffee from coffee beans,
stones from soil,
pumpkin seeds from Shia seeds,
sugar from lumps of sugar,
… (add your own example,
Now, create the following mixtures and then separate them.
rice and sand (or water if you don’t have sand),
ground coffee and water
pasta and rice
paper-clips and sand/soil
… (your choice),
Option/Challenge: Find 5 different substances, mix them and show us how you could separate them again over a series of steps.
Finally, I would like you to set up an experiment where we undo what we did with the sugar and the water last week. However, we will be using salt instead of sugar.
Predict: What happens when I leave salty water in the sun?
Set-up: Mix a cup full of water with 3 table-spoons of salt.
Option 1: Heat the mixture and observe what’s happening to the water and salt solution.
Option 2 (the more exciting one):
Put the mixture in a bowl.
Inside (middle) of the bowl, place a small beaker/cup/… (whatever fits).
Cover the bowl with cling-film and put a small weight in the middle of the cling-film so that it “points” towards the centre of the cup that is placed inside the bowl.
Leave your experiment on the window-sill in direct sunlight and observe over days what’s happening to the water and salt solution. (How long did it take for the mixture to be separated?)
Record as above in the form of a poster.
How is that relevant? Well, look at this picture of a plant/”factory” that separates sea-salt from sea/ocean water (it also obviously “produces” or harnesses water which is used in farming and could even be used as drinking water.
Also, have you watched and do you remember “Race across the world” where the two winners worked on a salt-lake high up in the Andes? There, they had to get blocks of salt from the ground and once the “pool” they had created was empty, water from the lake was left in again.
While today, we examined reversible changes (you can undo the mixing, essentially), next week you will be looking at irreversible changes.
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#d1dfbe” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Monday:[/dropshadowbox]
Arithmetics Starter:
Solutions from Friday,
Main Task: I can add and subtract fractions within 1.
Visit and watch the animation Wk 18th May Lesson 1: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zh9brj6
Also watch the videos under https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z42vgwx
- Worksheet for the following activities: Su1-Wk5-Lesson-1-Add-and-subtract-fractions-2019
- Worksheet for the following activities: Su1-Wk5-Lesson-1-Add-and-subtract-fractions-2019
All: Complete activity sheet 1 (BBC) and question 1-3 of the attached worksheet.
Most: Complete activity sheet 1 & 2 (BBC) and question 1-5 of the attached worksheet.
Some: Complete activity sheet 1 & 2 (BBC) and question 1-7 of the attached worksheet.
Challenge: Create your own style questions similar to question 6 and 7 from the attached worksheet.
There was no SpaG starter on Friday, so no checking is needed.
Complete this set of SpaG tasks:
Main-Task – I can use a range of language devices to describe a setting.
Read through the word bank with words and phrases which are linked to our Geography learning:
pebbles, shingles, cove, bay, dunes, sand, cliffs; …
powdery, pebbly, rocky, sloping/sloped, shimmering/shimmered, lined, framed, sheltered; …
pebbly bay; sugar white, sandy beaches; vivid blue sea; large umbrella palm trees; emerald jewel of coral reefs; diamond dust beaches; a long arc of powdery sand; monumental, breathtaking dunes; sheer cliffs with razor-sharp edges; …
reef, lagoon, caves, coral, skeleton, relics, rocks; …
thin, flat, wide, narrow, multi-coloured, blue, diamond, crystal, ancient, …
pure, white beaches; tropical, rainbow-coloured fish; beautiful coral reef; barren and rocky; eerie, lifeless island; jigsaw of human and animal bones/skeleton; relics of an ancient world; sinister view of volcanic peaks and a moon-like landscape; …
ablaze with a spectacle/myriad of rainbow coloured flowers; palm trees swayed in the breeze; circled/hugged by a shallow, turquoise and blue lagoon; teeming with multi-coloured corals and tropical fish; guarded by steep, rocky cliffs that defended the paradise like a gigantic, sooth-black castle; haunted by terrifying creatures; echo of pain and death lingered; …
Use these phrases when describing one of the following pictures in 5-10 sentences (use at least 10 of these words and phrases):
Challenge: You could even turn this into a narration where somebody just stranded on the island and talks his/her first walk.
Option: Find or draw your own island paradise or nightmare and describe it.
Spellings: See and practise based on the attached file. Su1-Wk5-Spellings
Reading: Listen to chapter 19 (Away) and please answer the following questions.
Questions in a document: StreetChild-chapter 19 -Away
Why was Snipe pulling against the Rope?
Which word means to shout loudly!
How do we know Nick was angry when he woke up?
What did the noise that Nick and Snipe made trigger to happen?
Which word tells us that Jim was running quickly?
Describe how Jim ran.
Why did Jim think he was being followed?
How do we know Jim had run quite a distance from the Lily?
What did Jim worry that might have happened to the dog and Nick.
At the end of the chapter, what does the expression ‘now you’re for it Jim‘ mean? Explain.
Art: Today, I would like to give you a little more freedom in your choice of Croydon art.
From or on your walk, please take a picture of what best symbolises Croydon (e.g. building). That might be a certain building, a park, a road … You choose.
After taking the pictures use it as a basis for your own perspective or observational drawing.
→ Revisit the perspective drawing video (2 weeks ago), if you need or wish to. Here is a different link with other objects: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twcFW0RyOO8
→ Start drawing.
Have fun drawing!