Welcome to Hungerford Bridge Class.
Class teacher: Miss Agyemang
Teaching assistant: Ms Jones
Welcome to Hungerford Bridge Class
Teaching Staff
Miss M Stroud
Mrs Thambi
Miss Symes – RE every Wednesday morning (PPA)
Mrs Hughes – music every Wednesday morning (PPA)
Mrs Gourley will also be working in across both year 2 classes
Given out Thursday/ Friday and to be returned the following Tuesday
Reading Books Changed
Every Mon/Wed/Fri
Please make comments/ sign in reading diaries
We had a fantastic first few days back and are excited for our first full week of learning.
We are going to be using the plans we did last week to write a non-chronological report about Howard Primary School before moving on to our first key text: Leon and the Place Between.
We will be thinking carefully about new vocabulary in the story and getting to know the story really well.
We are focusing on spelling this week; in particular, the year 2 key words.
We are going to begin our class read: Fantastic Mr Fox by Roald Dahl.
We are also going to complete a reading comprehension activity so that Miss Stroud knows how good our reading is.
Our focus this week is introducing whole class guided reading sessions using pictures as a stimulus and using ERIC skills to practice answering questions about pictures and texts.
This is an example of the type of picture and questions we will be using:
We will be starting our formal maths lessons this week. Our first block is number and place value.
This week we will be focusing on number to 100 including reading & writing the numbers. It would be very helpful if children could practice writing the numbers in words at home ????
We will be introducing different representations of numbers to the children across the week including using numicon, dienes, bead strings, part-whole models and number lines.
We will be doing some work on ‘The Circus’ to fit in with our key text.
We are going to learn about Amy Johnson, a local historical figure.
We will be starting our work on materials.
We will be continuing with our new module of Zippy’s Friends.
To be confirmed.
We can’t believe we have almost reached the end of the school year! Hungerford Bridge have worked so hard over the course of the year and we are proud of every member of our class.
This week we will be finishing off various activities and the week is likely to be a little different to usual.
In maths we will be continuing to recap our previous learning. Our focus will be on multiplication and division. We will also be recapping the properties of 3d shapes by making some from straws and plasticine.
We have got some editing and up-levelling to do but might have time to write a short piece of writing based on the story The Day the Crayons Quit.
Important information
Tuesday 17th July – 120 years of Howard Primary School/ Art festival – you are invited between 1:20 and 3:30 to see a selection of art work and performances by the pupils
Last day – Thursday 19th July (Friday 20th is an INSET day)