
Welcome to Hungerford Bridge Class.

Class teacher: Miss Agyemang

Teaching assistant: Ms Jones


Week beginning 25th June

June 21, 2018


Our focus will be on using our understanding of the features of a police report to plan a whole class one; we will be doing a shared write. Then, we’ll be planning individual police reports iusing a similar structure.


We are still reading Aristotle by Dick-King-Smith. Lots of children have been making links between the story and other stories they have read. For example, that it is written by the same author as The Hodgeheg which was another of our class reads. Hungerford Class have also identified that Dick-King-Smith often wrote stories about animals.


We are moving onto our final unit: statistics. This includes the use of bar charts, pictograms, tally charts etc).



Zippy’s Friends- our next and final unit is called ‘we cope’.



Monday: real PE- pirate pranks.

Real PE is an initiative that focuses on cognitive, creative, social and personal skills as well as technical skills. Last week the children all loved the drama links.

Wednesday: tennis skills/ fitness circuits (based on


Important information

Thursday 28th June – Parent lunch. You will have received your invitations. Year 2 are very much looking forward to it.


KS1 Sports Day – Tuesday 10th July


Last day for children– Thursday 19th July


INSET day- Friday 20th July

Week beginning 18th June

June 14, 2018


We have sequenced the story and written out own simple versions. Next week we will be doing some drama from the perspective of a police officer. We will also be identifying the key features of a police report.


We have chosen to change our class read. We are now reading Aristotle by Dick-King-Smith. It is a story about a cat who gets himself into all kinds of trouble.


We will be finishing our measurement unit and moving on to statistics (the use of bar charts, pictograms, tally charts etc).



Zippy’s Friends- our next and final unit is called ‘we cope’.



Monday: real PE- pirate pranks.

Real PE is an initiative that focuses on cognitive, creative, social and personal skills as well as technical skills. Last week the children all loved the drama links.

Wednesday: tennis skills.


Important information

Thursday 28th June – Parent lunch. You will be receiving invitations to come and have lunch with your child.