
Year 4 News, week commencing 12th July

July 9, 2021

Hello! We are so close to the end of term and the much anticipated summer holidays! Thank you again for all your help and support!


Here’s what we will be learning next week:

Maths- We will be drawing and interpreting data from line graphs.

English- We will be predicting the next part of the story and doing some descriptive writing about forests to help us to set the scene.

Our class read will also be linked and if you would like to read along, it is Rumaysa by Radiya Hafiza

PE- We will be working on gymnastics skills, balances and body shapes.

RHE- We will be thinking about feelings of jealousy and friendships

RE- We will be completing our entries for the Spirited Arts competition related to the quotation from Jo Cox “we have more in common than that which divides us”

History- We will be continuing our exploration of mummification and the afterlife

Science- We will be starting our final topic, Electricity

During this hot weather, please ensure your child comes to school with a water bottle. It may also be a good idea to bring a hat for playtimes as there is little shade in our areas. Children may bring sun cream if they are able to apply it themselves.

As always, feel free to contact us with any questions.

The Year Four Team

Year 4 News, Week Commencing 21st June

June 18, 2021



Here’s what we will be learning next week:

Maths- We will be revising our learning about fractions and decimals.

English- We will be doing some art work and exploring the setting and a role on the wall exercise to better understand the main character of our new, mystery text. We will also be designing cosy dens for our characters and practising our descriptive writing by writing about someone else’s design.

Our class read will also be linked and if you would like to read along, it is Rumaysa by Radiya Hafiza

PE- We will be working on gymnastics skills, balances and body shapes.

RHE- We will be thinking about keeping healthy and body confidence

During this hot weather, please ensure your child comes to school with a water bottle. It may also be a good idea to bring a hat for playtimes as there is little shade in our areas. Children may bring sun cream if they are able to apply it themselves.

As always, feel free to contact us with any questions.

The Year Four Team
