Welcome to London Bridge Class
Class Teacher: Miss S. Winser (Howard’s Curriculum Lead)
Teaching Assistant: Mrs R. Verma
Handed out on Fridays,
Returned by Wednesday,
Please remember that homework is an important building stone in the child’s learning and development. The children will receive Dojo-Points for completed homework as well as particularly outstanding contributions.
Daily Reading:
To help further develop the children’s reading and academic development, please support and encourage the children to read daily for at least 10 minutes. This daily reading should then be recorded (title + pages) in the Learning Diary. We would kindly ask parents to sign/initial the record.
The children will receive Dojo-Points for daily reading.
Recommended reading books for Year 5:
Best Books for Year 5 | Ages 9-10 | BooksForTopics
Expertly selected books for 9 and 10 year old children (lovereading4kids.co.uk)
Reading Activities:
Once the children have completed reading a book, they then choose an activity related to the book (e.g. book-review, letter to the author, sequel, character profile, alternative cover etc.). This activity is completed in the child’s Reading Journal. Our wonderful teaching assistants will then check, feedback and record the completion of these activities.
The children will receive multiple Dojo-Points to reward exceptional work.
Our current P.E. days are Tuesday and Wednesday with Miss Handley.
[dropshadowbox align=”center” effect=”raised” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#e5e3f8″ border_width=”4″ border_color=”#1c7d9d” ]Welcome back to the new and very exciting half-term.[/dropshadowbox]
Over the next weeks in Maths, we will move away from the revision and start closing the gaps of small topics that we have not yet had the chance to cover in Year 5 and with the uncertainty of the coming weeks, we don’t want to leave to chance. This will include some Geometry (especially “position and direction” which we will explore with our own videos) and Statistics.
Equally, in English we will catch-up with a few useful aspects of the daily lessons from BBC Bitesize, spiced up with some Pobble starter and vocabulary work as well as useful elements of lessons from our new scheme called “Power of Reading” with regards to our new class-novel “Floodland” by Marcus Sedgwick. (This should link nicely with our Geography learning.)
In RE, we will explore – not at all feeling a little Guinea-piggish – the topic “Journey of life” from the Croydon Syllabus.
During your Science learning, we will continue with some exciting explorations in “Properties of materials and change”. This will be supplemented by a selection of very useful Science lessons from BBC Bitesize and STEM.
We are incredibly excited about Geography as we will move on to the topic “Rivers” where we will explore the features of rivers, but also look at their benefits and threats as well as their huge importance in different parts of this world. You will have the chance to build a river model, test it out and also wow us with a case study of a river of your choice.
Our thinking for Art needs to be finalised since we are not starting with it until next week.
In Spanish, we now will all get access to a homelearning pack from language-angels and first of all, continue with our learning about “Mi casa”.
Over this half-term, we would love to find some time for DT that doesn’t involve baking or cooking, but designing and constructing.
This week’s timetable:
[dropshadowbox align=”center” effect=”perspective-left” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#f1f4d7″ border_width=”4″ border_color=”#c28181″ ]Homework[/dropshadowbox]
Write a bookreview about Street Child.
Revise Unit 3 – Me presento on language angels.
As evidence, take a picture of you practising or send a video via Dojo.
https://www.languageangels.com/homeschool User: Howard 1986 Password: lahome
Compile a little “Croydon – Local History Guide” with your history work of the last weeks. Add a title page, a glossary and a map.
If you want to slightly alter/change the title, you may do so.
[dropshadowbox align=”center” effect=”perspective-left” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#f1f4d7″ border_width=”4″ border_color=”#c28181″ ]Friday, 5th June 2020[/dropshadowbox]
Happy Friday everyone,
Here are your tasks for today.
Arithmetics Starter:
Main Tasks:
Catch-up with any Maths from this week that you have not had the chance to finish.
Complete the “Family Challenge“ Su2-Wk1-L04-Family-Challenge-Friday-5th-June
Mild: at least challenge 1-3
Hot: at least challenge 1-4
Hotter: at least challenge 3-6
Hottest: beyond challenge 6,
If there are any questions about the answers to SpaG starters, please do not hesitate to message us on Dojo or Gmail.
Main Task:
Since it is Friday, we would like you to use your English time for some creative writing which links today‘s “World Environment Day“ with Monday‘s “World Oceans Day“. The attached document will lead you through it. Su2-Wk1-L04-MainTask-CreativeWriting
Reading: We have now finished our class-novel. Next week, we will be starting with Floodland which you will be able to take in via video.
Please complete the attached reading comprehension about “World Ocean Day“. Su2-Wk1-L04-World-oceans-day-reading-comprehension-activity-_ver_2
Hot → * Hotter → ** Hottest → ***
ICT: Use a programme on the computer – ideally MS Word or another word-processing application like LibreOffice – and create a flowchart with the story-map of “Street-Child“ which should help you with your book-review over the weekend.
Before you start, read through the Twinkl presentation. #Lesson Presentation What is a Flowchart
Circus, Finds Rosie, Evicted from the flat, Shrimps passes away, Workhouse, mum dies, taken by Grimy Nick shovelling coal, meets Shrimps, Searches for Rosie, Breaking out, meeting Josh, Re-united with Shrimps, Searching for a doctor, …
Spanish: : Today will be the last session on „Mi Casa“ and next week, we will move on to „Mi Clase“.
Good news! You can now log-on to language-angel‘s home-learning pack, but only the new topic is on there not “Mi Casa“.
Please revise over the weekend the Unit 3 – Me presento.
https://www.languageangels.com/homeschool User: Howard 1986 Password: lahome
Today‘s task: Watch the video., repeat the phrases when I left a gap/pause and answer the questions/complete the tasks.
Listening: normal -> Mi Casa – Last Lesson -Listening Exercise Grid challenge -> Mi Casa – Last Lesson – Extended Listening Exercise Grid
Writing: easy Mi Casa – Last Lesson – Writing Exercise (Less Challenge) middle Mi Casa – Last Lesson – Writing Exercise (Standard Challenge) difficult Mi Casa – Last Lesson Writing Exercise (More Challenge)
Reading: easy Mi Casa – Last Lesson – Authentic Text Reading Exercise (Less Challenge) normal Mi Casa – Last Lesson – Authentic Text Reading Exercise (Standard Challenge) challenge Mi Casa – Last Lesson – Authentic Text Reading Exercise (More Challenge)
[dropshadowbox align=”center” effect=”perspective-left” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#f1f4d7″ border_width=”4″ border_color=”#c28181″ ]Thursday, 4th June 2020[/dropshadowbox]
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#b8e8b0″ border_width=”2″ border_color=”#c98a65″ ]Before we start: Has anyone yet had the chance to upload some work for Mr Regan on Seesaw? I really hope, otherwise we will have to start rapping ourselves – I’m not sure if your ears could tolerate that ;)[/dropshadowbox]
Starter: Please complete the following arithmetic starter and then check with an adult.
Main Task – I can use line graphs to solve problems.
Follow the attached slides (Not as a video today). Su2-Wk1-L03-LineGraphsSolvingProblems-Slides
Then complete the attached tasks in the style that we would do it in class. You can answer on the electronic version, so don’t need to print out. Su2-Wk1-L03-LineGraphsToSolveProblems
All: Fluency,
Most: Fluency and Reasoning
Some: Fluency, Reasoning and Diving deeper,
Please complete the SpaG Starter on a piece of paper or electronically and then check with an adult.
Main Lesson: Follow the attached slides. Su2-Wk1-L03-LetterToShrimps
All: Pretending to be Jim, write a letter to Shrimps telling him what you feel about him and what you could do in the future.
Differentiation: The different challenges will develop through the detail you are going to put in and the freedom you take to move away from my model in the slides.
Reading for pleasure and Class-Novel Reading:
Please, let us put this together as you are having 2 chapters to listen to and answer questions. To give you enough time to work on your book-review, we need to finish the reading/listening today.
First, please listen to our Street-Child podcast chapter 27 (“Barnie“) and answer the following questions:
StreetChild-chapter 27 -Barnie
What did the wind sound like?
Why did the boys wake up soaked to the skin?
Why did the boys come down from the roof so early in the morning?
What would happen to the boys if they were caught stealing food?
Why was James‘ only job skipping for queues?
What do the other boys do to make money?
Why did Jim decide to go to look for the ragged school? Find three reasons.
How do you know Jim didn’t know where the ragged school is located?
Describe Barney.
Why was Jim careful not to look Barney in the eye?
Which word means to move away in fear?
Find two things that show Barney was kind to the children In the ragged school.
What does murmur mean?
What was the last thing the children did before they left the ragged school?
Which signs show that Jim was still very nervous about Barney (without telling us using words)?
Make a list of the tidying jobs that Barney did before he left the school?
What affected Jim’s eyes?
Who did Barney think Jim lived with? Why did he think that?
What was Barney probably doing when he walked to the fire and back and drummed his fingers on the desk?
Which simile describes the sound of fingers in drums on the desk?
Why did Jim speak in a whining Voice?
When Barney stared into the flames, what might he have been thinking?
What was the deal Barney made with Jim?
Why was Jim reluctant to show Barney where the boys slept? Find 2 reasons.
Why was Jim’s name important to him?
Which phrase means to do something easily?
What did Jim do to help Barney climb up to the roof.
Why might it have been difficult for Barnie to climb up to the roof?
Find the simile at the end of the chapter.
Now, please also listen to our Street-Child podcast chapter 28 (“More than a story“) and answer the following questions:
StreetChild-chapter 28 – More than a story
Why was Barnie looking so sad?
Why was Jim so keen for Barnie to leave the roof?
What advantage did Jim have over Barney when climbing up and getting off the roof?
Write a sentence to show what Jim might have said when Barney told him he’s going to give him a home.
How was Barney going to fund the home for boys?
The boys’ room was cold. True or false?
The boys slept on the ground floor. True or false?
The boys slept in hammocks. True or false?
The boys had to pay for their food. True or false?
How was Barnie’s home for the boys different to the workhouse?
Why didn’t Jim run away?
Please also have a listen to the attached author‘s notes and information.
History of Barnardos.
Author’s Note.
Today‘s lesson will be split into three.
First, please research and record information about the importance of sanddunes.
Su2-Wk1-L01-part 1 Importance of Sanddunes (.doc for filling in on the sheet using textboxes) Su2-Wk1-L01-part 1 Importance of Sanddunes (.pdf for printing)
Links you could use:
https://www.dkfindout.com/uk/earth/coasts/beaches-and-dunes/ and https://www.dkfindout.com/uk/earth/deserts/what-is-sand-dune/
Quite advanced: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/ztcch39/revision/8
Secondly, please go through the attached “test“ or “assessment“ making sure you can answer every question.
If you have the time, please now look at something that I really need you to be aware of. Life at the coast is actually characterised by numerous conflicts over how to use the land/coast.
Please read the text and create a short, informative factfile with the title “Conflicts at the coast“.
[dropshadowbox align=”center” effect=”perspective-left” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#f1f4d7″ border_width=”4″ border_color=”#c28181″ ]Wednesday, 3rd June 2020[/dropshadowbox]
Main Task – I can draw line graphs.
Follow the attached instruction – Today as videos. (Please excuse some of the silly, pointless comments.)
Then complete the attached tasks in the style that we would do it in class. Su2-Wk1-L02-DrawLineGraphs
All: Fluency,
Most: Fluency and Reasoning
Some: Fluency, Reasoning and Diving deeper,
Please complete the SpaG Starter on a piece of paper or electronically and then check with an adult.
Main Lesson: Follow and complete the “Daily Lesson” on BBC Bitesize → Synonyms and Antonyms.
All: Complete task 1 and then pick 5 alternative words from the Vocabulary Ninja list → Write one sentence with each word.
- Su2-Wk1-L02-100_words_and_alternatives
e.g. Even though I tumbled down the stairs with immense noise, I survived the atrocious event.
Most: Complete task 1 and 2 from the slides,
Some: Complete tasks 1, 2 and 3 from the slides,
Challenge: Complete the tasks from the Twinkl Synonyms-Antonyms Challenge cards Su2-Wk1-L02-synonym-task-challenge-cards
Reading for pleasure:
As announced yesterday, please watch the reading comprehension lesson on OAK NATIONAL ACADEMY and complete the embedded tasks.
Class-Novel Reading: Please listen to our Street-Child podcast chapter 26 and answer the following questions:
StreetChild-chapter 26 – Goodbye Bruvver
Who took Shrimps’ body?
What was done so people could view Shrimps’ body?
Why didn’t the street boys come into the hut?
How long did Jim stay by Shrimps’ body and why?
How do we know how Jim was feeling?
Why did the Night-Watchman tell Jim he had to go?
When Jim thought back at the past years, what benefits of being in the workhouse did he see?
Why couldn’t Jim find anywhere to sleep?
What gave him a clue as to where the other street boys might sleep?
Which simile describes the sound Jim could hear?
What does tarpaulin mean?
Which simile described the appearance of the boys on the rooftop?
Today’s teacher on “Making Music” is Mr Bruinsma. Enjoy and have fun.
Also, there will be tasks set on Seesaw, which I need to check later on. I believe you all received your log-ins. Make the most of it.
This half term, we are moving into a new topic named “Journey of Life – Exploring change“.
So, we will be looking at our own journeys, compare them, look at what triggers change and what influenced, influences and might in the future influence our journey.
First of all, please complete an electronic or paper-based version of this cover-page. my life journey so far
- Now, let‘s look at the journey of one of your teachers. Su2-Wk1-L01-JourneyOfLife1-example
Now, please create your own journey – so far and leave a couple of boxes open for the future. Su2-Wk1-L01-JourneyOfLife1-TaskSheet
Then choose an adult in your family and do the same with/for them.
[dropshadowbox align=”center” effect=”perspective-left” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#f1f4d7″ border_width=”4″ border_color=”#c28181″ ]Tuesday, 2nd of June 2020[/dropshadowbox]
Before we start, here is a very sweet and motivating little ebook for you to read.
Starter: Please complete the following arithmetic starter. Please note, that we have merged Mild & Hot as well as Hotter & Hottest.
Main Task – I can read and interpret line graphs.
Follow the attached instruction. Su2-Wk1-L01-ReadLineGraphs
Then complete the attached tasks in the style that we would do it in class. Su2-Wk1-L01-ReadLineGraphs-Tasksheet
All: Fluency,
Most: Fluency and Reasoning
Some: Fluency, Reasoning and Diving deeper,
Starter: Please complete the SpaG Starter on a piece of paper or electronically, check and correct it tomorrow when we will publish the answers.
Main Lesson: Follow and complete the “Daily Lesson” on BBC Bitesize → Using homophones and paragraphs
All: Complete task 1
Most: Complete task 1 and 3
Some: Complete tasks 1, 3 and 2
Challenge: Why not write a whole application to become an astronaut.
First, read these two highly interesting articles:
Reading for Pleasure: Please submit any missing or new book-reviews.
- Book review sheet BookReview-Template
Tomorrow’s reading for pleasure will be spiced up by a reading comprehension session from Oak Academy looking at comparing within and across books. This is something we have been discussing with you during parents evenings.
Class-Novel Reading: Please listen to our Street-Child podcast chapter 25 and answer the following questions:
Podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/user/12356852/streetchild-ch25-theraggedschool
Document: StreetChild-chapter 25 – The Ragged School
How do we know Jim was very eager to see the woman with the coffee cart? Give 2 pieces of evidence.
Explain the word ragged in your own words and also put it into a sentence.
Explain why the woman couldn’t go with Jim.
“Jim managed to coax some milk from a dairy woman.” Explain the meaning of that sentence.
Find 2 reasons the woman didn’t help the street boys.
List two facts we find out about Davey.
Explain how we know that Davey and the other boys didn’t like the idea of school.
What did Jim give Shrimps when he returned to the crate?
Why did Jim think the children must be brothers and sisters?
How was Barney going to get home?
Why couldn’t the doctor hear Jim?
Explain the benefit of the candle.
Explain the meaning of the phrase “were like stones in the throat”.
At the end of the chapter Shrimps hand was cold. What might this mean?
What is your opinion on the ending of this chapter? What would you have done differently as the author? Why?
To warm up, please watch the following video and list all possible changes you have spotted. (Don’t read the description – spoiler alert!)
Then group them into
reversible: … and
irreversible: …
Predict and explain:
Are the following test reversible or irreversible? How do you know? If you have the resources, please feel free to try them out – if your parents are ok with it.
Mixing water and plaster (Plaster of Paris ideally) – I had to use Finishing Plaster as I didn’t have any other. That’s why it looks a bit like … chocolate mousse. Reuben noticed that it got a bit warmer when mixing and then it solidified.
Heating an egg
Mixing bicarbonate of soda and vinegar. (Shame that the video size is too large. I really need to fix that.)
When burning a candle and placing a jar over it, I noticed that the candle gradually extinguishes and the jar on the inside becomes misty with water droplets. Where does the water come from?
Find the answer here: https://www.thenakedscientists.com/get-naked/experiments/getting-water-candle
Main investigation:
Now, to the main investigation. We had great fun with this, but the video is too large. Here is a picture of the outcome.
Prediction: What happens when we mix milk with vinegar?
Method: Take about 150-200ml of milk (full-fat or semi-skimmed) and heat it in a pan.
As soon as the milk starts to boil, turn off the heat, stir the liquid and add 15ml of vinegar.
Observe what happens.
For your next step, read the attached document.
Once you separated the mixture and let the casein dry, you have created plastic.
If you want to, you could repeat this and add food colouring to the milk which should result in colourful plastic.
→ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akhs3wcSDGA
Main task/recording: Use the attached document. Su2-Wk1-Recording
I am gutted as this was the experiment (besides our rockets in Autumn term) that I was so looking forward to this year, but unfortunately, we fear that there won’t be time to do this in class, hence it is this week’s Science investigation. Sorry, parents, but it might not be the most pleasantly smelling experiment on the planet.
[dropshadowbox align=”center” effect=”perspective-left” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#f1f4d7″ border_width=”4″ border_color=”#c28181″ ]Monday, 1st of June 2020[/dropshadowbox]
To slowly ease us into the new half-term, a time when we will hopefully see each other again soon, we thought to give you a little project which also marks the end of our History Topic “Local History”. This week, we would like you to visit glorious “Addington Palace” with its surrounding park.
History-Task: Create a fact-file or learning display about the long, rich history of Addington Palace.
Remember to include:
a catchy title,
a picture (this can be a print or a sketch you created yourself),
a map with a key (as the “palace” is set in a park),
a timeline
a “Did-you-know?”-box
colours and an appealing design,
- Reading-Task: Please listen to our Street-Child podcast chapter 24 and answer the following questions:
StreetChild-chapter 24 – Looking for a doctor
What did Jim use to make Shrimps more comfortable?
Which word shows Shrimps was not very hungry?
What was the joke Shrimps made at the start of chapter 24?
What did Jim think was wrong with Shrimps?
What did Shrimps say was the cause of his illness?
What and where is Guinea?
Which simile is used to describe how Shrimps was beaten?
Who would Shrimps have preferred to give the money too rather than the robbers?
Why didn’t Shrimps want to go to the hospital?
How do we know Shrimps was very scared of going to the hospital?
Why was Jim so frightened when Shrimps was asleep?
What was Shrimps’ joke about Grimy Nick?
Write the correct order Jim met these people: Mrs Juglini, Rosie, Grimy Nick, Whiteface, Josh, Shrimps, Rosie’s Grandad
What did Jim borrow from the Night-Watchman and why?
Why didn’t Shrimps get better?
Which word is used to mean extreme?
Why weren’t the women very helpful?
Explain the meaning of the word pauper.
Jim is desperate to help Shrimps. Write three things he does to try and get money to help Shrimps?
Why did the rich people start to take notice of Jim?
What was the name of the school?
Explain why Jim didn’t want to go to the school?
At the end of the chapter, how do you know Shrimps is extremely ill?
Predict what is going to happen to Shrimps and Jim.
Good morning and “happy International Children’s Day” from us here in Year 5 at Howard,
We are wishing you a wonderful day with fun, joy and heaps of happiness.
This day was established in 1925 during “The World Conference for the Well-being of Children” (Geneva, Switzerland) and is not to be confused with “Universal Children’s Day” (United Nations, 1954), which happens annually on the 20 November and focusses on celebrating the rights and welfare of children world-wide (“For every child, every right.”).
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”curled” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#bde2fa” border_width=”2″ border_color=”#7e3b18″ ]Good morning all,[/dropshadowbox]
After some of the Y5s were my guinea pigs, I would like as many children and families as possible from our school to trial something really exciting. This is based on an online tool called “Digimaps for Schools” by the University of Edinburgh.
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#e1ecb7″ border_width=”2″ border_color=”#185e7e” ]Thank you Damara, Emiliana, Bianca, Lillian and James in Year 5 for giving it a good go.[/dropshadowbox]
Your task is to plan and document a walk you are going to undertake as a daily exercise. The steps I would like you to include are:
Go for a walk and take photographs of interesting sights.
Back at home, log-on to Digimaps.
Log-In: CR01DT
Password: dwests0986
Create a map for the local area you have taken your walk in.
Draw in the walk (draw lines in sections or as a whole; double-click for sections).
Pin in your home.
Measure the distance between the different parts of the walk.
After your walk, upload the photos into the right place on your map in Digimaps. (Remember to save.)
Save your map in your class-folder on Digimaps under your first name and the date (e.g. Max-17052020)
Here is the video instruction on how it works:
Have fun.
Thank you very much and happy half-term.
Mr Grundey