
Welcome to London Bridge Class

Class Teacher: Miss S. Winser (Howard’s Curriculum Lead)

Teaching Assistant: Mrs R. Verma


Handed out on Fridays,

Returned by Wednesday,

Please remember that homework is an important building stone in the child’s learning and development. The children will receive Dojo-Points for completed homework as well as particularly outstanding contributions.

Daily Reading:

To help further develop the children’s reading and academic development, please support and encourage the children to read daily for at least 10 minutes. This daily reading should then be recorded (title + pages) in the Learning Diary. We would kindly ask parents to sign/initial the record.

The children will receive Dojo-Points for daily reading.

Recommended reading books for Year 5:

Best Books for Year 5 | Ages 9-10 | BooksForTopics

Expertly selected books for 9 and 10 year old children (

Reading Activities:

Once the children have completed reading a book, they then choose an activity related to the book (e.g. book-review, letter to the author, sequel, character profile, alternative cover etc.). This activity is completed in the child’s Reading Journal. Our wonderful teaching assistants will then check, feedback and record the completion of these activities.

The children will receive multiple Dojo-Points to reward exceptional work.


Our current P.E. days are Tuesday and Wednesday with Miss Handley.

Summer Half-Term 2 – Week 2 (8th June 2020)

June 8, 2020

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#b6f1d6″ border_width=”2″ border_color=”#8b1a1a” ]Welcome to this week’s Year 5 blog, [/dropshadowbox]

Have a look at out timetable, which is slightly different. To give you proper time for RE and as the introduction to rivers doesn‘t take ages, we have swapped RE and Geography. Also, due to time limitations please read “Wonder“ on Wednesday during “Reading for Pleasure time”.

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#b7f7fb” border_width=”2″ border_color=”#e95d55″ ]Friday[/dropshadowbox]

It is almost time to say, “Happy weekend.“ Enjoy today‘s learning.


  • Starter: Please complete the following arithmetic starter.

  • Main Task 1: I can apply my knowledge of statistics in a test situation.

    • Please finish yesterday’s tasks, …

      1. the Statistics Revision.

        • All students should complete the Mathletics Statistics booklet: Statistics_student_GBR

          • But if you normally work with an adult in class and find this booklet tricky, try this one instead: statistics_student_GBR

        • Please send us a few lines about how you got on with the test when you send us your answers. Your feedback is incredibly important to us.

      2. Complete the test from yesterday’s blog -> Su2-Wk2-Mini-Assessment-Block-3_Year-5-Statistics

  • Main Task 2: I can apply my Maths knowledge and skills in an Investigation situation.

    • The originally expected family challenge has been replaced by White-Rose this week with a recap lesson on time.

    • Since you already had a lot of work from yesterday, the following task is optional, but I really recommend it to children who find “time” tricky.


  • Starter: Please complete the SpaG Starter on a piece of paper or electronically. Remember to ask us when a questions was particularly tricky.

Class-Novel Reading:

Today, please listen to the 4th part of Elizabeth Rinkes‘ reading of “Wonder“(Part 1 – August Part 4: The performance Space; The deal)

Answer these questions (You can copy-paste these questions into Dojo or a Word-Document and then answer & send it.):

    1. What is the most common behaviour of other when they notice that August is not watching?

    2. Explain the words “sarcastic“ and “obnoxious“.

    3. How did Julien feel when finding out about August wanting to choose the Science elective?

    4. What do you think about Julien‘s questions and the way he asks? What does this tell us about Julien and their possible future “relationship“?

    5. How does August explain that he was almost smiling at Jack Will?

    6. What do you think about Charlotte‘s behaviour?


  • In the past in ICT we have noticed that some of you seem to have an understanding where which key on a keyboard is, some of you found this however confusing. Therefore, today, please complete the lesson on “Touch-typing“



  • This week, we will move on to our new Topic called “En classe“, which is much easier with the homelearning log-in from language-angels as I don‘t have to do the screenrecording anymore.

  • Please simply …

    • go to

    • click on “Log-in“ at the top lefthand side

    • click on “Log-in Home School“ → FREE (for language angels schools) → log-in: Howard1981 pw: lahome

    • choose Spanish (top-middle – Spanish flag)

    • complete “Mi clase“ – Lesson 1.

  • Some of you (for example Emiliana and Magnus) have in the past recorded themselves practising Spanish and submitted the audio via Class Dojo. That was fabulous. Thank you so much. The others could try and do the same.

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#b7f7fb” border_width=”2″ border_color=”#e95d55″ ]Thursday[/dropshadowbox]

I can‘t believe it is Thursday already! Where has the week gone? I really hope, you are enjoying your learning. Why not send us a message on Dojo to let us know, especially if you are somebody who hasn‘t made much contact via Dojo. This also goes to parents. If you haven‘t made much contact, please let us know. There might be questions you have for us, please feel free to ask. It feels like the way out of lockdown is more difficult and nerve-wrecking then the way into it was.

Have a lovely day.

Best wishes from us all here in Year 5.


  • Starter: Please complete the following arithmetic starter.

  • Main Task – I can apply my knowledge of statistics in a test situation.

    • Since we are unfortunately in the distance from each other, there is no strict way of assessing what you have learnt and how well, but I thought that it would be useful for you and us as your teachers, to see how you get on with these tests. This way, you can show and tell us what you found tricky and we know what we need to consider for next year. Please send us a few lines about how you got on with the test when you send us your answers.

      • We as your Year 5 teachers will be compiling a list of things (topics, skills etc.) that we haven’t had the chance to study so that your Year 6 teachers know the gaps and can prepare accordingly for the autumn. Since things with schools are very confusing at the moment, we need to plan very thoroughly so that we all can do well next year and are prepared for all eventualities. So your feedback is incredibly important to us.

    • There are two tasks which you can complete over the course of today and tomorrow.

      1. All students should complete the Mathletics Statistics booklet:

        • But if you normally work with an adult in class and find this booklet tricky, try this one instead: statistics_student_GBR

      1. Complete the Su2-Wk2-Mini-Assessment-Block-3_Year-5-Statistics (This can be done tomorrow before the Family challenge)


  • Starter: Please complete the SpaG Starter on a piece of paper or electronically. Remember to ask us when a questions was particularly tricky.

  • Main Lesson: I can use clues from the text to describe a setting.


Class-Novel Reading:

  • Today, please listen to the next part of Elizabeth Rinkes‘ reading of “Wonder“

    • August Part 3 (Jack Will, Julian, and Charlotte; The Grand Tour)

    • Answer these questions (You can copy-paste these questions into Dojo or a Word-Document and then answer & send it.):

      • What impressed August about Mr Tushman‘s office?

      • Who is the famous Mr T?

      • How do we know that Mr Tushman feels a little funny about his name?

      • What is the painful difference between little and big kids?

      • How do we know that the Jack, Julian and Charlotte were not very comfortable?

      • Share your first impressions of Jack, Julian and Charlotte with me.

      • Which room was August‘s favourite room? Explain why.

      • What is an eraser and what does the use of this word tell us about the author of the book?



  • This week, we will continue to work on our “Challenge“ Topic/Project called “Journey of Life – Exploring change“.

  • Thank you for your life-journeys you had shared with us.

  • For today‘s lesson, please follow the attached document as a lesson guide otherwise this blog would be too overcrowded.

  • Enjoy.

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#b7f7fb” border_width=”2″ border_color=”#e95d55″ ]Wednesday[/dropshadowbox]

Sorry for the slight delay. Have a good day.


  • Starter: Since the main part is a little longer, there will be no Arithmetic starter today.

  • Main Task – I can read and interpret timetables.



  • Today, there will be a break from your SpaG Starter (ignore the reference in the first slide).

  • Main Lesson: I can use clues from the text to describe a character.

    • Optional: Even though this will be tomorrow‘s focus, you might already find time to listen to chapter 2:

Class-Novel Reading:

  • Today, please listen to the next part of Elizabeth Rinkes‘ reading of “Wonder“

    • August Part 2 (Driving; Paging Mr Tushman; Nice Mrs Garcia)

    • Answer these questions (You can copy-paste these questions into Dojo or a Word-Document and then answer & send it.):

      • What were the parents arguing about? Who had which opinion?

      • What is the famous simile used in the chapter Driving?

      • How did August feel?

      • Explain what a “White lie“ is.

      • Why did the discussion end up in loud laughter?

      • Explain what August‘s statement, “Mr Tushman is the principal of my new school“ says about the outcome of the argument and the future.

      • Explain how you think August felt during his tour of the school.

      • What surprised August about his mum at the end of the chapter?


    • First, join Mr Shepherd (Brass and Piano) for Making Music Week 5 – Dynamics:

      • or via Youtube

      • I wonder, “What is a crescendo and a descrescendo?“.

      • Can you tell me a fact that you found out about one of Mr Shepherd‘s music heroes from Iceland (Not the shop!!!) called Bjork?

      • What is the capital city of Iceland?

      • Who is the famous British classical composer of the orchestral suite “Mars“?

      • Where is the Youth Orchestra from that played the last track a “Mambo“?

      • What is a “Mambo“?

    • Next, complete the activities that Mr Regan left for you on Seesaw.

      • There are 4 activities set for you, please complete at least 1, ideally 2 and record yourself. Please send it to Mr Regan as he has put so much effort into all that and has deserved more than just one response. Well done Emiliana for working with enthusiasm on Seesaw.

        1. (in reverse order) Song-Writing 1

        2. Play the piano at home

        3. Song-Writing 2

        4. Song-Writing 3



  • Our new topic is “Rivers“ since it is in a way linked to Floodland, but mainly that part of Geography that we have not yet looked at this year.

  • Since this is only an introduction and the Music catch-up is in the centre the afternoon, please thoroughly complete the following tasks:

    1. Please design an appealing, creative cover page for the topic. This will be stuck into our Geography books when we are back.

    1. Create an acrostic with your first or middle name as well as the word “river“ using names of rivers from all over the world. Present both on another page in an appealing, artistic way.

e.g. (Please don‘t copy!)

    1. Create a table/overview of …

What I know about rivers.

What I think I know about rivers.

What I wonder (would like to find out) about rivers.

  • e.g. the longest river in the UK is the Severn,

  • e.g. the gradient (how steep an area is) has an influence on how fast a river flows,

  • e.g. Why are some rivers crystal clear and others very murky?

Optional: Research and find 10 facts about the key process behind the existence of rivers, the Water-Cycle. This will be the centre of our next lesson.


[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#b7f7fb” border_width=”2″ border_color=”#e95d55″ ]Tuesday[/dropshadowbox]

NEWS: Before we start, here are this week‘s First News.

First news – Week Beginning 8th June



  • Starter: Please complete the following arithmetic starter.



  • Starter: Please complete the SpaG Starter on a piece of paper or electronically. Remember to ask us when a questions was particularly tricky.

  • Main Lesson: I can respond to an image and make predictions about a text.


Class-Novel Reading:



  • In theory, we have come to the end of the topic. Before we conclude, I would like you to consolidate a few general aspects. Please complete the following tasks:

    1. Watch this video about the Physics behind the Change of State:

    2. Watch the awesome annimation under and complete the quiz.

    3. Complete the little overview of properties and uses of materials. 35874-Y5UsefulMaterialsAndTheirProperties

    4. Complete the short assessment on “Materials and Change“. 35869-Y5AssessmentMaterialProperties

  • To look beyond the previous learning focussed at Science, I would like you to combine your Science learning with DT and Geography (but also to some degree with PSHE).

    • Complete the activities around Fossil Fuels and Renewable Energy from the BBC Bitesize Daily lessons:

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#b6f1d6″ border_width=”2″ border_color=”#8b1a1a” ]Happy Monday to everyone,[/dropshadowbox]

We hope you had an excellent weekend. The plants finally got some rain.

Before we start, “Happy World Oceans Day“ – Please find optional activities on Class-Dojo.

Another exciting week lays ahead of us. The biggest thrill lays in three different things:

  • first of all, we will finally start with “Floodland“ which will be the focus in our English lessons

  • secondly, in our Class-Novel time, we have chosen to read/listen to “Wonder“ by R. J. Palacio (one of the best books that intrigue adults as well as children and even seasoned bookworms and therefore a great book/investment to purchase),

  • and thirdly, in Geography we will be moving into River Studies and then towards the end of the term, we will – linked to Floodland – study Global Warming,

When it comes to reading, please make sure that you do not read ahead with “Floodland“ as it would spoil parts of the English lessons. Thank you.


  • Starter: Please complete the following arithmetic starter.


  • English:

    • Starter: Please complete the SpaG Starter on a piece of paper or electronically. Remember to ask us when a questions was particularly tricky.

    • Main Lesson: It feels a little lazy for us here, but please complete the following lesson from BBC Bitesize and please let us know your impression of the book as we are forever looking for suitable new book-corner books.

  • Reading for Pleasure:

    • Share with me on Class-Dojo which book you are reading at the moment, the name of the main character and what you particularly like about the book at the moment.


  • Class-Novel Reading:
    • Please use the time to complete the bookreview on Street Child (see resources and prompts from Friday).


  • DT:
    • Since we did Art last half-term, this part of the term we should be spending on DT, but might on occasions look at Art in order to cover the things he have not yet quite covered (like the past resist Art using a Greek Pattern which we never got to do, but I will show you on a video and using household items so that you still get to do it – or that could be an activity we could do if ever we get back to school).

    • To build up our technical knowledge (my dream/aim is to design and build a contraption towards the end of the term), please go through this fantastic BBC Bitesize Daily lesson on “Mechanical Systems“.

Virtual Sports Week 2020

June 1, 2020