
Welcome to Grosvenor Bridge Class.

Class teacher: Miss Samuel

Teaching assistants: Miss Thompson, Mrs Begum, Mrs Edgeler, Mrs Rajani


Week beginning 1st February 2021

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”25″ border_color=”#f1fb13″ ]Dear Parents, Carers

It’s Children’s Mental Health Week!

Please join us in celebrating this week with lots of fun activities for you and your children to do together. Have a look on Google Classroom (on Monday) for a folder containing all the the links to videos and activities you can try out. Also visit the Wellbeing Spot here on the school website for more information

This week’s video message will provide further information about the week ahead and also some useful information about your child’s development as a writer. So please watch it to find out how you can help your child develop their skills for writing.

Click here for our suggested Weekly lesson and Live lesson Schedule:

Suggested Week 5 Timetable for Reception Remote Learning

Wishing you good mental health.

Kind regards,

The Reception Team


Week beginning 25th January 2021

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”25″ border_color=”#28ebf3″ ]Dear Parents, Carers

Thank you for all your hardwork with remote learning over the last three weeks. We recognise and appreciate the daily challenges you encounter as you juggle work and other commitments to ensure your child continues to learn.

We endeavour to keep your experience of remote learning as seamless as possible. Please watch this video message to find out how we are continuously streamlining your experience of accessing your child’s learning materials and lessons. Your views matter to us, so we  thank you for your response to the survey sent to parents of children learning at home.

We look forward to the continued support of your child’s learning this week. If you have any concerns or questions, please email us at our usual email address.

Kind Regards,

The Reception Team


[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”25″ border_color=”#289bf3″ ]WEEKLY TIMETABLE OF REMOTE LEARNING FOR RECEPTION CHILDREN 

Please see link below for a suggested timetable of how to structure your day of remote learning for your Reception child at home. Each week, the suggested weekly timetable will inform you of the lesson focus for live lessons as well as what you will need to have ready for live lessons.

Weekly Timetable for Reception Remote Learning

The children at school will follow a similar structure to their day at school. We recognise that your individual circumstances at home may differ in many ways. So, please only use this a guide to plan your day of learning for your Reception child by choosing when to do the learning activities suggested. This way you can choose how much time your child spends using a screen for any one peiod of time, with breaks built in to allow for time away from computer or phone screens.

It is important for your Reception child to have opportunities throughout the day to engage in play activities, which we refer to as free flow activities. These should be planned around other learning activities each day. It also provides opportunities for your child to interact meaningfully with you, developing their communication and language skills as well as for their emotional and social development.

For children learning at home, we only ask for one activity to be submitted on Google Classroom. We have provided a sharing folder for any other work you would like to share with us. There is no expectation for you to share everything you do with your child in this folder. We are aware of  how time consuming this can be, so only share if you have the time to do this.

We welcome hearing from you about how you structure your child’s day of remote learning. So, please get in touch via email and share what has worked well for you.
