Welcome to Grosvenor Bridge Class.
Class teacher: Miss Samuel
Teaching assistants: Miss Thompson, Mrs Begum, Mrs Edgeler, Mrs Rajani
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”raised” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#a4fca1″ border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Dear Parents, Carers
Thank you for your understanding during the Reception bubble closures which ends at the end of day Monday, 19th July. The children may return to school on Tuesday 20th July, unless otherwise advised.
The children will return for their final 4 days in Reception. During this short week, the children will have an opportunity to visit their new classes and meet their Year 1 teachers. We will write to you with more information about this.
Wishing you a wonderful final week of term.
Kind Regards
The Reception Team
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”raised” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#9efafb” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Dear Reception Parents
It is hard to believe that we only have 2 weeks to go until the end of your child’s Reception year with us. We will be writing to you in due course to explain the transition process for your child as they move onto Year 1 in September. We will also inform you of your child’s Year 1 class and staff who will teach them. We would like to assure you that all Reception children will move onto Year 1 in September. We have already begun the process of preparing the children for this change and you may notice some changes in their behaviour over the next few weeks as this can be an overwhelming experience for children. It is important to talk to your child, recognise their feelings and reassure them as they prepare to make this change. If you have any specific concerns, please speak to Reception staff.
You will also receive your child’s end of year Reception report over the next two weeks. The last day at school is Friday 23rd July 2021.
Kind Regards
The Reception Team
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”25″ border_color=”#faf20b” ]THIS WEEK’S LEARNING
BOOK FOCUS: When I was five by Arthur Howard
POETRY FOCUS: Now I am six by AA Milne
MATHS: To develop skills for problem solving and explaining their thinking, applying mathematical skills learnt.
PHONICS: Group Phonics – The children’s Phonics learning will be assessed this week. They will return their Phonics reading books and reading diaries on Friday for the final time this term. New books will be issued again in September when your child is in Year 1. Please check your home for any outstanding Phonics books from school and return before the end of term.
PE: Outdoor Athletics. On Wednesday, 14th July the children will take part in a Sports Day and must come to school dressed in PE clothes. This event is for children only
UW: Growing up. To talk about how they have grown and changed, reflecting on the things that they were able to do/ not able to do before but can do now.
HOMEWORK: KEY WORDS AND WRITING – Can be found on Google Classroom. Writing homework due on Friday. Key words to be completed as your child is ready to move onto each new list.