
Welcome to Hungerford Bridge Class.

Class teacher: Miss Agyemang

Teaching assistant: Ms Jones


Week beginning 11th June 2018

June 7, 2018


We have moved onto a new piece of writing which will be based on a picture book called Tuesday by David Weisner. Have a look at the paper frogs we made. Did you know that they each have their own super power?


Our end goal is to write a police report based on the story.


We have chosen to change our class read. We are now reading Aristotle by Dick-King-Smith. It is a story about a cat who gets himself into all kinds of trouble.


We are now looking at measurement including mass, capacity and temperature.



Zippy’s Friends- our current unit is titled ‘Saying Goodbye’.



Monday: real PE.

Real PE is an initiative that focuses on cognitive, creative, social and personal skills as well as technical skills. It is something new that I am very excited to use with the class.


Wednesday: tennis.


Week beginning 21st May

May 17, 2018


We will be focusing on a poem called The Magic Box by Kit Wright in our final week of the half-term. Here is a copy of the poem.


Our current class read is Why the Whales Came by Michael Morpurgo.


We are still working on time.

Here are some pictures of some of the children. We were working in pairs to learn about 5 minute intervals. The groups of dienes/ counters represent the five minute intervals.



Zippy’s Friends- our current unit is titled ‘Saying Goodbye’. There will be a letter going out shortly regarding a proposed trip.


Monday: basketball.

Wednesday: skipping skills.