Welcome to Grosvenor Bridge Class.
Class teacher: Miss Samuel
Teaching assistants: Miss Thompson, Mrs Begum, Mrs Edgeler, Mrs Rajani
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Dear Parents
It’s hard to believe that we are now well into July! With only two and a half weeks left until the end of the Summer 2 term, we want to thank you for all your support with online home learning.
We have thoroughly enjoyed growing and developing alongside you and your child as we all learnt to cope with the challenges of online home learning, since April. It has been a very steep learning curve for us all (staff, parents and children) as we adapted our thinking to learn how to do things differently. We thank you for your unending support as you learnt how to use the amazing Class Dojo app, despite the many challenges you faced. We thank you for exploring the Zoom app to allow us to interact with you and the children. Most of all, we thank you for being both parents and facilitators of learning with your children and for doing such an amazing job of it all. Hats off to you!?
Over the remaining two and a half weeks, we will continue to provide Class Dojo learning. However these will reduce to one daily activity per day, referred to as the Monday or Tuesday Challenge, etc. This activity will be a combination of Super Sentence and Curious Cat challenges and all the other skills learnt throughout the year.
Zoom School will continue for both classes at 10am on each colour group day, with a final whole class farewell to you and the children scheduled for Wednesday 22nd July. We hope you will continue to join us each day.
Our learning for the week ahead is all about growing and changing, how we grow and change as humans; what are the different ways we change; the things we learn to do as we grow, that we couldn’t do before; and our hopes and wishes for the future.
Kind Regards,
Reception Team
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”raised” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#fffffffff” border_width=”20″ border_color=”#44f832″ ]THIS WEEK’S LEARNING
The growing story by Ruth Krauss: https://youtu.be/gNImwD07vf0
Poetry by AA Milne: Now we are six https://youtu.be/ZA1X_3FkCi4
Even and odd numbers:
Odd and even number song: https://youtu.be/zpqSo341Oag
Our wonderful body, how it grows: https://youtu.be/E4-MNvDm0Sw
Cosmic kids https://youtu.be/pn65ltyntp4
The Zen Den: https://youtu.be/jJ9zpRAPIuI
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Dear Parents and carers,
We are really enjoying the daily zoom sessions with the children. It’s wonderful to see that they are beginning to relax and participate more, as they become accustomed to seeing us on their screens. The sessions are so valuable to us and the children, so please continue to join us for Zoom School sessions as much as you can.
Grosvenor class please note the new time for our zoom sessions will be 10 am from Monday.
This week, we continue to learn about Plants, focusing on plants which produce fruit and vegetables, how they grow and where they come from.
In Literacy this week we will continue learning about different types of adjectives such as words which describe a sound eg. Oink! or Pow! These words have a rather complicated name, onomatopoeia.
Have a great week and thank you for your continued support.
The Reception Team
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#fab9d8″ border_width=”1″ border_color=”#f22039″ ]THIS WEEK’S WEB LINKS
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#cbfdf9″ border_width=”20″ border_color=”#f686e8″ ]THIS WEEK’s ZOOM SCHOOL SESSIONS
We will have a Maths focus this week.
We look forward to engaging the children in some fun, interactive number based games. They won’t require any resources for these sessions.
Please be ready to join us at 10am on your colour group day.