
Tips to ease back into a school routine

August 26, 2021


It’s almost the first day of a new term. It’s a change: new daily routine, new bedtime routine, lots of things to remember: school bag, uniform, packed lunch.

It can be daunting for pupils and families so why not try one of the following tips?

When does school start? 
Monday, September 6th.
That’s easy you might say , but what if you find reading time a bit confusing? Or if you need that little bit of extra practice to get ready ?

Sounds familiar? Try a countdown visual!

You can draw one, you can use a paper calendar, an electronic calendar or you might want to check out this website:


It might be the first time you have to wear your Howard School’s uniform. Or you might be an old hand at it but…sometimes it all goes back to front! And how do you tell right shoe from left shoe?! It’s mind boggling!


Try out one of these tips and see how you get on! You can make a visual for right and left foot like in the picture.
Put a red mark, sticker, patch on the front of the trousers/skirt so you can see it when you button up your trousers/skirt; it will be much easier to remember back/front.


Not too keen on the lunch hall? Worried about not finding your lunchbox? Not too sure how to open the lid of your new lunch box?

Well, you are not the only one! Playing the Packed Lunch Game might help you gain confidence. Have a look at the picture below with your Parents/Carers and have a go!



Do you find yourself taking a long time to fall asleep? Worried about not getting enough sleep? Try one of the tips in the picture below. It might help you feeling more in control of your sleep pattern.

I hope that you will enjoy trying these tips and I look forward to seeing you in school on Monday, September 6th. Everything will be fine and you will be ready for a year full of learning, new experiences and playing.

Mrs Pollington


Year 4 Weekly News, Week Commencing 19th July

July 16, 2021

The last week! We’ve made it! What a journey!

Just one more week of learning before freedom for the summer!


Here’s what we will be learning next week:

Maths- We will be thinking about position and movement on a grid

English- We will be continuing our writing about a forest scene and editing our work.

Our class read will also be linked and if you would like to read along, it is Rumaysa by Radiya Hafiza

PE- We will be working on gymnastics skills, balances and body shapes.

RHE- We will be thinking about feelings of grief and loss.

RE- We will be completing our entries for the Spirited Arts competition related to the quotation from Jo Cox “we have more in common than that which divides us”

History- We will be continuing our exploration of mummification and the afterlife

Science- We will be continuing our final topic, Electricity

During this hot weather, please ensure your child comes to school with a water bottle. It may also be a good idea to bring a hat for playtimes as there is little shade in our areas. Children may bring sun cream if they are able to apply it themselves.

As always, feel free to contact us with any questions.

Thank you again for all your support. We have enjoyed out time with you and wish you luck in Year 5!

The Year Four Team