Class teacher - Mrs Katherine Fallon
Please click here for information on the Year 4 Statutory Times Tables Test
Recommended reading books for Year 4:
Best Books for Year 4 | Y4 Reading List | BooksForTopics
Expertly selected books for 7 and 8 year old children (lovereading4kids.co.uk)
Expertly selected books for 9 and 10 year old children (lovereading4kids.co.uk)
This week our learning will be as follows;
- In mathematics we will continue our work on column subtraction, estimation and checking our answers with inverses.
- In English we will look at the features of a diary entry before planning and writing an entry based on the Boy at the Back of the Class.
- In science we will continue our work on sound.
- In RHE we will think about the roles people play in the school community.
- Our blocked foundation subject will be history. We will begin work on the Ancient Greeks.
Millennium Class will swim on Tuesday and do PE on Friday. Southwark Class will have PE on Tuesday and Thursday.
This week our learning will be as follows;
- In mathematics we will continue our work on subtraction learning to subtract with exchanges and use inverses to check our work.
- In English we will continue with our work around the Boy at the Back of the Class by Onjali Rauf. We will write letters in role.
- In science we will continue our work on sound.
- Our blocked foundation subject is RE. We will continue our challenge unit “Why do we Judge me.” We will focus on Black history week and the experience of the Windrush generation.
Southwark Class will have PE on Thursday and Millennium Class will have swimming on Tuesday. For safety reasons it is important that jewelry (except simple stud earrings) is not worn on PE days.
We are looking forward to our visits to the Windrush Legacy Association this week. Southwark Class will visit on Tuesday and Millennium Class on Friday.