Welcome to Queen Elizabeth 2 Class

Image result for qe2 bridge

Welcome all Year 6 parents and pupils.

Class Teacher: Miss Blackford

Teaching assistants: Mrs Jackson & Mr Cellmer


Recommended reading books for Year 6:

Best Books for Year 6 | Ages 10-11 Recommended Reads | BooksForTopics

Expertly selected books for 9 and 10 year old children (lovereading4kids.co.uk)

Expertly selected books for 11, 12 and 13 year old children (lovereading4kids.co.uk)

Home learning – week beginning 27th April 2020

We hope you are all well and keeping safe. We have been blown away by all your lovely messages and photos on Class Dojo! Please find this week’s activities below:


Secret Agent Walter Beckett has a problem of pigeon sized proportions. When a pigeon gets trapped inside the spies briefcase all kinds of  mayhem ensue…

Writing ideas
Day 1 –  Create comic strips and picture boards from the story,
Day 2 – write more missions for Walter which are spoilt by the pigeon,
Day 3 – Write a news report on events, interviewing key witnesses etc.
Day 4 – Write a persuasive argument giving an argument for why it was not the pigeon’s fault.
Day 5 – Should we feed the pigeons in the street? Discuss.

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#d2f4ff” border_width=”10″ border_color=”#100e0e” ]Please do try and keep to using the Year 6 expectations. Remember that you should still be using accurate punctuation (full stops, punctuating speech, hypens, dashes, commas, brackets, colons, semicolons…). You should also still be writing in full paragraphs.

Each writing task should take you 15 minutes to plan and 45 minutes to write.[/dropshadowbox]



How much can you remember? (Parents you can use the cheat sheet Year 6 writing to help see if they’re on the right track)

  • Write 5 sentences that contain a modal verb.
  • Write 5 sentences using the passive voice.
  • Write 5 sentences using a subordinate clause.

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#f4f935″ border_width=”10″ border_color=”#080707″ ]We will give 5 dojo points for each of these tasks completed correctly ( 1 point per correct sentence) and sent to us on Class Dojo! (Total of 15 Dojo points up for grabs here!!!)[/dropshadowbox]


Reading and spelling

Don’t forget that you have your Fiction Express chapter to read by Tuesday! Please complete your Spelling Frame tasks by 30th April. Dojos will be given to anyone placed on the leaderboard!


WB 27th April-Vertically opposite angles

Have a go at the White Rose lessons for the first 3 days.  They can be found at:


Day 1-Lesson 1 and 2 (Vertically opposite angles and angles in a triangle)

Day 2-Lesson 3 and 4 (Angles in a triangle-special cases and angles in a triangle-missing angles)

Day 3-Lesson 5 (Maths Challenge)

Day 4 and 5 are a different topic but still to do with different shapes (polygon).

Day 4-Have a go at the tasks linked to circles.  Read through the learning reminders at the start.  They are acting like a teacher-reminding you of the key learning points. Try the questions-you can choose either to have a go at the mild questions or the hot questions (these are a little trickier) or you could have a go at both sets of questions.  If you are still finding it tricky have a go at the ‘A bit stuck questions’.  There’s a challenge at the end if you finish quickly.

Day 5-Quadrilaterals-If you have access to power point, watch the slides but if you cannot access power point have a look at the Learning reminders.  Then choose either to have a go at the mild questions or the hot questions (these are a little trickier) or you could have a go at both sets of questions.  If you are still finding it tricky, have a go at the ‘A bit stuck questions’.  There’s a challenge at the end if you finish quickly.​

Y6 Week 4 Day 5_Teacher powerpoint

Y6 Week 4 Day 4

Y6 Week 4 Day 5


Have a go at Lesson 2

Lesson 2 – Y6 Science



If you fancy taking part in some physical activities at home have a look at ‘Real PE’.  The school uses these resources and now the company have offered parents an opportunity to try some of the activities at home during school closures.

It’s really simple:

Log into:

The website address is: home.jasmineactive.com 
Parent email: parent@howardprim-1.com
Password: howardprim

Then choose which activity you would like the children to take part in.  There are a variety of activities you can do throughout the day if you wish.

If you log onto facebook and join their closed group-you can then post photos of you and the family taking part in these activities.  They have weekly competitions with winners announced on their facebook page.  There are all sorts of different prizes so have a go!

Facebook: Join our real PE at home – tips & ideas ​

Design Technology

Since so many of you enjoyed last week’s challenge, this week we would like you to create a dish using a sepcific ingredient. Your chosen ingredient is a potato. Your dish can include other ingredients, but we would like you to use a potato somewhere in your dish. After making it, please write a set of instructions on how to create your dish. Finally, you will need to evaluate the process: what went well and what would you do differently next time?

Like before, please do send pictures/videos of your dish (and you making it – if you want) via Class Dojo!

Cartoon Potato Stock Illustrations – 11,788 Cartoon Potato Stock ...


Follow these links to learn all about Ramadam:






Draw with Rob

This is a fantastic website where Rob Biddulph is posting a draw-along video every Tuesday and Thursday at 10am of different cartoon characters.

You can also have a go at this week’s art project

Art project 2



Create a fact file based on the information on this webpage about the Kingdom of Benin.





Out of the Ark – Week 6


Additional fun activities 

Dot to dot1 – mindfulness activity

Home learning – Additional activities for Year 6

Spelling frame-Spelling frame is up and running again this week and there is a spelling test available for all children to have a go at.
Dojos are available if you get on the Leaderboard!
Fiction Express-A new book is available for you to read on Fiction Express.  We would like you to read  Cosmo Mars and vote before next Tuesday.
What do you think of this new book? Let us know on Dojo!
Chapter 1. Neptune’s Trident
Steffi and Matt drop in on Cosmo Mars, who is in the middle of an investigation. Well, Matt does at least. Steffi lands elsewhere and uncovers a mystery of her own! But will anyone believe her?

Year 6 Home learning – Week beginning 20th April 2020


[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#e7abff” border_width=”10″ border_color=”#060606″ ]A quick message from us:

We hope that you are all staying safe and healthy. It has been wonderful to hear from so many of you on Class Dojo and to see some fantastic photos of new skills and hobbies that you have been learning. You’ll find below a selection of activities for home learning this week, but we will also be posting regular messages on our Class Dojo account. You are all doing such a fantastic job with your school work!

Miss Blackford and Miss Handley[/dropshadowbox]




Please could you complete Week 1-Ratio and proportion.  I know we have covered this in class but it is important to recap this key learning.  Watch the video and complete the activity.  One lesson for each day.

Mathletics tasks will be linked to this topic.



After watching the clip, fill in the answers to the 5Ws:



Writing opportunities – Don’t forget to snap a pic of your writing and send it to us on Class Dojo!

  • Day 1- Write a description of the scene.
  • Day 2 – Write the dialogue between the pilot and his dragon.
  • Day 3 – Write a letter to his family saying goodbye and explaining his plans.
  • Day 4 – Write the ending to the narrative.  What happens as he goes through the storm.  What is on the other side?
  • Day 5 – Edit and up level your writing according to the Year 6 expectations.




SPAG revision

Trapped – Nouns and Adjectives

A literacy game where you need to sort words into either proper nouns, common nouns, adjectives or comparative adjectives so that you can escape from the Forbidden Chamber!


The Quest of Comma Castle

Who’d have thought the humble comma could be the difference between life and death? Well, it is in The Quest of Comma Castle where you need to save a diamond from the Plinth of the Perishing Pit, negotiating dragons, bottomless pits and other deadly obstacles, all by answering grammar questions. There are four difficulty settings, and six sections to play through. Real heroes know their synonyms and antonyms.


[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#abd1ff” border_width=”10″ border_color=”#060606″ ]Please try to revise your Year 6 SPAG expectations within your writing. Think about the conversations of what we would like to see in your writing that we have during our English lessons. It is important that you keep up the effort with your writing. Please try and keep it to a similar standard of that to which you would use in class 🙂  [/dropshadowbox]

Year 6 writing expectations


Lesson1 – Open link to follow lesson instructions.


Design Technology

For this week, we would like you to get creating in the kitchen (with adult supervision, of course)! This week’s challenge is to create a dish using only 5 ingredients. This may be for yourself or for your family, but only using those 5 ingredients (of your choice). Dojo points, on your new accounts, will be given for photos, a set of instructions on how to make your dish and your list of 5 ingredients – if you send them to us on Class Dojo! Happy cooking!



Draw with Rob

This is a fantastic website where Rob Biddulph is posting a draw-along video every Tuesday and Thursday at 10am of different cartoon characters.



PE with Joe Wicks is sill continuing over on his Youtube channel. If you fancy something more, follow the link to Cosmic Yoga!



Follow the link and click on the Week 5 resources

Year 6 Easter activities – week 2

Happy Easter From The Entire eWN Staff! | eWrestlingNews.com

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”10″ border_color=”#0992e1″ ]We hope that you all had an enjoyable Easter weekend (as much as you could). Below are a few activities, if you need something to pass the time throughout the week. Home learning will resume on Monday 20th April. [/dropshadowbox]

Write an Easter acrostic poem

Easter Acrostic Poem Printable – Coloring Page


Make a flip book


Make your own playdough

Coloured Playdough


1 cup water

1 tablespoon vegetable oil

1/2 cup salt

1 tablespoon cream of tartar

Food colouring


1 cup flour


  1. Combine water, oil, salt, cream of tartar, and food colouring in a saucepan and heat until warm.
  2. Remove from heat and add flour.
  3. Stir, then knead until smooth. The cream of tartar makes this dough last 6 months or longer, so resist the temptation to omit this ingredient if you don’t have it on hand.
  4. Store this dough in an airtight container or a Ziploc freezer bag.


Create your own Easter quiz

Advertiser.ie - Movie and cartoon quiz for families


Learn some new songs 

Cartoon Choir Stock Illustrations – 2,168 Cartoon Choir Stock ...

Year 6 Easter activities – week one


Well done to all who performed in MusicFest – Hayes Music blog


Hi all,

Can we first say a massive well done to you all, children and parents, for taking on board the home learning activities over the past couple of weeks. We are so proud of you all with how you adapted to the changes during this current period. If you haven’t already done so, please join our Class Dojo blog for daily interactions from the both of us. Also, if you know someone that has not joined yet, please do encourage them to do so. The messaging app allows you to ask questions, share work or just to pop in and say hi every now and then.

We have decided to pop up some fun Easter and well being activities over the next couple of weeks. These are there if you would like to use them. Home learning will resume on the week beginning 20th April.

Hope you are all safe and well,

Miss Blackford and Miss Handley


[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#4cf67f” border_width=”10″ border_color=”#f8f267″ ]Pe – Jasmine -[/dropshadowbox]

Physical Education Kids Clipart

If you fancy taking part in some physical activities at home have a look at ‘Real PE’.  The school uses these resources and now the company have offered parents an opportunity to try some of the activities at home during school closures.

It’s really simple:

Log into:

The website address is: home.jasmineactive.com 
Parent email: parent@howardprim-1.com
Password: howardprim

Then choose which activity you would like the children to take part in.  There are a variety of activities you can do throughout the day if you wish.

If you log onto facebook and join their closed group-you can then post photos of you and the family taking part in these activities.  They have weekly competitions with winners announced on their facebook page.  There are all sorts of different prizes so have a go!

Facebook: Join our real PE at home – tips & ideas

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#4ce0f6″ border_width=”10″ border_color=”#6779f8″ ]Health and well being[/dropshadowbox]

Mental health and wellbeing in the workplace - Mepca Engineering

Click on the link below and you will be sent through to some amazing resources that will help create routines for children at home and different things children (supported by parents/carers) can do to keep happy and healthy-including looking after their emotional health.  All you have to do is click on the link and the activities will be there.   Have a look at the well-being wheel-5 different daily tasks to keep your mind and body healthy during this difficult time (Day 6).  This is updated daily so will be useful to keep looking back at the website whenever you can.

Supporting children’s mental health – Harold’s Daily Diary  
Harold the giraffe is posting daily ideas.  This is going down really well, particularly with younger children.

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#f4f64c” border_width=”10″ border_color=”#f267f8″ ]Easter[/dropshadowbox]Easter 2020 : Easter Egg Hunt Ideas

RE – 

In Year 6, we learn all about Passover and Holy Week. Why not make a poster explaining all about them from your research, using the links below?


What is Passover?



There are also Easter activities on the Plan Bee website;




Easter crafts – 


25 Cute and Fun Easter Crafts for Kids


Easter games – 


12 Hilarious Easter Games For Family Gatherings - PLAYTIVITIES


Please do send us any pictures of your Easter activities to our Class Dojo messages! We love seeing what you have been learning/making at home!

To Class DoJo or Not to Class DoJ? ~ Co-Kindering

It’s World Autism Awareness Day!

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]

Today is World Autism Awareness Day!

We all know someone who is on the Autistic Spectrum. What can we do to understand and support a friend, a colleague, a relative who has autism? The most helpful thing we can do is to understand what autism is and how it can affect people.

Watch the animation video to find out key aspects of Autism. What can you take from that?

Then watch the second video which contains lots of practical tips. What tips would you put into practice to support someone with autism in your class, family, place of work, neighbourhood?

Understanding is the first step to acceptance. As we say at Howard Primary School : we are all different, we are all equal!

If you have any questions, please get in touch : sdalziopolling.306@lgflmail.org

Many thanks

Mrs Pollington[/dropshadowbox]

First news – 27th March 2020 – 2nd April 2020

An award-winning weekly newspaper for children | First News

Want to keep updated with child-friendly news that is happening in the world at the moment? You can download the latest copy of ‘First News’ here (FIRSTNEWS_719).

Happy reading!

An award-winning weekly newspaper for children | First News

Year 6 home learning – Week beginning 30th March 2020

Good morning! We hope you are all well and keeping safe. We have been sending out invites to Class Dojo recently for you to share any pictures of work, yourself or videos of your home learning. The site has been a little temperamental with invites, so please be patient with us if yours has not come through yet (please check your junk mail in case your invite has arrived there).

Image result for class dojo

Guidance for parents – 


Please feel free to use our Howard home learning timetable in whichever way you see best. Don’t worry if you cannot follow it strictly due to your own work commitments. If you cannot manage all of these activities, encouraging your child to read to you and for you to read to your child would be great.



We have set some more Mathletics tasks for you. If you fancy a challenge, have a go at these ones below:



Writing – 

Hopefully you have been ticking along with your writing. If you can, we would love to see some pictures of your writing on class dojo! Make sure you’re including those Year 6 expectations and, if hand writing your work, make sure that it is your neatest. Please see below your writing challenges for the week…

Image result for cartoon romeo and juliet

Write a letter from Lord Capulet to Juliet (in response to her letter)

Create a travel guide to Verona – use some of these links to help you.

https://www.kids-world-travel-guide.com/italy-facts.html ,



Write a diary entry as Friar Lawrence after learning of the deaths of Romeo and Juliet .

Have a fun debate with your parents: Were Romeo and Juliet good role models? Discuss. (Watch this clip before starting)


SPAG support for parents – a useful booklet that provides ideas on how to support you child at home. 

Please click this link to take you to a fantastic website which provides a detailed grammar glossary. If you click each highlighted word on the website, for example ‘modal verbs’ it will take you to a page with specific examples (and some videos) to help support your child at home.

Ongoing Spelling Frame activities will be set throughout the week.


Reading – 

Fiction Express by Boolino

We have noticed that some of you have forgotten about Fiction Express! A new fantastic chapter is released every Friday, but you can also read a huge range of texts online and complete fun quizzes too!


Science – 

Interactive games – http://www.crickweb.co.uk/ks2science.html#variation2c

What is a vertebrate? – Watch video and complete activities


If you have signed up to class dojo, please snap a couple of pictures of your knowledge organisers! We’d love to see them.

This week, we have a fun and interactive game practicing your map skills here.


PE – Have a go at these fun, physical activities (make sure that you move any intruding furniture out of the way):

Joe Wicks has taken the country by storm with his daily PE lessons on Youtube. You can read more about him here. 



Spanish – 

Please visit the link below:


Once there, select the pupil games area.

Login: class name     (all lower case)

Password: howard

Please complete the task: Desayuno en el cafe topic.



Please follow the link below.


Once there, please click on the ‘teacher planning’ section for your tasks (you have seen these type of tasks before).

(You can use https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/editor/?tutorial=getStarted to access Scratch).



Art project 1



History Mystery 1



If you would like some additional activities to support your child’s learning this week, please visit https://www.twinkl.co.uk/home-learning-hub

Thank you for your ongoing support,

The Year 6 Team

Earth Hour 2020

Good morning everybody,

This is a message from Howard’s Eco Reps.

Over the last weeks, we had started to compile a range of activities we wanted to suggest to you for Earth Hour, which is tonight at 20:30. We will be switching our lights off to show our awareness of problems around the protection of Earth, sustainability, the responsible use of resources etc.

Check out the official website: https://www.earthhour.org/


Here are our suggestions:

  1. Task: Write a poem about or to nature sharing your admiration of nature, your concerns, your pledges (what you could do to help). Then read it to another person or – sounds strange – to a plant.
  2. A voice for the planet” – Letter writing: Pretending to be “Mother” or “Father Nature”, write a letter to an important (maybe not so eco-friendly person/politician/…) voicing your pains and concerns and ask for immediate, specific action.

  3. Writing Pledges: Write a pledge/plan of action that you promise to take in order to help protect our planet.

  4. An Earth-Hour Game: Create a game with an environmental topic (e.g. Taboo/Speak out, Pictionary … – Eco-Version of Monopoly might take very long, though).

      • e.g. Pick 10 Topic words (related to Earth Hour, the Environment, …) and write them on a card each.

      • Then, to each word, decide on 5 taboo words that must not be mentioned when explain/describing the topic word,

      • Play the game with a partner,  

  5. Howard’s Eco Bunting: Create bunting with a clear about: Why it is important to use resources on our planet responsibly and sustainably (so that future generations have the same access to the resources like electricity, water etc.)

Remember to send your work (or a picture of it) to …


…so that we can display them on the blogs and website.

With a big thank you from your Eco Reps

Home learning week beginning 23rd March 2020

Maths – Please watch the following Youtube clips and complete the Mathletics tasks that have been set.

Long division





Writing – 

Continue to complete SPAG activities from your learning pack.

Click on each of the links below for your writing tasks –

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5 – Edit each piece according to the Year 6 expectations.

SPAG support for parents – a useful booklet that provides ideas on how to support you child at home. 

Please click this link to take you to a fantastic website which provides a detailed grammar glossary. If you click each highlighted word on the website, for example ‘modal verbs’ it will take you to a page with specific examples (and some videos) to help support your child at home.

Ongoing Spelling Frame activities will be set throughout the week.

Reading – 

Have a go at the Deforestation Comprehension Ninja text. The answers will be posted in one weeks time! In the meantime, you can log on Fiction Express and complete the quiz after.

Science – 

Have a go at these revision activities:


Geography – Similar to what we use in Science, we would like you to create a knowledge organiser for Scandinavia. Could you include elements of physical geography (such as the names of the countries and capital cities) as well as human geography (currency, culture, national holidays, festivals, religion, etc…)

Click here for an example – Knowledge organiser

PE – Have a go at these fun, physical activities (make sure that you move any intruding furniture out of the way):

Spanish – 

Please visit the link below:


Once there, select the pupil games area.

Login: class name     (all lower case)

Password: howard

Please complete the task: Desayuno en el cafe topic.



Please follow the link below.


Once there, please click on the ‘teacher planning’ section for your tasks (you have seen these type of tasks before).

(You can use https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/editor/?tutorial=getStarted to access Scratch).



Thank you for your ongoing support,

The Year 6 Team