Welcome to London Bridge Class
Class Teacher: Miss S. Winser (Howard’s Curriculum Lead)
Teaching Assistant: Mrs R. Verma
Handed out on Fridays,
Returned by Wednesday,
Please remember that homework is an important building stone in the child’s learning and development. The children will receive Dojo-Points for completed homework as well as particularly outstanding contributions.
Daily Reading:
To help further develop the children’s reading and academic development, please support and encourage the children to read daily for at least 10 minutes. This daily reading should then be recorded (title + pages) in the Learning Diary. We would kindly ask parents to sign/initial the record.
The children will receive Dojo-Points for daily reading.
Recommended reading books for Year 5:
Best Books for Year 5 | Ages 9-10 | BooksForTopics
Expertly selected books for 9 and 10 year old children (lovereading4kids.co.uk)
Reading Activities:
Once the children have completed reading a book, they then choose an activity related to the book (e.g. book-review, letter to the author, sequel, character profile, alternative cover etc.). This activity is completed in the child’s Reading Journal. Our wonderful teaching assistants will then check, feedback and record the completion of these activities.
The children will receive multiple Dojo-Points to reward exceptional work.
Our current P.E. days are Tuesday and Wednesday with Miss Handley.
Well done to last week’s Class-Dojo stars:
Cannon: Lillian, Lucas, Magnus, Emiliana, Melvin, Mariah, Ame, Damara, Bianca, Richa, Leen, Oscar, William, Deen (Welcome to Dojo) and Pyman (Thank you Mrs Ancel for updating as well.) – I hope that I haven’t forgotten anyone.
London: Holly, Emily P (fabulous Science work), James, Sofia G and Niki.
Good morning,
Another happy Monday is knocking on our door and there seems to be a small light at the end of the tunnel. Let’s begin the week with sharing what we are proud of and what kindness you have witnesses over the last couple of weeks. Like last week, we will add the new day’s activities in front of the previous day so that we don’t have to spend so much time scrolling down to find the day we are looking for. Here is our timetable for the week which can give you a bit of structure to avoid every day feeling like it is the same as all the others.
Remember to send us your work via Dojo or email (howardyear5@gmail.com) to receive huge amounts of Dojo-Points and – from what the flies on the walls have been whispering – there might be other rewards for great contributions once we are all back in school.
Here are two extra activities for you to complete at any chosen time:
2020 Olympics – Great fun: Travel_to_Tokyo
Garden/Nature Explorer:
KS2 home learning – garden visitors – garden flowers identification sheet
KS2 home learning – garden visitors – lifecycle cards
KS2 home learning – garden visitors – Lined Writing Paper
KS2 home learning – garden visitors – my garden design sheet
KS2 home learning – garden visitors – wildlife journal
KS2 home learning – garden visitors – writing task
KS2 home learning – garden visitors – Y 5 6 reading questions
Science: Since many of you seemed to have enjoyed Science this week, here is a page with very fascinating Remote Lessons. If you are interested, have a look at the (the people from the STEM team ask for an adult to be present though).
This week, maybe have a look at the Sound – sight and sound lesson.
Tomorrow, you can even ask a real Scientist questions about it.
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#d1dfbe” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Homework:[/dropshadowbox]
Homework: Since you have been working on school related tasks all week, we are going to give you informal rather than formal homework.
Complete any school tasks from the week, you have not finished.
Something I had wanted to do with you in school, but will now probably not happen as our time will be rather short. Please go through this “Geography/PSHE/Science-Lesson” on Sustainability and Plastics.
Please send me your leaflets for display in and around school.
Log-on to a really exciting online tool, the school has subscribed to. It is called DigiMaps (for education)
Log-In: CR01DT
Password: dwests0986
Your task is to plan a walk you are going to undertake as a daily exercise.
Create a map for the local area.
Draw in the walk you have planned.
Pin in your home.
Measure the distance between the different parts of the walk.
Save your map in your class-folder on Digimaps under your first name and the date (e.g. Max-17052020)
When out and about, take photographs.
After your walk, upload the photos into the right place on your map in Digimaps. (Remember to save.)
Message your teacher on Dojo when your map is completed.
Alternatively, you can go for a walk first, take pictures and then do the map-work afterwards.
Here is my instruction video:
By Friday evening, I will have uploaded a video where I will talk you through all the steps slowly .
Have fun!
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#d1dfbe” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Friday:[/dropshadowbox]
Mental Arithmetics:
Answers to yesterday
New questions:
Main Task – Family Challenge day.
Get together with others from your family and solve these sweet little tasks: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zdkqmfr
Direct download: Su1-Wk4-L05-Family-Challenge-Friday-15th
If you send us your answers, we will print you a certificate.
SpaG Starter:
Here are the answers to yesterday’s SpaG Starter: 1. arrive, 2. decide, 3. none, 4. numbed, columnist, hammered, 5. sub-ma-rine, 6. sound, 7. sew,
8. sinus, 9. recognition, recognisable, recogniser, 10. litter, 11. The new editor for the Evening Chronicle will be announced on Monday. 12. the newspaper included a sports section, an employment section, a lift-out TV guide and the general news section. 13. journalists’, paper’s, 14. long, boring, whole, (only 3, sorry), 15. had been working, 16. writes, 17. It is vital that you get all your facts right when you write for a newspaper. 18. present (progressive), 19. reluctantly, 20. whose
There is no SpaG starter for today.
Main Task:
Since we have not done any creative writing, today will be the day.
Use these steps and prompt to create a recount from the perspective of one of the meerkats:
Use this document: Su1-Wk4-L05-CreativeWriting-CatchIt
Watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c88QE6yGhfM
Question-Time (please answer):
Describe the landscape the meerkats are living in.
What could the vulture say to itself as it lands on the tree and sees the fruits?
Why do the meerkats all want to catch the fruit?
What sports is represented in the clip?
What could be the moral of the story?
A group of meerkats is called a “mob”. What collective noun do we use for these animals?
Dialogue: Write down examples for possible dialogue
Write the story from the perspective of one of the meerkats.
Enjoy this task & remember to use …
language for effect, figurative language, speech, fronted adverbials, subordinations, expanded noun phrases … – Use your Y5 writing mat you were given at the first parents evening.
Reading: Listen to chapter 18 (You can do it, bruvver) and please answer the following questions.
Questions in a document: StreetChild-chapter 18 -You can do it, bruvver
What led the procession?
How were the boats decorated?
Which instruments were being played?
What did the singing family do for money?
How long did Jim have off work?
How did the circus travel?
What was unusual about the boy’s wave to the barges?
What did Jim do to make sure he could be heard by the boy?
Explain the word pageant.
Explain why Grimy Nick’s voice was slurred.
Explain why the children were laughing at Jim.
Select the correct answers: Thinking about the workhouse made Jim realise that he could …
work hard
make friends
What did Jim to prepare his escape? What might he have forgotten (or not done well enough)?
What happened that made Jim’s wrist ache?
Which words tell us that Jim did not enjoy stroking the dog?
Put these items on order they happened in the chapter:
Jim stroked the dog
Jim cut the rope around his neck
Grimy Nick got drunk
Jim put the rope around the dogs neck
Jim got some coals
Why had Jim collected the large pieces of coal?
Apart from the dog which other animals were said to be asleep?
Which word tells us Jim thought the escape was taking a very long time?
Where were Nick and the dog when Jim ran away?
RE: Ramadan – I can identify the value/importance of Ramadan in Muslims’ lifes.
Watch and read: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/class-clips-video/religious-education-ks2-my-life-my-religion-ramadan-and-eid-ul-fitr/zdv7pg8
Read through the PowerPointPresentation. t2-r-179-ramadan-information-powerpoint-_ver_14
Choose the right level text, then read and complete the questions: t2-e-3469-ks2-ramadan-differentiated-reading-comprehension-activity_ver_5
hot/mild: 1star, if you often work with an adult;
hotter: 2stars, most of you;
hottest: 3stars, if you are a confident reader (Morpurgo, Wilson)
Create a Ramadan lantern: t-re-357-ramadan-lantern-paper-craft
Spanish: Today, we are going back to our new topic “My home”.
First, watch the presentation and practise again saying the words. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ctW0GEqhk2M
Test your knowledge and pronunciation with these flashcards: http://www.spanishtown.ca/spanishforkids/grade1/Lesson_8_Spanish.html
Listen and speak through the following videos which I have recorded from language-angels.
¿Dónde vives? Habitaciones (rooms) En mi casa hay … (In my house there are …) Escuchad (Listen) Leed (Read) Adivinad (Guess) frases difícil (longer sentences)…
To practise, find somebody to role-play: Cards A and Cards B
Then, log-in to “languageangels” and play the “Rooms Bingo” and “Listen and Spell”
https://www.languageangels.com/schools/ -> log-in [username is your class name in lower case (cannon street / london bridge) and password is howard)
If you are a very confident Spanish speaker, record a video describing where you live. Send it via Class-Dojo and I can share the video with the rest of the class on Class-Dojo.
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#d1dfbe” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Thursday:[/dropshadowbox]
Mental Arithmetics:
Answers to yesterday
New questions
Main Task – Revision: I can compare and order fractions less than one → … fractions with related denominators.
Watch the Thursday lesson (Summer Term Week 4 – 11th May) slides → https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-5/
Visit and read through the BBC Website → https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/znk4kmn
All: Complete the activity 1 on the BBC website and this sorting task:
Most: Complete the above plus activity 2 from the BBC Website,
Some/Extension/Diving Deeper: … additionally, solve the following tasks
Visit the website https://whiterosemaths.com/national-numeracy-day/ and watch the video on ratio. Then create a learning poster (now sometimes called a knowledge organiser) explaining the topic ratio to us using clear, interesting examples as well.
SpaG Starter:
Here are the answers to yesterday’s SpaG Starter: 1. explanation, 2. fought, 3. picture, 4. whistle, wrestle, 5. ac-com-pa-ny, 6. bio, 7. I would chop some wood but I’ve hurt my hand. 8. depends on the dictionary, mine says “muscat” (type of grape), but it would be murmur, 9. watchmaker, wristwatch, 10. brass 11. Toys are important for children’s development and are found across all countries and cultures around the world. 12. Danish, 13. Electronic toys have become increasingly more popular over the years, although they haven’t replaced traditional toys entirely. 14. created, 15. Yes, 16. paid, 17. If you are travelling you should ensure that you insure your belongings in case they are lost or stolen. 18. future, 19. statement, 20. aren’t
Here is today’s SpaG starter:
Main Task:Today, we are coming back to “Street Child”.
- First, please listen again to chapter 13, 14 and 15.
Second, freeze-frame a scene from the chapters, e.g. when Jim is shovelling coal.
Third, ask a partner (parent, sibling …) to take a picture and then also ask you questions about how you are feeling, e.g.
What are you doing?
Why are you doing this?
How do you feel about what you are doing?
What would you rather want to do?
What are you planning on doing in the future?
… (Please also add your own questions.)
Fourth, please note your questions and answers.
Fifth, for presentation purposes, please …
either draw the scene and record questions and answers around it,
or use an electronic copy of the picture, place it into a wordprocessing document and write the questions and answers around it.
Optional: Research and then record 5-10 facts about child-labour in Victorian times.
Please send us some pictures from your freeze framing. Thank you.
Reading: Listen to chapter 17 (The Monster weeps) and please answer the following questions.
Questions in a document: StreetChild-chapter 17 -The Monster weeps
Explain the meaning of the chapter title.
For how long was Jim unable to move?
Which word means to look with anger?
Why did Jim get up when Nick called him?
What was Jim planning after Nick tied the rope around his neck?
How long ago had Jim been bitten by the dog?
How did Jim let Nick know breakfast was ready?
Which kind of figurative writing is “the coals rained down”?
What was the difference between the way White Face tried to rescue Nick and the way Jim tried to rescue Nick?
What does this tell us about how Jim was feeling?
When Nick emerges from the coal he is in shock. Find 2 pieces of evidence to show this.
What does whimper mean?
What were the strange sounds coming from Nick?
What were the white trails in Nicks face?
Today’s work is a little slimmed down, since we haven’t had very many responses to the questionnaire task. If you have sent us questions last week, you can jump to task 2.
In order to get some first hand information about Croydon‘s past, I would like to send a questionaire to different people who will have knowledge of Croydon‘s long past. These are:
a person from Croydon Library,
a person from the Bourne-Association (a history association with huge knowledge),
our former headteacher Mr Robinson and
residents of St. John‘s nursing home who have lived in Croydon all their life.
Therefore, I need you to write a list of up to 10 questions you would want me to pass on.
These questions should focus on getting information about what life was like, important events and places in Croydon, … essentially anything that could bring History alife for us. This is one of the methods Historians do their research.
Please search the internet and create a factfile on Croydon Airport which was once a hugely important airport in London.
Possible content could be: When was it opened? How long was it open? What was the primary use of the airport? Which records or mayor achievements did the airport become famous for? Which famous people were associated with Croydon airport? Why did it close? What were the concepts for the future when it initially closed?
Include pictures, a glossary and a “Did you know?” box
links: e.g.
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#d1dfbe” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Wednesday:[/dropshadowbox]
Main Task – Revision: I can convert improper fractions and mixed numbers:
Watch the Wednesday lesson (Summer Term Week 4 – 11th May) slides → https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-5/
Visit and read through the BBC Website → https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z4ypscw
All: Complete the activities 1 and 2
Some: Some (hopefully many) of you might decide to also complete this → Su1-Wk4-L03-Some-Year-5-Improper-Fractions-to-Mixed-Numbers-Worksheet
Extension / Diving Deeper: Solve the tasks from the attached worksheet → Su1-Wk4-L3-DivingDeeper-Mixed-Number-Improper-Fractions-conversions-extension
SpaG Starter:
There was no SpaG Starter yesterday, so straight to today’s starter:
Main Task:
Based on yesterday’s BBC Daily lesson on “How to write a powerful speech” look now at “how to structure debate arguments”
All: Using the BBC website, complete the suggested activities 1 and 2
Some of you may choose to also complete activity 3.
Please send us notes or pictures from your points in activity 2.
Reading I: If you haven’t done so yet, please send us a recent book-review. Thank you.
You will find the templates in yesterday’s posting.
Reading II: Listen to chapter 16 (In Pain) and please answer the following questions.
Questions in a document:
List the friends that Jim as so far made in the story.
Explain the word “slumber”.
Find 3 words that tell us that the dog was happy to receive the bone.
How did Nick tell that the tide had turned?
Which words were used to describe how the boats/little crafts were moving?
Draw a picture illustrating that movement.
How do we know that Grimy Nick considers Jim and the dog equal?
Explain what this sentence tells us about Jim’s feelings: “He turned away fist clenched”.
How does Jim’s mind try to make him feel better about the food he was given by Nick? Explain.
Looking at all the events so far, describe what pattern you could spot in Jim’s life.
Explain why Jim wished at times that he was Snipe.
Describe what Jim thought of the men on the “Queen of the North”.
Which words and actions indicate that Jim was not confident that his escape plan would work?
Why did his escape not work?
What advise would you have wanted to give him before he tried to make his escape?
Predict what is going to happen next in the story.
Music: Please visit and practise the 2nd session on “Making Music” – Today’s teacher is Miss Foster (A true percussionist – How exciting!)
https://www.cma-online.co.uk/making-music (PW: makingmusic123)
Have a listen in to one of the best percussionist I have ever heard in a concert: Hamid Drake https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIP4wyjE_F0
Geography: What an exciting topic today – Coastal erosion and defence.
Building on last week’s work, today we will look at the bigger picture, which means the balance or link between erosion and deposition as well as the dangers for the coast line that lay in these processes.
Watch the following videos:
Coastal Erosion: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/z8tyr82
Longshore Drift: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zs9q6sg
Complete the following task-sheet:Coastline L03 – Su1-Wk4
Optional: Explore how we can protect our coasts from erosion!
- Create a sketch/drawing that shows and labels the types of sea-defence.
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#d1dfbe” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Tuesday:[/dropshadowbox]
Mental Arithmetics:
Answers to yesterday
New questions
Main Task – Revision: I can identify equivalent fractions:
Watch the Tuesday (Summer Term Week 4 11th May) slides → https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-5/
Visit and read through the BBC Website → https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zv798xs
Complete the activities 1 and 2 -> Su1-Wk4-L02-Activity1-HeadStart Su1-Wk4-L02-Activity2-Twinkl
Extension: Solve the tasks on the attached worksheet. Focus on clear explanations, please.
Using the BBC website, complete the suggested activities 1, 2 and 3.
Remember to send me screenshots or photos of your work.
Reading I: Quite some time has passed since we got our last book review. So, please can everybody complete a book review using one of the following templates:
insert .pdf Book review sheet
insert .doc BookReview-Template
Reading II: Listen to chapter 15 (Josh) and please answer the following questions.
Questions in a document: StreetChild-chapter 15 – Josh
Find the simile and the start of chapter 15.
Name three things Jim could see from the boat.
Describe how Grimy Nick moved the Lily.
Which word tells us Jim was enjoyed by the boat journey?
What does “lay at anchor” mean? Explain.
How long were they going to be loading coal for?
How much coal was there to load?
Which parts of Nick’s face weren’t covered in coal dust.
What does Nick say Jim should do with the dog?
What time did Jim and Nick start working?
What was the name of the large ship?
What were the men doing on the ship to enjoy themselves?
What does the text tell us about the amount of freshwater on the Lily?
What was the name of the boy that Jim had replaced?
How does the reader know that Josh has been on the Lilly before?
Why didn’t Jim trust Josh at first?
Explain how Josh got Jim to like him.
How many children did Josh have?
What did Jim not like about living on the Lily?
Explain the word “brazier”.
Science: Why not have a Science afternoon?
→ Use this document for recording. Su1-Wk4-L01-ScienceAfternoonRecording
Topic One: As part “Properties of Materials” we should be looking at electrical conductivity. Therefore, proceed as follows:
Watch the following videos and create a learning poster explaining what electrical conductivity is.
At the bottom of that poster, please create two different tables and complete them.
Table 1: Materials that are electrical conductors or electrical isolators.
Group the following materials:
oil, plastic, steel, aluminium, wood, copper, glass, sea-water, silver, rubber, fabric,
Electrical conductor
Electrical insulator
Table 2: Items I found in the household that are electrical conductors and electrical isolators.
Go through your household and find at least 10 different items, which I would like you to group into the 2 categories.
Electrical conductor
Electrical insulator
Metal table leg
Wooden chair
Topic Two: Watch the video which takes us toward next week’s subtopic “Reversible and irreversible change”
What do you think, has the temperature of a liquid an influence on how quickly sugar dissolves? → Investigate this matter.
Hypothesis: I think that …
Instruments: warm water (at different temperatures), stop-watch, thermometer, table spoon, sugar
Set up 4 different cups and fill them with warm water.
Cup one at 15°C, Cup two at 25°C, Cup three at 35°C and Cup four at 45°C (We don’t want you to burn your skin hence the lower temperature.)
Place a tea spoon full of sugar into each cup simultaneously (since we only have 2 arms, please use an assistant for the third and fourth cup).
Set the stop-watch and observe.
Read and record the time on the stop-watch for when the sugar has dissolved.
Repeat your experiment at least three times giving it a total of 4 rounds (calculate the average).
Draw your conclusion: Based on my data,
Use the .doc from above for the recording.
Watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmWYG7qh0QA and it also works with salt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCPeva73NDE
Go back to the Class-Blog to see whether I had the same result in my experiment. I will record it for you.
The scientific side got a little lost here, I fear, but we get the main idea.
Reuben’s experiment: SugarExperiment
Topic Three: This takes us a little away from “Properties of Materials” and back to “Life-Cycles”, something that Mr Grundey’s children were learning in Science yesterday.
Task: Watch the videos and record how many different animals and plants can you find. You may have to do a little research about pond life and vegetation.
Plants (or parts)
If you loved your investigations and research, why not pick a few task from this brilliant resource:
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#d1dfbe” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Monday:[/dropshadowbox]
Let’s start the day by sharing with your teacher (a) what you are proud of (can be linked to yourself or others) and (b) what kindness you have witnessed (this could also be something that you did to show huge amounts of kindness).
Arithmetics Starter:
Solutions from Thursday
New questions
Main Task: I can calculate the area of rectangles. The White-Rose website is linked with the new BBC Bitesize Daily Lessons.
Read through the text and watch the videos.
Complete the online activity and the sheet: Su1-Wk4-L01-Area
Challenge I: Area of compound shapes.
Draw 5 different compound shapes with an area of 45cm2.
Challenge II: To which shapes of the attached document can you find the area? Write their area down. Su1-Wk4-L01-ExtensionToCalculate-perimeter-2019
Solutions to the SpaG Starter from Thursday: 1. umpire, 2. flavour, 3. onion, 4. wholemeal, healthier, 5. expand, 6, collision, collection, 7. has been, 8. saw, 9. most, 10. summary, 11. China and India are two of the world’s most populous countries and they are located on the Asian continent. 12. Karachi, Pakistan, and Mumbai, India, are two cities with over 12 million inhabitants. 13. Indonesia’s island of Java is the world’s populous island with over 130 million inhabitants. 14. has, 15. decided, 16. India, China, 17. isn’t, 18. Gordon doesn’t speak Mandarin. 19. busiest, 20. whose
Today’s starter will look at the “Power of Pictures” again. Look at the following pictures and answer the questions.
ATTENTION: The questions are in the MS Word document together with the main task so that it is easier to answer and send us your work.
What is the picture telling us (message)?
How have you found being at home?
How are people helping each other during this difficult situation?
What top 3 pieces of advice would you give to people who might be getting bored of being stuck at home?
Main-Task – I can use the 5 senses to describe a setting. → All tasks are in the .doc so you can answer them on the computer.
Look at the image and …
Warm-up: Note down words and phrases to describe the picture. Use all 5 senses (table).
Extend the description (see task sheet).
Question Time (see task sheet).
Up-levelling (see task sheet).
Extension (optional)
Spellings: See and practise based on the file. Su1-Wk4-Y5-6 TypicalMistakes
Reading: Listen to chapter 14 (The Waterman’s Arm) and please answer the following questions.
Questions in a document: StreetChild-chapter 14 – The Watermans Arms
What is the dog’s name?
Explain the meaning of the river was ‘breathing with secrets‘.
What was the Lilly and why was it tied up?
What is Grimy Nick’s attitude towards Jim? Find three pieces of evidence from the text that show us.
Find out what mutton stew is?
What did Nick mean when he said to Jim, “… you’re only a bundle of sticks”?
What work was Jim expected to do?
Explain what an alehouse is.
Find three words to describe the Waterman’s Arms?
How could you tell who the Watermen were?
Why were the other children outside the Waterman’s Arms?
What had happened to Grimy Nick’s previous boy?
Why did the children give each other knowing looks?
Explain how Jim felt towards the other children. Give evidence from the text.
If you were Jim, how would you feel and what would you try to do? Explain why.
Art: Today, we will be travelling back into Tudor times Britain (1485-1603).
Britain was ruled by the Tudors for 118 years. Famous monarchs were Henry VII (1485 – 1509), Henry VIII (1509 – 1547), Edward VI (1547 – 1553), Jane Grey (1553 – 1553), Mary I (1553 – 1558) and Elisabeth I (1558 – 1603). Looking closer, one will realise how many historic building from that time in history still decorate the very unique face of Croydon. Amongst them stand …
Almshouses at the top of the High-Street (Hospital of the Holy Trinity; Whitgift Hospital) from 1599 and …
- Old Palace (15th century).
- Your task is to use your skills in perspective drawing to sketch these buildings on paper and keep them for your Sketch-book that currently resides in school. Have fun drawing!
Happy Mayweek number One,
Following today’s space related motto “May the … be with you” (Who know what is missing in that sentence?), we will tackle this strange week head on.
Remember to check the Class-blog and –Dojo on a daily basis. We will continue to publish lesson resources at around 9am every morning. Below is our time-table for the week, we use it to structure our week, so can you.
General notes:
Mr Regan has set up a fabulous, engaging range of activities for you. Simply visit:
https://www.cma-online.co.uk/making-music and use the password – makingmusic123
Well done to the visiting artist – Mr Regan junior.
Maths: Continue to complete all Mathletics tasks and times-tables practises. (by Wednesday, we will upload a new resource to practise them).
PE: Continue with your regular morning wake-up and shake-up. If you wish to, you can come up with your own instructions. Share them with us and we can share them with the rest of the year group or class.
Remember to complete your daily reading (about 30min). Use the bookreview template and submit your work via Class-Dojo or howardyear5@gmail.com
Listen to your “Street Child” podcast and answer the questions – best done in the WORD document that I send you daily.
This week, we have decided to reverse the order of days on our blog. This means that you should always see the current day at the top so that you don‘t have to waste time having to scoll down. I hope that works better for all of us.
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#d1dfbe” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Friday:[/dropshadowbox]
Happy Friday to everyone.
This year, the May Bank-holiday was moved from Monday to Friday in order to celebrate the 75th anniversary of VE-Day, which marked the end of the Second World War in 1945. To commemorate the day, please create a piece of Art-Work to celebrate victory of Good over Evil, Misguided, Tempted, Selfishness, Egocentric … Choose from …
Your homework will “fly in” tomorrow. Today, just enjoy celebrating the “together-ness”, care and love.
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#d1dfbe” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Thursday:[/dropshadowbox]
Well done for yesterday‘s efforts as the activity in both classes increased hugely. Thank you and let‘s keep it up.
Yesterday’s answers to Arithmetic Lesson Starter 3:
Hot Hotter Hottest Mild
White-Rose Summer 1 Week 3 Lesson 4 → Perimeter (of complex/compound shapes).
Watch the presentation (https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-5/) and complete the tasks.
Extension: How many different …
Mild/Hot: … simple 2D shapes with a perimeter of 36cm can you draw?
Hotter/Hottest: … compound shapes with a perimeter of 68cm can you draw?
Check yesterday’s answers: 1. separate, 2. auther, 3. No, 4. all have f-sounds 5. complicated, 6. unknown, uneven, 7. Dad has, 8. were, 9. petition, 10. pharmacies, 11. Famous novelists from English speaking countries include Charles Dickens, Mark Twain and Miles Franklin. 12. “What‘s your favourite novel?“ he asked. 13. The author‘s husband was the illustrator of her stories. 14. novel, world, Mary, Shelley, Frankenstein, 15. no (reported speech), 16. written, 17. foreword, 18. I don‘t like to read. 19. statement, 20. “he had a bee in his bonnet“
Complete today‘s starter:
Main task: I can use clues from a text to explore a character – Shrimp.
Listen to chapter 12 again.
Then, create a character profile (Gingerbread character or own drawing) for Shrimps with external features on the outside and personality on the inside. Think about the clues he gives us through talking about a brother and his mother.
Extension: Write a character description for Shrimp.
Reading: Listen to chapter 13 (The Lily) and please answer the following questions. https://www.spreaker.com/user/12356852/chapter13-the-lily
Questions in a document: StreetChild-chapter 13 – The Lily
What figurative language is “alleys threaded between wharves“?
Who is Angel Gabriel and explain what Nick is trying to say when he says to the man, „You‘d think the worst of the Angel Gabriel, you would.“
Explain the word “tide“ and what causes it.
In the text it is mentioned that there was sewage in the river. What does this tell us about London‘s environment in Victorian times?
How does Jim feel? Give at least 2 ideas/pieces of evidence from the text.
What clues in the text tell us that Jim‘s new job is physically very difficult?
Create a list of words that you are not sure what they mean, look them up in a dictionary and write down their meaning.
Explain how Jim‘s old and new life merge in his dream.
History: Today, you will have two different tasks.
Compare the three maps of Croydon and create a Venn-diagram with differences and similarities between 1890, 1950 and 2020.
For better resolution, use the .pdf documents. Croydon 2020 Croydon 1950 Croydon 1890
- Remember how to create a Venn-Diagram, the overlapping areas are similarities, either between 2 different points in time or between all three. This document contains a template you can use. Venn-Diagram-Template
- I would like to send a questionaire to different people who will have knowledge of Croydon‘s past. These are:
a person from Croydon Library,
a person from the Bourne-Association (a history association with huge knowledge),
our former headteacher Mr Robinson &
residents of St. John‘s nursing home who have lived in Croydon all their life.
Therefore, I need you to write a list of up to 10 questions you would want me to pass on.
Thank you very much for your help, without it, learning would be less interesting and exciting.
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#d1dfbe” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Wednesday:[/dropshadowbox]
Have a wonderful Wednesday. A special mentioning of all the busy bees working incredibly hard in Year 5.
London: James, Holly, Emily & Sophia G. – The others, I am looking forward to seeing more work from you.
Cannon: Lillian, Richa, Leen, Emiliana, Damara, Mollie, Vihasini, Ame, Bianca, Oscar, Lucas, Magnus, Diego, Melvin and George.
Yesterday’s answers to Arithmetic Lesson Starter 2:
Main task: White-Rose Summer 1 Week 3 Lesson 3 → Divide with remainder.
Watch the presentation (https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-5/) and complete the tasks.
Extension-Challenge: See the questions on the worksheet. Su1-Wk3-L03-MultiplicationExtension-ReasoningDD
Check yesterday’s answers: 1. eyesight, 2. froaz, 3. caught, 4. On my way to the netball courts, I tripped on a gnarled tree root and skinned my knee. 5. antonym, 6. election, decision, explosion, 7. It has, 8. pain, 9. fewest, 10. berries, 11. Fred Hollows was a well-known ophthalmologist who came from New Zealand. 12. The Fred Hollows Foundation, established in 1992, helps to restore sight to people across Australia, Asia and Africa. 13. people‘s, 14. is provided, 15. tirelessly, briefly, 16. provided, 17. Mary, herself, she, 18. Yes, 19. researched, 20. its
- Listen and sing → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vv4rD6OyssM , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xEB0kzgxJ44 and . Which one do you prefer?
Complete the attached tasks. Then check your work. Su1-Wk3-L03-Using-Commas-to-Clarify-Meaning-Application-Activity-Sheet_ver_2
Reading: Listen to chapter 12 (Shrimps) and please answer the following questions. https://www.spreaker.com/user/12356852/street-child-chapter-12-shrimps
Questions in a document: StreetChild-chapter 12 – Shrimp
Explain why they had to watch out for the police.
Describe how Jim – in a very effective way – attracts buyers and convinces them to buy shrimps.
Describe Betsy‘s plan for Jim.
How do you think Jim felt when he caused trouble for the doctor?
Explain the link between the title of the chapter and its content.
Describe how the day and night turned from heaven into hell.
Who and what might Grimy Nick be?
Predict what is going to happen next. Which clues in the text are helpful?
Music: Log-in to Mr Regan’s music lesson/instruction. Send me a quick message on how you enjoyed it, what you found tricky and any extension you thought of or could come up with.
https://www.cma-online.co.uk/making-music and use the password – makingmusic123
Geography: Continuing with our learning about coasts, let‘s …
Watch last week‘s video again: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zc2pvcw
Read the text and answer the questions. Coastline L02 – Su1-Wk3
Optional for great Geography Fun: Create a mini-model of „Durdle Door“ and label it. → https://www.3dgeography.co.uk/coastal-geography
Include a glossary with explanations of (alphabetic order): erosion, deposition, tide, wave, current, longshore drift, hydraulic action, corrosion, attrition, abrasion, arch, stack, stump, spit, lagoon, cove, fjord, salt-marsh → https://www.3dgeography.co.uk/coast-words & https://www.3dgeography.co.uk/coast-diagram
Research a coastal section of your choice and present your findings as:
a poster with fabulous facts,
a mini-model with labels,
a Computer-Presentation (e.g. PowerPoint),
a “Horrible Geography“-style documentation/video about the location.
Tintagle Castle (Cornwall), White Cliffs of Dover, Beachy-Head and Seven-Sisters, Marloes-Beach (Pembrookshire), Abbott‘s Cliff (Folkestone, Kent), Dunnottar Castle (Scotland), Lannacombe Bay (Devon), Old Harry Rocks, Col Huw Beach (Wales), The Needles (Isles of Wight), …
What to include: pin on a map of the UK (e.g. ScreenShot on Google Maps), picture, sketch/model with label, key reasons why it is a “must-see-location“, a remarkable fact, … (Whatever else you think is of interest for the Geographer.) – Spend a maximum of 15min on it.
Next week, we will be looking at how our beaches can be looked after.
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#d1dfbe” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Tuesday:[/dropshadowbox]
Yesterday’s answers to Arithmetic Lesson Starter 1:
Arithmetic Starter:
Main-Learning: White-Rose Summer 1 Week 3 Lesson 2 → Multiplying 4– by 2-digit numbers
Extension-Challenge: Try the Day 20 and 19 Problems of the day → https://whiterosemaths.com/resources/classroom-resources/problems/
Day-19-Thursday-26th-March-2020-1 Day-20-Friday-27th-March-2020 (Please ignore the dates on the document.)
Reading: Listen to chapter 11 (The Spitting Crow; https://www.spreaker.com/user/12356852/street-child-chapter-11-the-spitting-cro ) and please answer the following questions.
Questions in a document: StreetChild-chapter 11 – The Spitting Crow
Explain why Jim can’t stay with Rosie.
Which solution was found?
List at least 2 pros and contras of the solution they found for Jim’s stay.
Explain how the following sentence describes life at the time: “Anywhere would be better than this. […] Drowning would be better than this.” (91)
Do you believe Rosie when she says that she lost her job because of her bad cooking? Explain and use evidence from the text.
Give your opinion about Rosie‘s story of Emily, Lizzie and the lady from the country side. Guess what you think has happened to the girls. Which evidence from the text did you use?
Check yesterday’s answers: 1. machine, 2. equipment, 3. cute, 4. The songwriter hurried to finish the lyrics to go with the rhythm. 5. driven, 6. misbehave, untangle, 7. who has, 8. patience, 9. sum, 10. hippopotamus, 11. Gina Frost’s secretary was always very busy scheduling her appointments. 12. “Your next client is her, Mrs Frost,” she announced over the intercom. 13. It wasn’t uncommon for the employees to work through their lunch breaks. 14. you, 15. No, 16. took, 17. there, 18. She dislikes her job. 19. question, 20. new client, she, she
Solve the next set of tasks (answer on a Dojo or a word-processing document, you will receive the correct answers tomorrow).
Street-Child: Complete the attached activities about Street-Child, they link chapter 3, 10 and 11 (So it would make sense to listen to them again.) – Complete the Reading task first and then come to this part of the lesson.
Science: Properties of materials – Temperature and insulation.
Today, we are getting practical and I hope your grown-ups are on board as well.
Your task is to design a portable cup that can keep Mr Jalloh (he loves fresh ice-coffee) and Mr Grundey (he loves warm green tea). This means that the cup has to be equally able to (a) keep a drink ice-cold as well as (b) blazing hot.
All these instructions are also in the following document: Su1-Wk2-Temperature challenge
Start by watching https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zkntsbk, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yg8kXf_HKtU, https://youtu.be/l81M7Xhwzk0 and (most importantly) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aaUz_SqOXnI
Now, plan and set-up your experiment.
Use 3-4 identical cups (hopefully you have some in the house) and wrap them in 4 different materials (e.g. tin-foil, cardboard, paper, clingfilm).
Predict which cup will retain the heat the best.
I predict that the cup that is wrapped in … will retain the heat best (maybe you can add a reason.)
Next, conduct your experiment and record your data.
Boil the water and pour it into the cups.
Measure the temperature at the beginning and record it in a table.
Measure again after 3min, 6min, 9min, 12min and 15min (I am following https://study.com/academy/lesson/which-material-is-the-best-heat-insulator-science-experiment.html.)
Using the data, conclude what the experiment has taught you.
Comparing the measured temperature, I noticed that the drop in temperature is the lowest when using …
The temperature drop is the largest when using … to wrap the cup.
Finish by giving Mr Jalloh and Grundey a clear advice on which material their cup should ideally be made of (or using it to enclose the cup).
In my design for Mr Jalloh‘s and Mr Grundey‘s cup, I would use … as the insulating material (in the middle layer of the cup) because …
Finally, visit the following websites and read through them to secure your learning:
The practical impact of our findings help us improve our buildings: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTr-XBz1Ls0 (What made you wonder when watching the video?)
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#d1dfbe” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Monday:[/dropshadowbox]
Maths: From this week, we will also give you a mental arithmetic
Arithmetic Starter:
Main-Learning: White-Rose Summer 1 Week 3 Lesson 1 → Multiplying 2- by 2-digit numbers
This week, we will go even a bit further back with our revision. Watch the presentation (https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-5/) and complete the tasks.
Extension-Challenge: Solve the attached questions on a piece of paper – Medal Maths (5) – Explain your method.
Su1-Wk3-L01-MultiplicationExtension-ReasoningDD -
It is Star Wars Day! Describe the position of the Star Wars Characters (in order from left to right: Luke, Darth Vader, Storm Trooper, Princess Leia).
Easy?! What about the co-ordinates of the characters in this grid?
English: SpaG-Starter-Activity
Check Friday’s answers (130): 1. junior, 2. wastage, 3. calendar, 4. giraffe, 5. wilful, 6. tall, 7. quay key, 8. you’ve, 9. incredible, 10. off, 11. that, 12. Is asked, 13. he it, 14. over, 15. ‘You’re very welcome, I was pleased I picked it up before a car ran over it,’ the man replied. OR ‘You’re very welcome, I was pleased I picked it up before a car ran over it’, the man replied..
Solve Day 131 (answer on a Dojo or a word-processing document, you will receive the correct answers tomorrow).
Describe the picture.
Explain what you think the artist wanted to tell the audience.
Explain what is so clever about the picture and how it is linked to the current week.
Story starters
Complete the tasks from the sheet in the .document. Su1-Wk3-L01-MainTask
Reading: Listen to chapter 10 (Lame Betsy) and please answer the following questions.
Questions in a document: StreetChild-chapter 10 – Lame Betsy
Explain how the author creates suspense at the beginning of this chapter.
Explain how you think he felt when he found out that Judd and Rosie lost their job.
Explain what a “knocker-upper” is who came past the window at half past five in the morning.
Explain why the personal pronoun “he” is written in capitals, “God bless you, child. I hope He takes care of you.” (82)
Explain how we know from the book that territory was important for Street sellers in Victorian times.
Explain how hugging Rosie was a key moment for Jim and his emotions.
Spellings: Complete the tasks from the attached .pdf (double consonants), please.
Art: Re-Watch the video on perspective drawing and drawing of historic buildings.
Extension II: Over the weekend, we have been practising our … Oops – just have a look for yourself. https://www.jimfield.me/draw