
Week beginning 15th May 2017.

May 14, 2017

Week beginning 15th May 2017.

In Maths this week, we will learn explain our reasoning and strategies when solving number investigations as well as consolidate our methods of addition and subtraction.

In English, the children will answer questions from a comprehension text to sharpen their deduction and inference skills. We will revise writing complex sentences.

In Topic, we will investigate how plants and animals have adapted to live in rainforests.

In RE, the children will investigate what happens in a Gurdwara.

In Science, the children will aim to create a working circuit.

In PE, we are learning about ball games and athletics.

On Thursday, 17th of May the children will have individual, family and class photos taken. The Croydon Cycle Circuit takes place on 18th May 2017.

Thank you to all the parents who have returned the permission slips for the School Trip to Kew Gardens. Remember you can pay in instalments using the ParentPay system.

Thank you.

Mrs Taggart Class Teacher

Mrs Glenn Teaching Assistant

Mrs Tooze. Teaching Assistant

Week beginning 8th May 2017

May 8, 2017

Week beginning 8th May 2017.

In Maths this week, we will learn to about add and subtract four digit numbers using different methods.

In English, the children will aim to use talk to persuade an audience about our point of view about Zoos

In Topic, we will continue to research and learn about different layers of the rainforest and the flora and fauna found in each.

In RE, the children will investigate what the 5K’s in Sikhism are.

In Science, the children will explore safety aspects of using electricity.

In PE, we are learning about ball games and athletics.

There are a few children who do not complete their homework and although we do offer them support in class. It is important that this work is completed at home so that you can support them adequately.

Thank you to all the parents who have returned the permission slips for the School Trip to Kew Gardens. Remember you can pay in instalments using the ParentPay system.

Thank you.

Mrs Taggart Class Teacher