Welcome to Queen Elizabeth 2 Class

Image result for qe2 bridge

Welcome all Year 6 parents and pupils.

Class Teacher: Miss Blackford

Teaching assistants: Mrs Jackson & Mr Cellmer


Recommended reading books for Year 6:

Best Books for Year 6 | Ages 10-11 Recommended Reads | BooksForTopics

Expertly selected books for 9 and 10 year old children (lovereading4kids.co.uk)

Expertly selected books for 11, 12 and 13 year old children (lovereading4kids.co.uk)

Week beginning 19th September 2022

Computing | Cullompton Community College


It’s Computing week!

What are we learning this week?

English – 

This term, our English lessons will be based on the core text Rose Blanche, by Roberto Innocenti. Our learning objectives this week are:

  • To use formal and informal language correctly.
  • To respond to an illustration.
  • To write a character description.

Rose Blanche : McEwan, Ian, Innocenti, Roberto: Amazon.co.uk: Books

This half term, our class read will be Holes, by Louis Sachar.

Holes by Louis Sachar | WHSmith

Maths – 

  • Lesson 1
    Reasoning 2 Assessment (PIXL) and 144 quiz
    Lesson 2
    LO: I can use Cuisenaire rods to compare the structure of problems with one or two unknowns.
    Lesson 3
    LO: I can use models to solve problems that have two unknowns and one solution.
    Lesson 4​
    LO: I can apply models to sum-and-multiple problems.


Computing – 

This week, we shall be looking specifically at online safety. We shall be learning about cyberbullying, how to de-escalate digital drama and how to find our media balance.


PE – 

QE2 – Tuesdays and Wednesdays

Tower – Tuesdays and Fridays

Week beginning 12th September 2022


Map Skills - Lessons - Blendspace

It’s Geography week!

What are we learning this week?

English – 

This term, our English lessons will be based on the core text Rose Blanche, by Roberto Innocenti. Our learning objectives this week are:

  • To create a character profile.
  • To identify and evaluate the key features of a diary entry.
  • To edit an existing diary entry.
  • To plan a diary entry, using condensed notes.
  • To write a diary entry.
  • To edit and up-level my writing.

Rose Blanche : McEwan, Ian, Innocenti, Roberto: Amazon.co.uk: Books

This half term, our class read will be Holes, by Louis Sachar.

Holes by Louis Sachar | WHSmith

Maths – 

  • Lesson 1
    LO: I can round 7-digit numbers to the nearest hundred thousand and million.
    Lesson 2
    LO: I can round 7-digit numbers to any specific degree of accuracy.
    Lesson 3
    LO: I can apply previous knowledge to adding and subtracting using formal methods.
    Lesson 4
    LO: I can choose appropriate methods to solve calculations.
    Lesson 5
    LO: I can apply my knowledge to solve adding and subtraction calculations involving numbers up to 10,000,000.

Science –

This term, our topic will be all about Electricity! Our learning objective this week will be: To plan and carry out an investigation based on what affects the brightness of a bulb.

RHE – 


We shall be remembering the life of Queen Elizabeth II during our RHE lessons this week.

Geography – 

Lesson 1
LO:I can use 8 points on a compass confidently and accurately.
Lesson 2
LO: To use lines of longitude and latitude on an atlas map.
Lesson 3
LO: I can use 4-figure coordinates confidently to locate features on a map.
Lesson 4
LO: I can begin to use 6 figure grid references.

PE – 

QE2 – Tuesdays and Wednesdays

Tower – Tuesdays and Fridays

Week beginning 5th September 2022


Year 6 | St Joseph's Catholic Primary School, Warndon

A very warm welcome to you all. We can’t wait to get started!

Miss Blackford and Miss Mayley

What are we learning this week?

English – 

This term, our English lessons will be based on the core text Rose Blanche, by Roberto Innocenti. Our learning objectives this week are:

  • To use a range of descriptive vocabulary.
  • To engage in Book Talk by responding to an illustration.
  • To perform a poem.
  • To ask questions to improve my understanding.
  • To write a setting description.

Rose Blanche : McEwan, Ian, Innocenti, Roberto: Amazon.co.uk: Books

This half term, our class read will be Holes, by Louis Sachar.

Holes by Louis Sachar | WHSmith

Maths – 

  • LO: I can see patterns in other powers of then up to 1,000,000.
  • LO: I can read, write and identify numbers up to 10,000,000.
  • LO: I can compare up to seven digit numbers using <, > or =.
  • LO: I can compose and decompose a number.
  • LO: I can apply knowledge of crossing thousands to crossing boundaries involving millions.

Science –

This term, our topic will be all about Electricity! Our learning objective this week will be: To identify the key parts of a lightbulb.

PE – 

QE2 – Tuesdays and Wednesdays

Tower – Tuesdays and Fridays

A new school year begins!

Week beginning 4th July 2022

Welcome to Arts Week!

Newspaper Art Painting by Ritwika Das Gupta | Fine Art America

This week, our learning will revolve around the arts curriculum. We will be focusing on the following subjects: Art, Drama, Music and Dance.

What are we learning this week?

What is our class reading book?

We shall be starting our new class read, which is a fantastic choice for our year group who will be starting secondary school very soon. Can you see me? centres around 11-year-old Tally’s first experiences in her new school. Tally is also autistic and this book, by Libby Scott and Rebecca Westcott, incorporates diary entries from the main character to help the audience emphasise with the way that she views certain events. Can You See Me?: A powerful story of autism, empathy and kindness: Amazon.co.uk: Scott, Libby, Westcott, Rebecca: 9781407195674: Books

Music – 

  • To create a jingle on internet to introduce my podcast.
  • To create sound effects and voice over for story.
  • To retell a story.
  • To be able to record a podcast.
  • To be able to insert appropriate sound effects.


  • To develop empathy with, and understanding of, other people and the confidence needed to assume a role or character.
  • To plan and rehearse a traditional tale, with a twist.
  • To work co-operatively with others.
  • To offer and receive constructive criticism.

RE/Art – 

We shall be taking part in the Spirited Arts competition. Our focus this year is, ‘A view of the world’.

Science – 

  • To identify how animals have adapted to suit their environment in different ways and that adaption may lead to evolution.

RHE – 

Our learning intentions are:

  • I can explain how girls’ and boys’ bodies change during puberty and understand the  importance of looking after yourself physically and emotionally.
  • I can express how I feel about the changes that will happen to me during puberty.


Other foundation subjects taught this week:

Art, Spanish, and PE.


Week beginning 27th June 2022


What are we learning this week?

English – 

This week, we shall be introducing Orange for the Sunsets, by Tina Athaide, into our English lessons.

Orange for the Sunsets : Athaide, Tina: Amazon.co.uk: Books

Our learning objectives this week are:

  • To write an informal letter
  • To retell the key events of a story
  • To write a formal letter
  • To create an engaging blurb for our core text
  • To write a newspaper report
  • To write a poem
  • To use key vocabulary from my core text to create an engaging wordsearch

What is our class reading book?

We shall be starting our new class read, which is a fantastic choice for our year group who will be starting secondary school very soon. Can you see me? centres around 11-year-old Tally’s first experiences in her new school. Tally is also autistic and this book, by Libby Scott and Rebecca Westcott, incorporates diary entries from the main character to help the audience emphasise with the way that she views certain events. Can You See Me?: A powerful story of autism, empathy and kindness: Amazon.co.uk: Scott, Libby, Westcott, Rebecca: 9781407195674: Books

Maths – 

  • To describe the relationship between two factors (in a ratio context)
  • To use multiplication and division to calculate unknown values (two variables)
  • To use multiplication and division to calculate unknown values (three variables)
  • To explain how to use a ratio grid to calculate unknown values
  • To explain how to use multiplication to solve correspondence problems
  • To use their knowledge of multiplication and division to solve scaling problems in a range of contexts​

Science – 

  • To identify how animals have adapted to suit their environment in different ways and that adaption may lead to evolution.

RE – 

We shall be looking at the unit of pilgrimage.

RHE – 

Our learning intentions are:

  • I am aware of my own self-image and how my body image fits into that.
  • I know how to develop my own self esteem.

PE – 

This term, we are working on co-ordination and static balance.


Other foundation subjects taught this week:

Art, Spanish, and PE.


Week beginning 20th June 2022


What are we learning this week?

English – 

This week, we shall be introducing Orange for the Sunsets, by Tina Athaide, into our English lessons.

Orange for the Sunsets : Athaide, Tina: Amazon.co.uk: Books

Our learning objectives this week are:

  • To engage in Book Talk.
  • To answer questions to improve my understanding.
  • To evaluate character development.
  • To use a range of appropriate, descriptive vocabulary.

What is our class reading book?

We shall be starting our new class read, which is a fantastic choice for our year group who will be starting secondary school very soon. Can you see me? centres around 11-year-old Tally’s first experiences in her new school. Tally is also autistic and this book, by Libby Scott and Rebecca Westcott, incorporates diary entries from the main character to help the audience emphasise with the way that she views certain events. Can You See Me?: A powerful story of autism, empathy and kindness:  Amazon.co.uk: Scott, Libby, Westcott, Rebecca: 9781407195674: Books


Science – 

We shall be starting our new topic, Evolution and Inheritance. This week, we shall be learning that living things have changed over time and that fossils provide information about living things that inhabited the earth millions of years ago.

PE – 

This term, we are working on co-ordination and static balance.


Other foundation subjects taught this week:

Art, Spanish, and PE.


Week beginning 23rd May 2022


What are we learning this week?

English – 

This week, we shall be continuing our new text, Shackleton’s Journey, by William Grill.

Shackleton's Journey (Hardcover Picture Book - Flying Eye) - WordUnited

Our English lesson learning objectives this week are:

  • To identify the key features of a motivational speech.
  • To write a motivational speech.
  • To edit and up-level my writing.

What is our class reading book?

We shall be starting our new text, Orange for the Sunsets, by Tina Athaide. We were very lucky to have a live Zoom session with her on World Book Day, where she introduced the book to us.

Orange for the Sunsets : Athaide, Tina: Amazon.co.uk: Books


Science – 

We shall be starting our new topic, Evolution and Inheritance. This week, we shall be eliciting our existing knowledge about this week.


PE – 

This term, we are working on co-ordination and static balance.

Computing – 

To create and design a year book.

History – 

To compare role of the Queen to previous monarchs.


Other foundation subjects taught this week:

Art, Spanish, and PE.


Week beginning 16th May 2022


What are we learning this week?

English – 

This week, we shall be starting our brand new text, Shackleton’s Journey, by William Grill.

Shackleton's Journey (Hardcover Picture Book - Flying Eye) - WordUnited

Our English lesson learning objectives this week are:

  • To ask questions to improve my understanding.
  • To build a character profile.
  • To write a fact file based on my research.

What is our class reading book?

We shall be starting our new text, Orange for the Sunsets, by Tina Athaide. We were very lucky to have a live Zoom session with her on World Book Day, where she introduced the book to us.

Orange for the Sunsets : Athaide, Tina: Amazon.co.uk: Books


  • To identify factors and multiples of a number
  • To identify squared and cubed numbers
  • To identify prime factors of a number
  • To complete problem solving challenges using reasoning

Science – 

We shall be starting our new topic, Evolution and Inheritance. This week, we shall be eliciting our existing knowledge about this week.

Spanish – 

We shall be starting our new topic talking about School!

PE – 

This term, we are working on co-ordination and static balance.

Computing – 

To create and design a year book.


Week beginning 3rd May 2022


What are we learning this week?

English – 

In our English lessons, we shall still be using a range of different adaptations to understand the story of Macbeth. In our daily Reading lessons, we shall use supplementary texts. This weeks supplementary texts will be a mixture of Shakespeare’s sonnets and non-fiction texts about: the Tudors, the theatre, newspaper reports about Shakespeare and Shakespeare – himself.

Shakespeare Stories: Amazon.co.uk: Leon Garfield, Michael Foreman: 9780140389388: Books  Macbeth The Graphic Novel: Plain Text British English: Amazon.co.uk: William Shakespeare, Clive Bryant, Jon Haward, Gary Erskine, John McDonald, Karen Wenborn, Nigel Dobbyn, Jo Wheeler: Books  Macbeth (A Shakespeare Story): Amazon.co.uk: Andrew Matthews, William Shakespeare, Tony Ross: 8601200716023: Books

Our English lesson learning objectives this week are:

  • To identify and evaluate the key features of a balanced argument.
  • To plan a balanced argument.
  • To write a balanced argument.
  • To edit and up-level my writing.

What is our class reading book?

Since we are studying the Shakespeare classic Macbeth, we have decided to read from a collection of Shakespeare short stories, by Andrew Matthews. Each week, the children in Year 6 vote for which two of the Shakespeare short stories that they would like to listen to. Afterwards, we shall be looking to identifying similarities and differences across the collection.



  • Revision of Y6 Maths objectives.

Science – 

Continuing with our unit, Living Things and their Habitats, we shall be planning our investigation as to what affects the growth of mould.


Foundation subjects to be taught this week:

Art, PE, RE (Eid) and Spanish