Welcome to Queen Elizabeth 2 Class

Image result for qe2 bridge

Welcome all Year 6 parents and pupils.

Class Teacher: Miss Blackford

Teaching assistants: Mrs Jackson & Mr Cellmer


Recommended reading books for Year 6:

Best Books for Year 6 | Ages 10-11 Recommended Reads | BooksForTopics

Expertly selected books for 9 and 10 year old children (lovereading4kids.co.uk)

Expertly selected books for 11, 12 and 13 year old children (lovereading4kids.co.uk)

Week of 1st April


We shall be completed our WW2 rationing posters


We shall be  retelling the  the Easter story in writing


Area, perimeter, long division and pie charts are our themes for this week.


Skittle ball


The Easter story



Week beginning 25 March


We will be designing WW2 style rationing posters,



We will be writing an explanation text about the structure and function of the heart


We will be studying the compacted method of long multiplication


we will be learning about Pilates


We will be looking at the faith of Buddhist Monks


We will be studying  the structure and function of the heart

Class Book

We will begin to read ‘The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas’

Extra News.

Friday is wear a hat day

week beginning 18 March



We will be looking at writing explanations.



 We will be studying mean, average and  the calculation of the volume of cuboids.



We will will be  studying Pilates



Will be focusing  on safeguarding children using the NSPCC Let’s talk PANTS initiative . Some useful information can be found here https://www.nspcc.org.uk/preventing-abuse/keeping-children-safe/underwear-rule/.



We will continue to extend our knowledge oAnimals including humans .


Spelling  Punctuation And Grammar


We are going to focusing on the use of conjunctions



we will continue our study of  rationing in  WW2

Week Beginning 11 march

Hopefully spring is upon us!

This week

In Literacy we shall be planning  writing a newspaper report on the deaths of Romeo and Juliet .


We shall continue with ratio in our numeracy sessions as well as preparing the children for the forthcoming tests.


RE we shall be looking at how Buddhist monks express their faith and the reasons behind those choices


PE we shall continue our exploration of Pilates and its Eastern connection, with breath control and meditative poses.

Guided Reading

Our bi-weekly reading with an adult sessions  are continuing to prepare the children for the Reading Comprehension element of the SAT s test.

Many books exist in WH Smith or Amazon to support children in their acquisition of these life long skills.

In our WW2 topic we shall be looking at rationing  and the make do and mend culture that was promoted for almost a decade after the end of the war.

Spelling Punctuation And Grammar(SPAG)

Is a key area of language development and numerous resources are widely available to bolster children’s progress in this field.

Science. We continue to manipulate and devise classification systems and criteria for living things

Extra Information.

We are nearing  the dramatic completion of ‘Holes’ and are soon to begin reading ‘The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas

Week beginning 11 February 2019


We shall be looking at the impact of WW2 on changing the lives of women in Britain.



We shall be learning about William Shakespeare and Romeo and Juliet.



In maths we  shall continue with algebra.



we shall be continuing  our theme of Pilates


This will be our last week of swimming in year 6.

Many of the children have made significant progress which we hope can be maintained with regular practise.



We are nearing the end of Holes which has been an enjoyable experience .

our next class reading book is to be ‘ the Boy in the Striped Pyjamas’



we will be looking at the sight fold path in Buddhism



we are looking at the  progressive continuous  tense in   both  past  and present  tense .



We  are closed  for the half term from Monday 18th February  and return to school on  Monday 25th February


Have a enjoyable and restful half term.

Mr Jalloh and Mrs Jones

Week Beginning 28 January


This week we shall be using our research into the life of Anne Frank to plan and  write a diary entry .



We shall be looking at rationing in WW2 and create posters to encourage people to make do and mend or grow their own.



We will continue to work in our  groupings allowing for focused learning



Swimming will continue up to half term

We shall be looking at team work in a competitive environment



We shall be creating  a story board  of the life of Prince Siddhartha,whom went on to become the Buddha.


we will begin to look at last years grammar paper in our SPAG sessions.

Children are strongly advised to independently study the words from the year 4/5/6 spelling sheet as  some of these are the words  randomly selected for the spelling test each year


Week beginning Monday 14 January


This week we  will begin to work in new groupings , in order for children to be challenged and extended at the most appropriate level.




we are  using our research on the life of Anne Frank to  plan and write a biography o her life.



our topic this term will be living things  and their habitats .

We will be looking at looking at the classification of living things

Religious Education

our topic this term is Buddhism


Our study of humanities this term will be focused on world War 2 in  History.

Week Beginning 7th January 2019

Happy New Year and welcome back after what I sincerely hope was a restful and enjoyable holiday,


This week we will be studying  these subjects.


Maths, place value in  5-7 digit numbers

English  we shall be looking at the Diary of Anne Frank to enhance our biography writing  .

children will be asked to write a diary entry

Topic We will be starting to look at The Evacuation in WW2

PE Swimming will continue on Tuesdays

Class Book Holes by  Louis Suchar

Information for the week beginning 17 December


We will be watch a short animated version of A Christmas Carol and focusing on the transformation of Ebeneezer Scrooge in our writing.



We will Continue to look at converting between Metric and Imperial measure.

Other News

Our Christmas  performance will be at St Andrews church from 2.15 pm on Tuesday 18 December.


Our class party is to be held on the afternoon on Wednesday. Any contribution for food or drink would be greatly appreciated

In the New Year

After the holiday we will be studying WW2 in many areas of the curriculum. It would be advantageous if the children were aware of the general background to the conflict and significant dates

. More specific areas of study such as Anne Frank The Holocaust), the Blitz and Evacuation are also to be covered.


Separately we will be looking at the writing of Shakespeare, so again it would be beneficial if the children had been exposed to his prose or made aware of his existence.


School finishes at 3;30 on Thursday.




See you at normal time on 7th January 2019



Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.Mr Jalloh



Week commencing 10th December

Please find an update about what we will be learning in Year 6 this week;


English- we will be writing  contrasting diary entries as the Pied Piper.

Firstly when he took on the job for the council and secondly when they refused to pay him the agreed amount

Maths- We will be looking at conversion between imperial and metric measures and 12 and 24 hour clock.


IXL maths ( a free online site)offers many fun links to learn about these areas

Topic- in Geography we will be learning out the European states as they existed before WW2


Other information-


We continue to rehearse for our Xmas production with many of the children doing very well in roles as narrators.

Saturday 15th December is the Christmas Fair, please come and support the school! Raffle tickets are currently on sale outside the Assembly Hall before and after school.