
Year Four Weekly Blog Week Beginning 4.1.21

January 3, 2021

Dear Parents, Carers,

A warm welcome back and wishing you all a happy New Year from the Year Four team.

If you have not yet read the recent letter, please click the link:

Thank you for completing the survey sent to you which has helped us identify which children will attend school.

Each week a member of  the year four teaching team as well as a teaching assistant will be at school teaching the key worker children whilst the other teacher will be setting and marking work set on Google Classroom for those children working at home. They will also be available during school hours to answer any questions you may have about your child’s home learning via the year group email

If your  child will be attending school due to your work as a critical worker, we look forward to welcoming your child to school tomorrow.

If  your child does not fall the above category, please keep them at home and we will provide remote learning via Google Classroom. Please login to your child’s Google Classroom to access the suggested timetable and links to work for Monday and Tuesday. Work for Wednesday onwards will be posted directly onto Google Classroom. Please be assured that your child at home will experience the same learning content as the children who will be attending school. 

Weekly Timetable for Home Learning Wk beginning 4.1.21

We look forward to welcoming you and your children to a very different start to their new school term whether that will be online or in person.

Kind regards and keep safe,

Miss Turpie and the Year Four team

Year Four Blog Week Beginning 14th December 2020

December 11, 2020

Dates to watch out for this week:

Christmas Lunch and treat afternoon (Watching an online Pantomime) Tuesday 15th December

Christmas parties-Southwark Thursday 17th December Millennium on Friday 18th December

Whole school mufti/no uniform day-Friday 18th December

Last day of term Friday 18th December-full day as normal


This week our learning be as follow;

  • In English we will continue our work based on Arthur and the Golden Rope by Todd Staunton linked to our History learning about Vikings. This week we will writing a quest tale based on Arthur’s adventure to find Thor. We have really enjoyed this exciting Viking tale. If you want to read along with Arthur and the Golden Rope at home see the following video link
  • In Maths we will learn to multiply and divide by 11 and 12 as well as finishing our multiplication unit with a short assessment. Next term, we will be multiplying and dividing using a written method.
  • In History we will learn about the Vikings. This week we will be  making our Viking warrior shields like these including a repeated relief block pattern:

  • In RE we will finishing our journeys unit learning about journeys in the Christian faith.
  • In Spanish, we will be finishing our exciting terms work by learning about Christmas in Spain and Spanish speaking countries and humming along to Jose Feliciano’s Feliz Navidad. Join in with us by following this link. I’m sure your child will impress you with their amazing Spanish pronunciation!

    Please find the details of our class Christmas parties below. Unfortunately we will not be able to celebrate in the normal way this year but after a long two terms in which your children have worked very hard it will be great for the children to relax and paly some games.

  • Christmas Party letter template Mil
  • Christmas Party letter template Southwark