
Welcome to Grosvenor Bridge Class.

Class teacher: Miss Samuel

Teaching assistants: Miss Thompson, Mrs Begum, Mrs Edgeler, Mrs Rajani


Week beginning 20th July 2020

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”raised” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#8ce0fd” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Dear Parents, Carers

We would like to thank you for your overwhelming support throughout the year, especially during the past 4 and a half months as we embarked on our home learning journey together. Thanks to your perseverance, the children have grown and developed in so many ways. We are immensely proud of their hard work and success. 

We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible on Zoom on Wednesday:

• At 10am to say goodbye to the children

• At 2pm for the Y1 Parent Information Webinar. Check your email for a link to register to join the webinar.

We will continue to post one activity each day on Monday and Tuesday for the children who will not be able to go into school on Monday and Tuesday. There will be no further posts on Class Dojo from Wednesday onwards as Class Dojo goes into holiday mode. You are welcome to continue to access your child’s portfolio and the Class Story, to look back at their wonderfull learning over the past few months. You will receive final messages via ClassDojo on Wednesday for links to join the Zoom farewell at 10am or if you have any questions. Thereafter messages will close for the year.

We wish you and your families well for the much-earned summer break. We wish all our lovely children well for Year 1 and beyond. We look forward to seeing everyone again in September. Keep safe and take care.

Kind Regards,

Reception Team [/dropshadowbox]


[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”raised” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#fffffffff” border_width=”20″ border_color=”#191dff” ]IMPORTANT DATES:

Monday, 20th July 2020 : Chelsea Class may attend school from 10am – 2pm .

Tuesday, 21st July 2020: Grosvenor Class may attend school from 10am – 2pm .

• Children to attend in school uniform

• Send a named water bottle for your child

• Line up by the red flag outside the school office, making sure you socially distance alongside the blue railings.

• The children must be there at 10am and you can collect them from the same place at 2pm.

• A school dinner (vegetarian) will be provided or you may send a packed lunch.

• Return reading books in a disposable plastic bag. Place in dropboxes provided on entering school. Please do not take these up to the classrooms. You may keep your child’s yellow reading diary and green homework book.

• Do not bring in anything else to school.

Wednesday, 22nd July 2020:

• 10am Zoom Farewell

• 2pm Zoom webinar: Year 1 Parent Information

Thursday 3rd September 2020: Children return to school at 8.50am to start in Year 1 . [/dropshadowbox]

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”raised” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#fffffffff” border_width=”20″ border_color=”#9d1ad9″ ]MESSAGE FROM YOUR YEAR 1 TEACHERS:

Dear Children

We are so excited to be your teachers in Year 1. We look forward to meeting you and getting to know you. We have a lot of fun learning planned for you when you join us in Lambeth Bridge Class and Vauxhall Bridge Class in September.

Take care and see you soon.

Best wishes, from

The Year 1 Team

Mrs Ramakrishnan, Mrs Jeevahan, Miss Dale and Mrs Hunjan

Here’s two challenges for you to do over the summer holiday:

• Can you do some research about the name of your Year 1 class.. Can you make a poster about the bridge your new class is named after.

• Can you join in with the Croydon Library Summer Reading Challenge? How many books will you read this summer holiday? Here are some links to look at:

Croydon Libraries summer challenge

Summer Reading Challenge


Week Beginning 13th July 2020

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#f7fa84″ border_width=”1″ border_color=”#f8865e” ]Dear parents and carers

We are now in our final full week of  Reception and home learning.  It has gone incredibly fast and although we will be sad to see the children move on, it is also a very exciting time as they continue their journey into Year 1.

With this in mind our topic this week will focus on moving on, what they hope to achieve next year and a reflection on their time in Reception.

We will continue with one activity a day on Class Dojo, a selection of different activities using all the skills the children have learnt so far. Zoom lessons will also continue according to colour groups. Please check class dojo for details of your zoom lesson as the days may be subject to some changes this week.

Don’t forget to use the links below for extra ideas and have a great week. 


The Reception Team


[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”25″ border_color=”#e62636″ ]

Please note for week beginning 20th July:

  • Chelsea Class children  may return to school on Monday 20th  July.   Please check your email or the school website  for information about this  (letter dated 26th June)                                       
  •  Grosvenor Class children may return to school on Tuesday 21st July.  Please check your email or the school website  for information about this  (letter dated 26th June)         
  • There will NOT be any Zoom School scheduled on these two days
  • There WILL BE a daily challenge on Class Dojo on these two days for children to complete either at school or at home for those not attending on either day.
  • Each class will have a short final  Zoom Session scheduled for Wednesday, 22nd July at 10am to say farewell to you and the children.
  • Parents, we will inform you in due course of a parent event about your child moving to Year 1.


[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#c0effc” border_width=”20″ border_color=”#0fe239″ ]WEB LINKS FOR THIS WEEK


Vowels and Consonants

Compound Words






