Welcome to Grosvenor Bridge Class.
Class teacher: Miss Samuel
Teaching assistants: Miss Thompson, Mrs Begum, Mrs Edgeler, Mrs Rajani
Firstly a big thank you to those parents/carers who contributed cakes for our bake sale on Friday. Also thanks to those of you who gave up their time to sell the cakes and to those who bought them. It was very much appreciated, £165.40 was raised and will go towards buying a shed for the bikes outside. Look out for more fund raising events coming up soon.
Our topic for this half term is Light and Dark and our learning will be linked to this theme where possible.
Book of the week Aliens Love Underpant by Claire Freedman
Homework on Friday:
Letters and words in the environment. Can you see any letters or words in your home or on your way to school? Take a photo or find examples to stick in your book or copy the letters and words you see. Ask an adult to read the words to you (eg. On billboards, street names and signs etc).
Early morning work. We will continue with early morning work, practising writing their names using a capital letter followed by lower case letters and practising the correct letter formation of the sounds learned in our phonics lessons.
Learning for this week
Maths. We will be revising counting and recognising numbers to 20 and working with 10 frames. The children will be practicing writing numbers on their white boards. We will continue to work on achieving number stars 1 and 2.
Literacy. We will be sequencing the story Aliens Love Underpants, using phonetic knowledge learnt so far to label the pictures.
Phonics. Sounds for this week are h,b &bb, f &ff, l &ll, ss
PE. Dressing/undressing independently. Listening to instruction. Taking part in relay races focusing on working together as a team. Discussing ways to keep safe during P.E.
PSED. Good to be green, class charter, 5 C’s, rules on the carpet. How to ask a friend with help putting on aprons etc. Beginning to talk about how to solve disputes independently.
Role Play/UW. We will contnue with our space station. It is very popular and the children are loving it. We will introduce the concept of aliens to link with our story and make alien masks and stick puppets for acting out the story.
EAD. This week we will introduce the songs that the children will be singing at our Christmas performance and start practicing regularly from now til then.
Getting changed for PE on Friday there are still many children who do not have their uniform or kit named. Please ensure that all uniform, including P.E. Kits, coats and bookbags are named, as this helps prevent loss of belongings. Also children should have a water bottle in school every day (plain water only please).
The doors from the outdoor area and from the school are to remain closed until Reception staff open them at 8.50 am and 3.30 pm. This is to ensure the safety of your children.
Junk modelling.
Any small boxes, bottles or interesting junk would be very welcome.
Important dates
12th December Reception Christmas Performance
15th December Christmas lunch and Christmas jumper day
20th December 2017 End of Term
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#fcfa99″ border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Dear Parents
Thank you to the following parents for coming to our first coffee morning last week: Rachel, Trina, Rahima, Stella, Fatima and Dinora.
We expect to receive your responses from the letter they sent to you on Friday and hopefully more of you will be interested in helping out and joining our Reception Parent Group.
Our first project is Fun Friday on the 17th November 2017. So please start sending in your donations of sweet and savoury baked treats to sell at our first Fun Friday event.
When donating food items to sell, please remember:
• Due to allergies and dietary requirements, any food you send in must not contain any nuts/nut products or pork
• If baked treats contain meat products eg samosas, please send with a label attached to say which type of meat it contains.
Thank you very much for your support.
Miss Pillay [/dropshadowbox]
Our topic for this half term is Light and Dark and our learning will be linked to this theme where possible.
Book of the week The Way Back Home by Oliver Jeffers
Homework on Friday: Remeberance Sunday/People who help us.
Early morning work. We will continue with early morning work, practising writing their names using a capital letter followed by lower case letters and practising the correct letter formation of the sounds learned in our phonics lessons. We have now introduced handwriting books for those ready to use them.
Learning for this week
Maths. We will be revising counting and recognising numbers to 20 and working with 10 frames. The children will be practicing writing numbers on their white boards. We will continue to work on achieving number stars 1 and 2.
Literacy. We will be designing and labelling an Alien.
Phonics. Sounds for this week are c,k,ck, e,u,r
PE. Dressing/undressing independently. Listening to instruction. Taking part in relay races focusing on working together as a team. Discussing ways to keep safe during P.E.
PSED. Good to be green, class charter, 5 C’s, rules on the carpet. How to ask a friend with help putting on aprons etc. Beginning to talk about how to solve disputes independently. As part of Anti-Bullying Week we will hold a Reception assembly to talk about about what makes a person unique, discussing the concept of differences and how we can be respectful and tolerant of each other’s differences.
Role Play/UW. We will contnue with our space station. It is very popular and the children are loving it. We will introduce some non fiction books and pictures of moon landings that they have shown a real interest in.
Junk modelling.
Any small boxes, bottles or interesting junk would be very welcome.
Important dates
Wednesday 15th November Writing Workshop
Friday 17th November – Fun Friday (bake sale by Reception parents in KS2 playground)
12th December Reception Christmas Performance
15th December Christmas lunch and Christmas jumper day
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”15″ border_color=”#3ae02b” ]
Here are a few educational videos your children will enjoy:
Counting to 20
The Solar system