
Southwark Home Learning Final Two Days of Term

July 19, 2020


A huge thank you to those of you who joined us for the transition days and for our end of year Zoom party on Thursday. Miss Danzey and I  loved seeing you all looking so well and are very grateful for the presents and kind words you gave us. We wish you a very happy and healthy Summer holidays. For the last two days of term we have set you a couple of activities for you to do as well as a couple of games to get you into the holiday mood.  Enjoy and we look forward to seeing you all in year five.

English-Write a letter introducing yourself to your new school teacher for September.

For Southwark Bridge Class- Miss Winser

For Millennium Bridge- Mr Grundey

Introduce yourself and then tell your new teacher about yourself. This could include:

  • Your favourite food
  • Your favourite TV shows or music
  • Your hobbies and what you enjoy doing
  • What your favourite subjects are at school and why
  • What you are looking forward to in the new academic year
  • Any worries you may have

Your new teacher will be really looking forward to reading your letters and would love you to bring them in in September so that they can get to know you a little bit. If you would like to post them to us on Class Dojo and we will send them on for you. 


Use the template above if you need to or alternatively you can use your own paper on type your letter.

If you are unsure how you set out a letter watch this

Here are two extra activities to do if you have time-write a letter to say thank you to our NHS Healthcare Heroes and write a letter to Captain Thomas Moore congratulating him on his incredible fundraising efforts and recent knighthood!

Reading-We hope you have enjoyed using the Reading Planet online books that we have set for you. This week we will set you further books to keep you going during the holidays. Here is a useful guide for parents and a link to many more guides to help you and your child get the most out of this programme we have signed you up for.

Maths-Try the quiz and then play Guardians of Mathematica at the links below

Remember you can continue to play on Mathletics during the holidays and continue to earn certificates to impress your new teachers.

Special Request- Miss Danzey and I are currently writing a guide to year four for year four parents and children. We would love to write a ew comments about things you have enjoyed most this year (be it only September to March!) If you could write us something you wouldn’t mind us sharing on Class Dojo that would be amazing. Thank you!

Now for some games:

Hope you enjoy these. If you find any other games like these you think your class mates would enjoy send them to us via Class Dojo.


Year Four Home Learning Week Beginning 13th July

July 12, 2020

Hello Year Four!

Welcome to another week of home learning! We are nearly at the end of the school year. It has been a truly difficult time but you have impressed and amazed us with the depth of your learning over the past few months. Thank you so much for all your hard work!

English- A lighthearted start to this week. We are looking at some really cheesy jokes (my favourite kind!) Year 4 Week 16 Day 1

You then get a chance to write some jokes of your own and design your own joke book. The below video helps with instructions  for writing the perfect joke

This one gives top joke writing tips

We look forward to reading your amazing jokes!

Day 2-Another fun day. You need someone to work with for this. If nobody is available right now, why not come back to this lesson later on?

You get to create strange creatures, sentences and stories. Should be a fun game to play! Year 4 Week 16 Day 2

Day 3- Probably my favourite day so far! You get to learn all about dragons and write me a dragon quiz. Can’t wait! Year 4 Week 16 Day 3

Day 4-Today is a day for learning about and solving crosswords. Year 4 Week 16 Day 4

Day 5- A day based on Roald Dahl’s revolting recipes. I look forward to seeing your great, revolting recipes Year 4 Week 16 Day 5

I hope you enjoy the fun activities this week. You have worked incredibly hard every week and deserve a bit of fun!

Maths- This week the focus is on lines of symmetry.

Day 1- Finding lines of symmetry in shapes. Watch the video below

Then try the worksheet Lesson-1-Lines-of-symmetry

Answers here Lesson-1-Answers-Lines-of-symmetry

Day 2- Completing a symmetric geometric figure

Worksheet Lesson-2-Complete-a-symmetric-figure


Day 3- Describing position

Worksheet Lesson-3-Describe-position

Answers- Lesson-3-Answers-Describe-position

Day Four- Today, drawing on a grid

Worksheet Lesson-4-Draw-on-a-grid

Answers Lesson-4-Answers-Draw-on-a-grid

Day 5- Look out for the Friday challenge here

If you usually work with Miss Alvarez, you will be working on telling the time to the closest 5 minutes

If you need the sheets for this, please contact your teacher via Class Dojo.

Latin- A tough lesson this week as we increase our skills and work towards increasingly tough translation! A recap of how we show possession in English and then we begin to learn how to recognise possession in Latin. All answers to the exercises are shown on later slides so you can check how well you have done. Good luck! Latin possession

Music- Continuing our singing at Out of the Ark. Choose songs to learn and ractise

History- Over the last term, we have learned a lot about Egyptian religion, mummification and the pyramids, hieroglyphics and lots more. This week, I would like you to think about what daily life would be like for an average child like yourself. You can find some information here to add to what you have already learned

and I would like you to write an account of your day as a diary entry or draw and write a comic strip version of your day.

If you want to test your knowledge of Ancient Egypt, you can take some fun quizzes here

Good luck!

Science- Watch the video showing a series of experiments showing the effects of different drinks on teeth. Can you write a conclusion for what you have found out.

Science/creative- Look at the patient leaflet designed by Colgate to teach children about keeping their teeth healthy. Could you design your own leaflet to teach your younger brother or sister or someone in year one or Reception at school.


I.C.T-For our last Digital Literacy lesson learn all about whether sources of information you find on the internet are reliable. Watch and read the information on the website below and create a top tips poster for how to find reliable information when using the internet to research.


Have an amazing week. As always, please share your work on Class Dojo. We love to see it.