
Year Four Blog Week Beginning 3.2.2020

January 31, 2020

Thank you to Ranger Russ who had a successful visit with his animal friends.

Our Learning this week:


Maths-We will be learning and reasoning about multiplying and dividing by 11 and 12. We will also multiply 3 numbers and find out what factor pairs are.

English-We will be looking at rain forest themed poems before starting a persuasive writing unit about deforestation.

Geography-We will be learning about the negative and positive impacts of deforestation.

Science-We will be collecting, investigating and classifying animals and plants we find in our school environment.


Year Four Weekly Blog Week Beginning 27.1.2020

January 24, 2020

Our Learning This Week:

Maths-We will be learning to describe movements of coordinates on a grid as translations. We will then be multiplying and dividing by 6 and 9.

There are many online games your child can play to consolidate this learning. We have used these websites in class:

English-We will be learning to understand and infer a poet’s motivation using the poem-For forest by Grace Nichols. We will be performing our own version of the poem and exploring our likes and dislikes with poems around the rain forest theme.

Topic-We will be looking at the climate in a rain forest.

Science-A part of our Science and Geography topics we will be  having an exciting visitor to spend an afternoon or morning with each class. Ranger Russ brings a variety of animals from rain forest habitats to share with the children. For more information see the attached letter which will be going home on Monday. 

ranger russ letter

For more information take a look at Ranger Russ’ website

Dates for the diary:


Parents Evening will take place on Thursday 12th and Tuesday 17th March