
Week Beginning 20th June

June 19, 2022

This week our learning will be as follows;

  • In mathematics we will be learning about co-ordinates.
  • In English we will start a new unit of work based The Tin Forest by Helen Ward and Wayne Anderson.
  • In science we will compare and group materials according to whether they are solids, liquids or gases.
  • Our blocked foundation subject will be geography. We will learn about the water cycle.
  • In RHE we will recap on our work following the NSPCCs PANTS programme.

Both year 4 classes will do PE on Wednesday and Southwark class will also do PE on Thursday. On Friday we will be watching a performance by Trinity School Jazz Band.

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”raised” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#fc43da” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Well done to everyone for working so hard in preparation for the multiplication tables check.[/dropshadowbox]








Week Beginning 13th June

June 10, 2022

This week our learning will be as follows;

  • In mathematics we will continue our work on division with remainders.
  • In English we will conclude our work around the Lost Happy Endings by Carol Anne Duffy and Jane Ray. We will write in role as the witch from the story.
  • In RHE we will continue our work on noticing feelings.
  • In science we will look at changing states.
  • Our blocked foundation subject is Design and Technology. We will design our own recipe for hot cross buns, then make and evaluate the buns.

This week the children will be taking their statutory multiplication tables check. They will have the opportunity to do practice tests on Monday and Tuesday , then Southwark Class will do their check on Thursday and Millennium Class on Friday. Children should keep practicing at home too!

Southwark Class have PE on Wednesday and Thursday, and Millennium Class on Wednesday and Friday. Children should wear school PE kit on those days.