
Welcome to Grosvenor Bridge Class.

Class teacher: Miss Samuel

Teaching assistants: Miss Thompson, Mrs Begum, Mrs Edgeler, Mrs Rajani


Week beginning 3rd May 2021

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”25″ border_color=”#1b95f7″ ]Dear Parents, Carers

Happy Month of May!

If you have not yet booked your ten minute Parent Evening appointment, please do so via your School Cloud account.

Kind Regards,

The Reception Team


[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”25″ border_color=”#1cf71b” ]THIS WEEK’S LEARNING

MATHS: To learn to estimate, count and check a number of objects.

PHONICS: Group Phonics will contine as usual

PE: Outdoor Games

UW: to compare different animal groups and talk about similarities and differences.

HOMEWORK: KEY WORDS AND WRITING – Can be found on Google Classroom. Writing homework due on Wednesday. Key words to be completed as your child is ready to move onto each new list.




Week beginning 26th April 2021

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”25″ border_color=”#32dcaa” ]Dear Parents, Carers

It has been a lovely first week back at school and we have been blessed with beautiful Spring sunshine and blue skies instead of the usual April showers. The children have enjoyed spending more time outdoors, making the most of the beautiful weather.

As the weather continues to improve over the next few months, we encourage the children to take care in the sun. So, please check the weather each day and send in a sunhat or cap (with name labels).  Also, please  apply sunscreen on your child before they come into school. 

Bookings for parent evening meetings with your child’s classteacher are now open and you may book a ten-minute appointment via School Cloud (as you would have done in the Autumn Term). Please check your child’s bookbag during the week  for a copy of your child’s progress which will be discussed at your appointment.

Wishing you a wonderful week.

Kind Regards

The Reception Team


[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”25″ border_color=”#32bddc” ]THIS WEEK’S LEARNING

Maths: To count on and back from a given amount or number

Phonics : Phonics is taught in small group sessions

UW: To explore the similarities and differences between animal groups.

HOMEWORK- is posted every Friday on Google Classroom (In the Classwork section in the Homework Folder) and is due by Wednesday 

HOMEWORK – Animal Word List: Please continue to help your child learn their key words  and post a video when they ready to read them (on Google Classroom)

