
Wk Beginning 18th March 2019

March 15, 2019

Our Learning in year four this week:


We will be looking at writing persuasive letters focusing on formal language, complex sentences and the structure we have boxed up from the persuasive texts we have looked at together.


 We will be studying non-unit fractions, counting in fractions and recognising 10th and 100ths as decimals.


We will will be  studying gymnastics and circuit training.


In addition to year four’s CUES-ed focus,  we will be focusing  on safeguarding children using the NSPCC Let’s talk PANTS initiative . Some useful information can be found here


We will continue to extend our knowledge oAnimals including humans classifying vertebrates using branching databases.


We will continue our rain forest theme with a focus on the plants which grow in the rain forest and how they can be used.

Dates for the Diary:

Thursday 21st and Wednesday 27th March-Parents’ evening will be held in the hall. Appointments have been sent out. Please let us know if you can’t make an appointment on the day.


congratulations to Armaan, Lillian, Richa, Cynde and Magnus from Southwark and Harry, Aryan, Sofia, James and Kerem who all received merit cards this week.

Year 4 Week Beginning 11th March 2019

March 8, 2019

What are we learning this week?

Maths – This week we will be continuing our work on fractions, calculating fractions of a quantity including unit and non-unit fractions.

English – To continue our Rainforest theme, this week we will be exploring persuasive letters as a writer.

Science-To compliment our rain forest topic we will be looking at classifying animals, including vertebrates and invertebrates.


P.E-We will be starting a gymnastics unit and continuing our circuit training. P.e will continue to be every Monday and Tuesday. Those going to Netball and football clubs need to remember to bring their kits back in to avoid having to miss p.e.

Music- We will be continuing songs and music about global warming.

Upcoming events


Parents Evening appointments will be sent home on Monday. To avoid disappointment please return your forms saying when is most convenient. 

Congratulations go to Leen, Chaimae, Damara, Teddy, Lucas, Ashton, Victoria and Aarav  who all received merits this week!