
Year Four Weekly Blog Week Beginning 2nd March 2020

February 28, 2020

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”10″ border_color=”#aa41f5″ ]What are we learning this week?[/dropshadowbox]

Maths – We shall be looking at fractions greater than 1 as well as counting and sequencing fractions. Then we will be adding and subtracting fractions.

English – This half term, we shall be continuing our fantastic text (the title will be revealed to children only this week!) We will be hot seating the main character before writing in role. Our grammar focus will be commas in lists as well as after a fronted adverbial phrase and handwriting with neat diagonal and horizontal joins.

Science – We are beginning a unit on teeth and digestion. If any family has connections with a dentist, dental nurse please let us know as we would love to make links to support your child’s learning.

Geography-We will be exploring caring for the environment through the story ‘The Lorax’ by Dr Seuss. This will be our year group theme for World Book Day on Thursday 6th March.




[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”10″ border_color=”#41f5cf” ]Key dates: [/dropshadowbox]

Parents evening – 12th and 17th March 2020

World Book Day-6th March

Reminder about World Book Day

Year Four Blog Wk Beginning 24th February 2020

February 14, 2020

Please can you collect any clean tin cans and foil to use for English next term. We will be making settings in a box in groups so please keep aside any shoe box sized boxes.

Our Learning this week:

Maths-Recognising and using non unit fractions in different representations.

Revision of previous learning on Topmarks (free games) and Matheletics will be useful as a basis.

English-We will be continuing our focus book focusing on contrasting settings.

Topic-We will be continuing our rainforest topic- looking at plants and medicines.

Science-We will be looking at food chains.

Parent’s Evening Dates are:

Millennium-Thursday 12th 4.30pm until 7.30pm and Tuesday 17th March 4.30pm until 7.30pm

Southwark-Thursday until 4-5pm, Tuesday 17th until 4.30pm-8pm and Thursday 19th 4pm until 5pm.

Letters will go home after half term.