Class teacher - Mrs Katherine Fallon
Please click here for information on the Year 4 Statutory Times Tables Test
Recommended reading books for Year 4:
Best Books for Year 4 | Y4 Reading List | BooksForTopics
Expertly selected books for 7 and 8 year old children (lovereading4kids.co.uk)
Expertly selected books for 9 and 10 year old children (lovereading4kids.co.uk)
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Here is your home learning for the week:
Remember do a little each day and don’t feel that you need to get everything completed[/dropshadowbox]
English-This week we will be learning all about Greek myths with the story of Icarus. GR_Icarus
Monday 6th July– Read a classic Greek myth, Icarus; make responses to the text. Sequence and retell the story orally.
Tuesday 7th July– Re-read a Greek myth to develop familiarity with its themes and characters; compare three versions of a story; write a fictional diary entry. Y4_Week 14_Day 2
Wednesday 8th July – Begin reading a more demanding version of a Greek myth; read and note the key features of instructions; write a set of instructions. Y4_Week 14_Day 3
Thursday 9th July– Finish reading a more demanding version of a Greek myth; offer opinions about different versions of a Greek myth. Y4_Week 14_Day 4
Friday 10th July – Read a classic poem, ‘Hope is the thing with feathers’; look up some difficult words and answer questions about the poem; write in response to the themes and ideas of the poem. Y4_Week 14_Day 5
Guided Reading- Over the next two weeks I will not be setting a new text as many of you have lots of books previously set for you that you have not had a chance to read yet. Please message me if you have read all of the texts and I will set you a new one individually.
Remember log in on the Rising Stars website
Your user name is your name with a capital letter. The password is planet and the centre ID is 211526
If you do not have this book set for you please reading the books and do the quizzes that have been set for you on Reading Planet KS1.
Activities for Smiling Stones:
Maths-This week in Maths we will be comparing and ordering angles, quadrilaterals and triangles.
Monday 6th July–https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-4/
Lesson 1 – Identify angles Lesson 1 Answers – Identify angles
Tuesday 7th July-https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-4/
Lesson 2 – Compare and order angles Lesson 2 Answers – Compare and order angles
Wednesday 8th July–https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-4/
Thursday 9th July-https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-4/
Lesson 4 – Quadrilaterals Lesson 4 Answers – Quadrilaterals
Friday 10th July-
ICT-Digital Literacy-What are Viruses and Malware?
Activity-Can you design a poster for the I.C.T suite to warn children about Computer viruses and malware.
Latin- A little break from translation this week. We are having a focus on Roman Numerals this week, where do you think we might use Roman numerals today? Latin Roman Numerals
Music- As well as our usual singing from Out of the Ark
We now have an additional opportunity to sing all sorts of popular songs with some added sign language for those of you feeling brave!
History- Last week, we learned about pyramids which was where the Egyptians buried their dead. Archaeologists can tell who is buried in the tomb and what time period it came from by looking for a cartouche. A cartouche is a name plate which only the most important Egyptian citizens had.
These cartouches belonged to Ramases III
Read the information about cartouches here the-egyptian-cartouche-powerpoint
Then why not have a go at designing your own cartouche?
This website provides some ideas and information to help you
I look forward to seeing your cartouches on Class Dojo!
Science-Now we have finished our electricity learning. Let’s learn about digestion. I hope you enjoyed trying the practical demonstrations to help you understand digestion. Please upload any photos you took to Class Dojo. If you like practical ways to help your understanding, try this week’s digestive system investigation to help you understand how the digestive system works.
Watch the following video clips and answer the questions. Then, look at the picture of the human body and if you can print, cut and stick the organs in the correct places with the description of their purpose. If you can’t print it off. Draw your own body with the main organs of the digestion system with explanation labels.
Digestive system cut and position the organs
If you prefer you can read all about the digestive system in this information text and answer the comprehension questions to test your understanding.
We look forward to seeing lots of you on our open school events on Friday 10th for Southwark Class and Monday 13th July for Millennium Class. Keep safe.
Hello Year 4!
Welcome to this week’s home learning! I hope you enjoyed the beautiful weather last week and managed to get outside to have some fun!
English- This week we are looking at the nonsense poems of Edward Lear, a favourite of mine, the first poem will definitely be familiar to you!
Day One- A look at Edward Lear himself and then one of his most well known poems. Read it and then watch the video version below before planning your own magical journey Year 4 Week 15 Day 1
Day Two- Re-read the poem from yesterday and compare it to the sequel written by Julia Donaldson. Year 4 Week 15 Day 2
Watch a video of the sequel here
Now you get to write your own version of the poem.
Day Three- I love today’s poem! Look at the main character and see what you notice. Read the first verses and see if you can spot the features on the picture Year 4 Week 15 Day 3
Then listen to the whole poem being read to you;
Lastly, an opportunity to practise using expanded noun phrases. Look at this PowerPoint to help you to remember what these are Noun Phrase powerpoint with audio
I look forward to seeing your fact files about your Quangle Wangle creature!
Day Four- Another good poem today! Read it here GR_Pobble-who-has-no-toes-web
or listen to it here
After writing a recount of the Pobble’s adventures, you get to pick your favourite of the three poems, write it up and add your own illustrations. I can’t wait to see which it is!
Day Five- Today we are looking at some of Edward Lear’s limericks (a humorous poem of five lines) and you have the chance to write a limerick of your own at the end Year 4 Week 15 Day 5
Guided Reading-Let’s head back to Reading Planet this week. I’ve set a book called The Smiling Stones for you.
Remember log in on the Rising Stars website
Your user name is your name with a capital letter. The password is planet and the centre ID is 211526
Find your follow up activities below:
If you do not have this book set for you please reading the books and do the quizzes that have been set for you on
Maths- This week , we are looking at charts and graphs.
Day One- Looking at reading charts and interpreting the data
Click here for the worksheet Lesson-1-Interpret-charts-2020
Click here for the answers Lesson-1-Answers-Interpret-charts
Day Two- Comparing the sum and difference
Click here for the worksheet Lesson-2-Comparison-sum-and-difference
Click here for the answers Lesson-2-Answers-Comparison-sum-and-difference
Day Three- Today an introduction to line graphs
Click here for worksheets Lesson-3-Introducing-line-graphs
Click here for answers Lesson-3-Answers-Introducing-line-graphs-1
Day Four- Continuing line graphs
Click here for worksheets Lesson-4-Line-graphs
Click here for answers Lesson-4-Answers-Line-graphs-1
Day Five- Watch out for the Friday challenge here!
If you normally work with Miss Alvarez, you will be learning about mass this week. Please contact your teacher via Class Dojo for worksheets
Science-Now we have finished our electricity learning. Let’s learn about digestion. Try the demonstrations if you can but don’t worry if you don’t have spare toothpaste, bread, cola and an old pair of tights.
Creative-This week why don’t you have a go at making salt dough amulets.
For the salt dough-https://www.activityvillage.co.uk/salt-dough
For the Egyptian craft ideas and amulets-https://www.activityvillage.co.uk/ancient-egypt-salt-dough-amulets
I.C.T-This week we will be learning about digital literacy
Watch and play the games on the link above. Can you write an acrostic poem using the word communicate to tell your friends how to communicate online. For example, C could be Chat must always be friendly O online and offline treat each other kindly etc.
History- Following on from your learning about religion and mummification, we are going to have a look at the Pyramids. Read the information to find out how they were made and what their function was Egyptians History Slide5
Would you like to be buried in a pyramid?
This week, you have a choice of task. For an easier task chose Pyramid task One finding facts about pyramids, if you want to challenge yourself, ave a go at Pyramid Task 2 which involves answering some questions.
Music- More songs to learn at Out of the Ark, some about being joyful this week, much easier now that it is sunny! Singing is a good way to be cheerful so I hope you give them a try!
Latin- A tough lesson this week, having a go at pulling together all of our previous learning and trying out our translation skills. We start off with familiar exercises, root words, quickfire verbs and chanting our verb endings. When translating sentences remember the Golden Rule:
Latin words rely on word endings, not word order
The same is true of adjectives, the ending matches the noun they belong to.
If you find the vocabulary tricky, use the picture clues to help. You can always message me on Dojo if you need a hand. The answers to the translation exercises are on the following slides. Latin-pulling it all together
As always, please do not stress about doing every task, try to do a little work each day. Do not feel you have to print everything out. We hope you have fun with your learning and we look forward to seeing your posts on Class Dojo!