Welcome to London Bridge Class
Class Teacher: Miss S. Winser (Howard’s Curriculum Lead)
Teaching Assistant: Mrs R. Verma
Handed out on Fridays,
Returned by Wednesday,
Please remember that homework is an important building stone in the child’s learning and development. The children will receive Dojo-Points for completed homework as well as particularly outstanding contributions.
Daily Reading:
To help further develop the children’s reading and academic development, please support and encourage the children to read daily for at least 10 minutes. This daily reading should then be recorded (title + pages) in the Learning Diary. We would kindly ask parents to sign/initial the record.
The children will receive Dojo-Points for daily reading.
Recommended reading books for Year 5:
Best Books for Year 5 | Ages 9-10 | BooksForTopics
Expertly selected books for 9 and 10 year old children (lovereading4kids.co.uk)
Reading Activities:
Once the children have completed reading a book, they then choose an activity related to the book (e.g. book-review, letter to the author, sequel, character profile, alternative cover etc.). This activity is completed in the child’s Reading Journal. Our wonderful teaching assistants will then check, feedback and record the completion of these activities.
The children will receive multiple Dojo-Points to reward exceptional work.
Our current P.E. days are Tuesday and Wednesday with Miss Handley.
London Bridge news –
Due to SATs week, we shall be relocating to the music room for our morning lessons. Children may still place their coats and school bags in our normal cloakroom but be in the music room, promptly, for the register to be taken at 9am.
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”15″ border_color=”#e59dfa” ]What are we learning this week?[/dropshadowbox]
Maths – This week in maths, we shall be learning the following:
two way tables, timetables and perimeter of shapes.
English – We shall be finishing off our biography unit by choosing an ‘inspirational woman’ to focus on. In our SPAG sessions we shall be looking at the spelling rule of words ending in -cious and -tious. As with our previous learning through this unit, Cannon Street Class will be taught by Miss Blackford and London Bridge Class will be taught by Mr Grundey.
Computing – We shall be finishing up typing and designing our travel brochures.
PE -There is no swimming this week..
RE –We shall starting our new unit with Mrs Forde, Judaism.
French – We shall be continuing to look at the unit of clothes!
Science – Continuing with forces, we shall be looking at gravity and Isaac Newton.
There will be no Soundstart sessions this week.
Reading – We have started our new class text, Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll this week.
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”15″ border_color=”#befa9d” ]Key dates.[/dropshadowbox]
End of half term – 24th May
There will be no swimming on the 14th May.
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”15″ border_color=”#e59dfa” ]What are we learning this week?[/dropshadowbox]
Maths – This week in maths, we shall be learning the following:
- I can read and interpret line graphs.
- I can draw line graphs.
- I can use line graphs to solve problems.
- I can read and interpret tables.
English – We shall be continuing our unit, biographies. We shall be writing and editing our biographies about Albert Einstein.
Computing – We shall be finishing up typing and designing our travel brochures.
PE -Swimming resumes this week. Please ensure PE and swimming kits are in school.
RE –We shall starting our new unit with Mrs Forde, Judaism.
Geography – We shall be looking at the location of Whitby, in relation to the UK.
Science – Continuing with forces, we shall be looking at gravity and Isaac Newton.
Music lessons will be taught by our Soundstart teacher, Mr Regan.
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”15″ border_color=”#befa9d” ]Key dates.[/dropshadowbox]
End of half term – 24th May
There will be no swimming on the 14th May.