Welcome to Grosvenor Bridge Class.
Class teacher: Miss Samuel
Teaching assistants: Miss Thompson, Mrs Begum, Mrs Edgeler, Mrs Rajani
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- Focus Book: Whatever Next by Jill Murphy
- Group Phonics: The children have been grouped and will be taught in groups that match they pace at which they are learning. Each group will be taught by a member of the Reception Team to focus on the following:
Mrs Edgeler: speedy recognition of all Set 1 single letter sounds and developing oral blending
Mrs Keer & Mrs Rajani: speedy recognition of all Set 1 single letter sounds and developing oral blending
Miss Pillay: speedy recognition of all Set 1 sounds and learning to blend with fluency
Mrs Begum: speedy recognition of all Set 1 sounds, reading and spelling words
MATHS – Mastering Number:
Children will:
- Subitise arrangements of 2 and 3
- Practice making 2 and 3 with their fingers
- Subitise auditory patterns up to 3
- Identify when a small quantity is rearranged or the quantity changed
- Show small quantities with their fingers
- Use positional language to describe patterns of 4
- Make patterns showing 4
PSED: To develop strategies to solve everyday problems independently.
EAD: creating and making representations of their learning about the different celebrations this week.
Wishing everyone a restful October half term break.?
School re-opens on Monday 1st November at 8.50am.