Welcome to Queen Elizabeth 2 Class

Image result for qe2 bridge

Welcome all Year 6 parents and pupils.

Class Teacher: Miss Blackford

Teaching assistants: Mrs Jackson & Mr Cellmer


Recommended reading books for Year 6:

Best Books for Year 6 | Ages 10-11 Recommended Reads | BooksForTopics

Expertly selected books for 9 and 10 year old children (lovereading4kids.co.uk)

Expertly selected books for 11, 12 and 13 year old children (lovereading4kids.co.uk)

Week beginning 21st June 2021

What are we learning this week?

English – We shall be writing in role, creating good luck charms, taking part in role play as our ship sets sail.

Maths – We shall be looking at the volume of cuboids and nets.

Science – We shall be looking at inheritance, specifically which features offspring may inherit from their parents.

History – We shall be investigating and interpreting the past. In addition, our learning questions is: What can we learn about Benin society from images and artefacts that have survived?

RE – We shall be continuing to take part in the Spiritual Arts competition. Our theme, which we have chosen, is ‘inspiring’.

PE – Tower will have PE on Tuesday and Wednesday this week. QE2 will have PE on Tuesday and Thursday.


What is our class read?

Excitingly, we will be starting our new class read this week! It is called ‘Can you see me?’ by Libby Scott. Here is the blurb:

With diary entries written by 11-year-old Libby Scott, based on her own experiences of autism, this pioneering book, written in collaboration with esteemed author Rebecca Westcott, has been widely praised for its realistic portrayal of autism.

Tally is 11 years old, and she’s just like her friends. Well, sometimes she is. If she tries really hard to be. Because there’s something that makes Tally not the same as her friends. Something she can’t cover up, no matter how hard she tries: Tally is autistic.

Tally’s autism means there are things that bother her even though she wishes they didn’t. It means that some people misunderstand her and feel frustrated by her.

People think that because Tally’s autistic, she doesn’t realise what they’re thinking, but Tally sees and hears – and notices – all of it. And, honestly? That’s not the easiest thing to live with. 

Endearing, insightful and warmly uplifting, Can You See Me? is a story of autism, empathy and kindness that will touch listeners of all ages.

Should children wish to buy a copy to read alongside us, here is a link to the book on Amazon (Can You See Me?: A powerful story of autism, empathy and kindness: Amazon.co.uk: Scott, Libby, Westcott, Rebecca: 9781407195674: Books)

Virtual author visit

Spring 2019 Flying Starts: Tina Athaide

To wrap up our previous class text, the lovely author – Tina Athaide- will be answering some of our questions that have been written by the Year 6 children.

Key dates

Provisional – 16th July – Year 6 Leavers Disco (More information will be sent out in due course). 

Week beginning 14th June 2021

Welcome to Computing and DT Week (Part 2)!

Computing Research Degrees - PhD - 2021/22 Entry | Birmingham City University

This week, during our foundation lessons, Tower Class will be embarking on an exciting Computing project entitled ‘We are Travel Writers’.

In QE2 Class, we shall be starting our DT project of designing, creating and evaluating our own pop-up books!

Pop-ups: A “movable” feast of deliciously dazzling books


Our learning objectives this week are:

English – This week, we shall be applying for a job on Shackleton’s crew. We shall be looking at CVs and writing our own personal statements. Then, we shall be taking part in job interviews. Hopefully, we are successful!

Class reading book – This week, brings our class read to an end.

Orange for the Sunsets: Amazon.co.uk: Athaide, Tina: Books


Maths – We shall be looking at statistics this week – specifically pie charts and line graphs.

Science – This week, we shall be learning about how animals adapt to suit and survive in their environment.

RE – We shall start learning and designing our art project, as part of Croydon’s ‘Spirited Arts’ competition.

QE2 – Tuesdays and Thursdays

Tower – Tuesdays and Wednesdays

Please remember to wear your full PE kit on days that you have a PE lesson.




Week beginning 7th June 2021

Sports Week (TV Series 2016– ) - IMDb

This week, to celebrate Sports Week we shall be promoting how to live a healthy lifestyle. We will be completing a range of activities associated with this.

Our learning objectives this week are:


We shall be researching Shackleton’s crew and writing and editing our fact files. We shall be looking at applying for a job aboard the ship.

Class reading book – 

Orange for the Sunsets: Amazon.co.uk: Athaide, Tina: Books


Maths – We shall be finishing long division this week.

Science – We shall be looking at Darwin’s finches and conducting an investigation to find out which tool (simulating finches’ beaks) is the most appropriate for a task (transporting food) and why.


QE2 – will need to wear their PE kits on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday this week.

Tower – will need to wear their PE kits on Tuesday and Friday this week.

Please remember to wear your full PE kit on days that you have a PE lesson.

History – We shall be starting our new topic about the Kingdom of Benin. In this lesson, we will be looking at the chronology of different civilisations throughout history.


Key dates – 

11th June – Sports afternoon

Spanish Competition – June 2021

Week beginning 24th May 2021

Happy Half Term Holiday! | First Class Supply

Our learning objectives this week are:


Excitingly, we shall be moving on to our new text, whose name shall be unveiled after half term. This week, we shall be conducting a cover study, writing a recount and creating character profiles.

Class reading book – 

Orange for the Sunsets: Amazon.co.uk: Athaide, Tina: Books


Maths – We shall be looking at long division this week.

Science – We shall be looking at Darwin’s finches and conducting an investigation to find out which tool (simulating finches’ beaks) is the most appropriate for a task (transporting food) and why.


QE2 – Tuesdays and Thursdays

Tower – Tuesdays and Wednesdays

Please remember to wear your full PE kit on days that you have a PE lesson.

Music – We shall be composing a school song.

RE – We shall be looking at what the main place of pilgrimage is for the Hindu community?


Key dates – 

7th June – Inset day

8th June – Children return to school


Week beginning 17th May 2021

Welcome to Computing and DT Week (1)!

Computing Research Degrees - PhD - 2021/22 Entry | Birmingham City  University

This week, during our foundation lessons, QE2 Class will be embarking on an exciting Computing project entitled ‘We are Travel Writers’.

In Tower Class, we shall be starting our DT project of designing, creating and evaluating our own pop-up books!

Pop-ups: A “movable” feast of deliciously dazzling books

After half term, the classes will swap their projects.

Our learning objectives this week are:

English – We shall be finishing our substitution stories. We have been focusing on building atmosphere and describing settings. Additionally, we have been reviewing appropriate vocabulary choices and how to edit and up-level our writing effectively. Sadly, this will bring our unit on Macbeth to a close. Due to the focus on developing our inferential skills, the next title of our book will not feature on our blog until the children have been introduced to it in class. We can’t wait to share it with you.

Shakespeare Stories: Amazon.co.uk: Leon Garfield, Michael Foreman: 9780140389388: Books  Macbeth The Graphic Novel: Plain Text British English: Amazon.co.uk: William Shakespeare, Clive Bryant, Jon Haward, Gary Erskine, John McDonald, Karen Wenborn, Nigel Dobbyn, Jo Wheeler: Books  Macbeth (A Shakespeare Story): Amazon.co.uk: Andrew Matthews, William Shakespeare, Tony Ross: 8601200716023: Books

Class reading book – 

Orange for the Sunsets: Amazon.co.uk: Athaide, Tina: Books


Maths – We shall be revisiting the Year 6 Maths objectives for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Please make sure your child completes any existing tasks on Mathletics.

Science – To recognise that living things have changed over time and that fossils provide information about living things that inhabited the earth millions of years ago.


QE2 – Tuesdays and Thursdays

Tower – Tuesdays and Wednesdays

Please remember to wear your full PE kit on days that you have a PE lesson.




Week beginning 10th May 2021

Teaching Strategies & Learning Styles for Kids with ADHD

Our learning objectives this week are:

English – We shall be identifying what makes a good substitution story, planning and writing a substitution story and focusing on editing and up-levelling our writing.

Shakespeare Stories: Amazon.co.uk: Leon Garfield, Michael Foreman: 9780140389388: Books  Macbeth The Graphic Novel: Plain Text British English: Amazon.co.uk: William Shakespeare, Clive Bryant, Jon Haward, Gary Erskine, John McDonald, Karen Wenborn, Nigel Dobbyn, Jo Wheeler: Books  Macbeth (A Shakespeare Story): Amazon.co.uk: Andrew Matthews, William Shakespeare, Tony Ross: 8601200716023: Books

Class reading book – 

Orange for the Sunsets: Amazon.co.uk: Athaide, Tina: Books


Maths – We shall be revisiting the Year 6 Maths objectives for addition and subtraction. Please make sure your child completes any existing tasks on Mathletics.

Science – We shall be evaluating our investigation into what affects the growth of mould.


QE2 – Tuesdays and Thursdays

Tower – Tuesdays and Wednesdays

Please remember to wear your full PE kit on days that you have a PE lesson.

Geography – We shall comparing life in the UK vs Japan.

RHE – We shall be continuing with our learning about reproduction of a plant.

Music – We shall be composing a school song.

RE – We shall be looking at pilgrimage.



Week beginning 3rd May 2021

Instagram photo by Tamsyn Morgans • May 1, 2016 at 6:37am UTC | Bullet  journal ideeën, Seizoenen, Lente boeket

Our learning objectives this week are:

English – We shall be evaluating Leon Garfield’s adaptation of Macbeth, writing poetry based on the story and identifying what makes a good substitution story.

Shakespeare Stories: Amazon.co.uk: Leon Garfield, Michael Foreman: 9780140389388: Books  Macbeth The Graphic Novel: Plain Text British English: Amazon.co.uk: William Shakespeare, Clive Bryant, Jon Haward, Gary Erskine, John McDonald, Karen Wenborn, Nigel Dobbyn, Jo Wheeler: Books  Macbeth (A Shakespeare Story): Amazon.co.uk: Andrew Matthews, William Shakespeare, Tony Ross: 8601200716023: Books

Class reading book – 

Orange for the Sunsets: Amazon.co.uk: Athaide, Tina: Books


Maths – We shall be continuing to revisit and secure our number and place value knowledge.

Science – We shall be starting our new topic of Evolution and Inheritance.


QE2 – Tuesdays and Thursdays

Tower – Tuesdays and Wednesdays

Please remember to wear your full PE kit on days that you have a PE lesson.

Geography – We shall comparing life in the UK vs Japan.

RHE – We shall be continuing with our learning about reproduction.

Music – We shall be composing a school song.

RE – We shall be looking at pilgrimage.


Key dates:

Parents’ evening this week will be held 4th May – 7th May. Please check your emails for your School Cloud link.

Week beginning 26th April 2021

Check out what we are learning! - St. John Paul II Regional School

Our learning objectives this week are:

English – We shall be planning, writing and editing our newspaper reports. Once complete, we shall be reviewing Garfield’s adaptation of Macbeth.

Shakespeare Stories: Amazon.co.uk: Leon Garfield, Michael Foreman: 9780140389388: Books  Macbeth The Graphic Novel: Plain Text British English: Amazon.co.uk: William Shakespeare, Clive Bryant, Jon Haward, Gary Erskine, John McDonald, Karen Wenborn, Nigel Dobbyn, Jo Wheeler: Books  Macbeth (A Shakespeare Story): Amazon.co.uk: Andrew Matthews, William Shakespeare, Tony Ross: 8601200716023: Books

Class reading book – 

Orange for the Sunsets: Amazon.co.uk: Athaide, Tina: Books

A soaring tale of empathy, hope, and resilience, Tina Athaide’s unforgettable middle grade debut follows two friends whose lives are transformed by Idi Amin’s decision to expel Indians from Uganda in 1972.

Twelve-year-old Asha and her best friend, Yesofu, never cared about the differences between them: Indian. African. Girl. Boy. Short. Tall. But when Ugandan President Idi Amin announces that Indians have ninety days to leave the country, suddenly those differences are the only things that people in Entebbe can see—not the shared after-school samosas or Asha cheering for Yesofu at every cricket game.

Determined for her life to stay the same, Asha clings to her world tighter than ever before. But Yesofu is torn, pulled between his friends, his family, and a promise that could bring his dreams of university within reach. Now, as neighbors leave and soldiers line the streets, the two friends find that nothing seems sure—not even their friendship. And with only days before the deadline, Asha and Yesofu must decide if the bravest thing of all might be to let each other go.

Maths – We shall be continuing to revisit and secure our number and place value knowledge.

Science – We shall be carrying out our investigation and learning about what affects the growth of mould.


QE2 – Tuesdays and Thursdays

Tower – Tuesdays and Wednesdays

Please remember to wear your full PE kit on days that you have a PE lesson.

Geography – We shall be looking at Japanese culture over the next two weeks.

RHE – We shall be continuing with our learning about reproduction.

Music – We shall be composing a school song.

RE – We shall be looking at pilgrimage.


Key dates:

Don’t forget to book your parents’ evening appointment via School Cloud by the 30th April. Like the Autumn Term, appointments will be with both class teachers. Please check School Cloud for the available dates and times.

Week beginning 19th April 2021

Year 6 Summer Term information | Clover Hill Primary School

Our learning objectives this week are:

English – We shall be using thought bubbles and freezeframes to explore characterisation, using book talk, writing a character profile in role as another character, identifying and evaluating the key features of a news report and, finally, planning a newspaper report.

Shakespeare Stories: Amazon.co.uk: Leon Garfield, Michael Foreman: 9780140389388: Books  Macbeth The Graphic Novel: Plain Text British English: Amazon.co.uk: William Shakespeare, Clive Bryant, Jon Haward, Gary Erskine, John McDonald, Karen Wenborn, Nigel Dobbyn, Jo Wheeler: Books  Macbeth (A Shakespeare Story): Amazon.co.uk: Andrew Matthews, William Shakespeare, Tony Ross: 8601200716023: Books

Class reading book – 

Orange for the Sunsets: Amazon.co.uk: Athaide, Tina: Books

A soaring tale of empathy, hope, and resilience, Tina Athaide’s unforgettable middle grade debut follows two friends whose lives are transformed by Idi Amin’s decision to expel Indians from Uganda in 1972.

Twelve-year-old Asha and her best friend, Yesofu, never cared about the differences between them: Indian. African. Girl. Boy. Short. Tall. But when Ugandan President Idi Amin announces that Indians have ninety days to leave the country, suddenly those differences are the only things that people in Entebbe can see—not the shared after-school samosas or Asha cheering for Yesofu at every cricket game.

Determined for her life to stay the same, Asha clings to her world tighter than ever before. But Yesofu is torn, pulled between his friends, his family, and a promise that could bring his dreams of university within reach. Now, as neighbors leave and soldiers line the streets, the two friends find that nothing seems sure—not even their friendship. And with only days before the deadline, Asha and Yesofu must decide if the bravest thing of all might be to let each other go.

Maths – We shall be revisiting and securing our number and place value knowledge.

Science – We shall be planning our very own investigation.


QE2 – Tuesdays and Thursdays

Tower – Tuesdays and Wednesdays

Please remember to wear your full PE kit on days that you have a PE lesson.

Geography – We shall be looking at Japanese culture over the next two weeks.

RHE – We shall be continuing with our learning about reproduction.

Music – We shall be composing a school song.

RE – We shall be looking at pilgrimage.